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Questions tagged [doom]

Doom is a configuration framework for GNU Emacs tailored for users who want less framework in their frameworks and the performance of a hand rolled config (or better). It can be a foundation for your own config or a resource for Emacs enthusiasts to learn more about our favorite OS.

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0 answers

Wrong type argument: symbolp, 'yas-minor-mode

Whenever I type, Emacs gives me the warning 'wrong type argument: symbolp, 'yas-minor-mode'.
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1 answer

How to create abbreviation like `fr<Tab>` for '\frac{}{}' in `org-cdlatex-mode`?

I want to know how can I make an abbreviation like fr, where fr<Tab> will create \frac{}{} in the math environment. I try to make an abbreviation for lim, where lim<Tab> will create \lim{} ...
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2 answers

Doom - setting code formatter for specific file type

How can I change formatter used for specific file type in doom-emacs format module? So far I've been happy with using mostly doom defaults and haven't gotten into writing custom configurations and ...
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1 answer

Evil cursor goes back up to previous line in REPL

In jupeter-repl-mode, when the cursor is on an empty line, right next to the prompt, exiting Evil insert state moves the cursor back to the previous line. I solved this like this: ;;; Fix cursor going ...
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1 answer

Footnote-like custom function for org-roam-insert

I am trying to make a custom function for org-roam which inserts footnote-like links in the current note. The idea is to insert links on this way The logistic regression [fn:20200612000001]... * ...
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1 answer

Weird files created with names like #855802604d9cc05c0e85b4d1e08f1bc8d72940a3#

I've been using doom emacs and magit along with tramp, and I noticed that copies of the files in the repo have been created in the same folder where the original files are, and they have these weird ...
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1 answer

Haskell-mode in Doom emacs returns: 'Error running hook "lsp!" because (invalid-function lsp!)'

I am running Xmonad window manager together with Xmobar on ArchLinux 5.14.12-arch1-1. I have ghc, cabal, and stack installed. Suddenly Doom has started having a problem with Haskell files and is ...
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0 answers

'fr<Tab>' doesn't expand at all

I'm trying to take lecture notes using org-mode and cdlatex-mode. The problem I meet is when I try to use Tab to expand fr it doesn't expand correctly. \(fr<Tab>\) will become \(\begin{frame}[]\...
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1 answer

Cannot enable FACE attributes with (custom-theme-set-faces!)

config.el (custom-theme-set-faces! 'doom-ir-black '(mode-line :foreground "blue") ;;'(mode-line :foreground t) ;; also doesn't work ;;'(mode-line :foreground "#000000&...
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1 answer

Org-sidebar doesn't do what it's supposed to. Should I expect to get it to work?

I'm new to emacs. I installed the package org-sidebar using (package! org-sidebar) and (use-package org-sidebar) in doom emacs. I then open org-sidebar-tree in my buffer. According to the ...
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2 answers

remap vim keybinding

Writing LaTeX in evil, I’d like to remap :w (the usual write command in vim) to TeX-command-run-all, which writes and compiles. How can this be accomplished?
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Running emacs in batch mode from command line doesn't work

Does anyone know if ox-koma-export.el can be invoked from command line: emacs --batch -e '(org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf)' Should emacs in general be universally reproducible from command ...
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2 answers

How to use doom emacs as a golang ide quickly?

I installed the newest doom emacs on macOS. Also configed language packages as $ emacs ~/.doom.d/init.el :lang (go +lsp) :tools lsp $ ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom sync When I open a .go file, the code became ...
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0 answers

How to implement commands working only in evil-snipe mode?

Good day, I am using doom emacs on a new Mac OS. I want to implement some functions using evil-snipe and it's underlying navigation mechanism. I implemented the following repeat function: (evil-define-...
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1 answer

Avy snipe-repeated command execution. Replacement only of the current candidate or jump further

Good day, I am using doom-emacs on Mac OS. I want to implement a new feature, using avy commands, but without the letter selection, but an immediate jump. Much like evil snipe command. Instead of ...
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1 answer

In Doom Emacs, when cursor is highlighting a line, it indents a few pixels in. How to turn off the indent and just do line highlighting?

I can't find a setting to turn off that small pixel indentation when cursor is highlighting the line you're on. It makes it hard to try to type text to align when the line itself is indented a few ...
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0 answers

ispell not working with Hunspell on Doom Emacs

So, I used to use aspell, but now I want to use hunspell. I'm a Doom Emacs user, so I there might be a specific setting I need to set that I haven't set. Not sure. I have hunspell installed with a GB ...
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1 answer

How can I get doom-modeline to show the correct number of new emails?

Doom-modeline has a feature where it shows the number of new emails you have. But for some reason, they're capped at 99, so the modeline always shows 99+, no matter what. How can I get this to show ...
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1 answer

flycheck can't find header file even though flycheck-clang-include-path configured

I am using Doom Emacs as my editor for C. I'm trying to use glib in my C project and for that I'm including glib.h. I have added the include dirs displayed by pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 to flycheck-...
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1 answer

File mode specification error: (void-variable lsp-csharp--action-client-find-references)

I'm using doom emacs. my ~/.doom.d/config.el is - (use-package! lsp-mode :hook (haskell-mode . lsp) :commands lsp) (use-package! lsp-ui :commands lsp-ui-mode) (use-package! lsp-haskell :after ...
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1 answer

Setting correct flycheck checker with Python's poetry in Doom Emacs

I have a Python project managed with Poetry. Poetry creates virtual environments in ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/ where all the dependencies are installed, including pylint. This means that if I want ...
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1 answer

How to define Shfit+Ctrl keybinding?

I can't seem to press S-C-c - it gets registered as C-c... Why? I can't even think of any reason why this type of situation would come about? UPDATE: it seems like evil vim keybindings are to blame......
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1 answer

smtpmail-smtp-service defaults to 25 in Doom Emacs [Solved]

I'm having trouble setting up mu4e. My configuration in config.el: (require 'smtpmail) (setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it starttls-use-gnutls t smtpmail-stream-type 'starttls ...
2 votes
1 answer

org mode TAB doesn't unfold headings

I have the strangest problem - ever since reinstalling Doom I can only fold org headings but then they're stuck folded.. TAB doen't do anything, although I did check and it's still bound to org-cycle.....
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2 answers

EMMS: browse by folders

Is there a way in EMMS that I can browse by folders, instead of artists? I can use smart browse to open a buffer that can add songs to the playlist. That buffer opens by artists, how can I change it ...
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1 answer

Doom Emacs not inserting citep references into LaTeX document

I'm new to using LaTeX for writing papers and I'm trying to get a workflow going using LaTeX in Doom Emacs on Arch Linux (all the required texlive packages having first been installed via pacman). ...
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1 answer

Adding a pattern to compilation-error-regexp-alist

I'm using the latest Doom Emacs on Emacs 27 with this config: I have this code to run a bloop command (like bloop ...
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1 answer

ipython shell syntax error with "?" in string in `python-shell-send-string`

When in the IPython shell, ?open returns help on the "open" function. But when I send it with python-shell-send-string it throws a syntax error saying "?" is not recognised. I can ...
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1 answer

How can I display tabs and spaces in Doom Emacs?

I have tried M-x whitespace-mode but it does not do anything.
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1 answer

pdf-tools: could not determine link -lib interface

While trying to install pdf-tools on doom emacs (28.2) on Termux android, I get this error: -*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2/pdf-tools/build/server/...
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1 answer

evil-delete doesn't work as expected. Deletion of whitespaces doesn't work

I am using doom emacs on Mac OS. I am trying to create a clean up whitespace function: (evil-define-operator my/clean-whitespace (beg end type register count yank-handler) "Change a word." ...
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1 answer

completion and goto-function in matlab-mode

I've been working with matlab-mode and matlab-shell for the last few days, and I'm really digging it so far. The only two things I can't get to work properly are completion - neither in shell, nor in ....
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1 answer

GTK segfault when using xwidgetson emacs27.2

Im trying to use emacs-27.2 with xwidgets support on a Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS x86_64 machine.Im using a doom emacs config but every time i launch application that needs xwidgets support (i.e org-roam-ui ) ...
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1 answer

EPA: epa-file doesn't find recipients when saving encrypted journal, but is listed with M-x epa-file-select-keys

I'm using doom, working with an encrypted org-journal and keys configured from a yubikey. Opening/decrypting the journal works fine but after entering a new entry and trying to save, epa-file is ...
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0 answers

How to create evil-snipe like transient state? Use all keys as usual, except the custom ones repeating the last command

I am using doom emacs on Mac OS. I want to know how I could create a function with transient state functionality like in evil-snipe mode. For example, let's say I want to have a repeated zap-up-to-...
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1 answer

Emacs not showing inline images, I created with doom emacs with org-download

I have an org-file, which I started with doom emacs using org-download clipboard. This results in attachment files like this: When in doom emacs, I can do org-inline-images (org click on it) and it ...
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1 answer

Replying to all recipients with Notmuch and msmtp

I have tested sending an email to multiple recipients with Notmuch through msmtp and it works. I can also copy all recipients of email to kill-ring (via notmuch-show-stash-to), no problem. However, ...
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1 answer

C++ Header Autocompletion in Doom Emacs

I have the following init file: :tools ;;ansible ;;debugger ; FIXME stepping through code, to help you add bugs ;;direnv ;;docker ;;editorconfig ; let ...
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0 answers

M-Q, command Q not mappable on a mac [duplicate]

I am using doom-emacs on a Mac (Mac silicon). I am trying to map some function to M-Q key on a mac, but somehow it executes some weird commands. I can't even search the command to which it is bound ...
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1 answer

Store sessions on idle and use specific name for each stored session

I usually have multiple instances of doom emacs running (one for every project). I use this line in my config to save the session of each instance after 10 seconds idle time. (run-with-idle-timer 10 t ...
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1 answer

Slow start-up in MS Windows and relation to the Windows registry

I am using Doom in MS Windows with Emacs 27.2. I am experiencing some very slow start-up times (I included the output of benchmark-init/show-duration-tree at the end). Also, the first actions I ...
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1 answer

How to open a eshell buffer in a different window in doom emacs?

I want to open an eshell buffer in right side of the current window in the same frame.
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1 answer

Why is Doom Emacs GUI not accepting keyboard input?

Noob question. I downloaded Doom Emacs following the installation instructions in the documentation. Now when I run the emacs command, it opens up the Doom Emacs window. Unfortunately, as I try ...
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2 answers

FiraCode font not rendering italics

I have been trying to get FiraCode to work inside of Doom Emacs and have mostly succeeded. Everything works except for italics, even bold and ligatures are fine strangely enough. When I switch to ...
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1 answer

Highlight single character at column 80

I am trying to highlight just a single character on a line when it is on the 80th column mark. I am using Doom Emacs, which did it on in on a previous Emacs version, but I updated my operating system,...
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2 answers

How can a function be used as an alist value but be evaluated before its value is used?

I am using Chemacs2 and I want to set an environment variable in the .emacs-profiles.el, eg To clarify the problem .emacs-profiles.el is not executed it is read and I have updated the post with a ...
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1 answer

overlay makes text unreadable -- where does it come from? Overlay face is "undefined face"

There is an overlay making parts of stack traces in my inferior python buffers very difficult to read: I would like to change the coloring of the yellow part of line 42. If I run M-x describe-char ...
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Doom emacs dired +ranger not obeying evil-mode

I am using doom emacs and in my init file I have (dired +ranger) The problem is when I open dired, I cannot press tab to select for example. I have first to toggle off evil-mode. If I do, I lose all ...
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How do you troubleshoot an .el file not loading even though it's on load-path filepath?

I've copied a file to a path that's definitely listed in load-path symbol. But the file doesn't get loaded when running emacs with --debug-init flag. How would you find out what causes it? It uses ...
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1 answer

Doom Emacs start-up problems

Running Doom Emacs 2.0.9 on Emacs 27.1. In my init.el I have org-roam enabled like so: :lang (org +roam +journal) In my config.el I also load org-habits, hide it in initial agenda view and set-up a ...

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