Questions tagged [doom]

Doom is a configuration framework for GNU Emacs tailored for users who want less framework in their frameworks and the performance of a hand rolled config (or better). It can be a foundation for your own config or a resource for Emacs enthusiasts to learn more about our favorite OS.

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Does `get-char-property-and-overlay(nil org-image-overlay)` mean that the first argument was nil or `org-image-overlay`?

I've spent over 20 hours trying to solve an issue with org-mode loading. I've stepped through the code until it reached a function that stack trace indicates fails due to one of the arguments being ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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Bad closing bracket indentation for electric-pair in python

I am getting the wrong indentation for closing braces when I use electric-pair mode in python. For example, if I place the cursor (|) like so : for i in range(10): foo = [|] and hit return, then ...
SLesslyTall's user avatar
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Yas-snippets not showing dropdown suggestions for python(only)

As the title says Yas snippets don't show a suggestion dropbox when in python mode.I can still tab complete the snippets(just no suggestions). It works as expected in other modes(tried in latex,org ...
je2144's user avatar
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Org-Mode links opening in new splits?

I'm a bit stuck. I want to open new splits (windows within a frame to be precise) with each link I'm visiting. A bit like going down the rabbit hole. What I have is 1 | 2 and it bounces back between ...
Voodoopants's user avatar
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How to open a eshell buffer in a different window in doom emacs?

I want to open an eshell buffer in right side of the current window in the same frame.
Biswanath's user avatar
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org-mode headings renders markdown link syntax of inner code block, how to prevent it from happening?

I am using Doom Emacs with bundled org-mode and markdown-mode. I have org-mode text snippet like this: *** test **** **** block #+begin_src #+end_src **** ...
kyanny's user avatar
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How do you troubleshoot an .el file not loading even though it's on load-path filepath?

I've copied a file to a path that's definitely listed in load-path symbol. But the file doesn't get loaded when running emacs with --debug-init flag. How would you find out what causes it? It uses ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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Hard wrap in Doom Emacs

I'm trying Doom Emacs and immediately miss my hard wrap after 80 cols such as (setq-default fill-column 80) (setf fill-column 80) (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook #'auto-fill-mode) (add-hook 'prolog-mode-...
pahohu's user avatar
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Helm see options for opening a file

I'm new to emacs and using Spacemacs Doom. I pressed SPC f r t of find recent files and I used the arrow keys to select the one I want. Now I want to see what options I have for opening it (open in ...
Zaz's user avatar
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In Doomemacs how to get "SPC q l" to automatically run the moment doom loads after I run "emacs .&" from command line

On my linux box when I run emacs .& from the command line, inside a folder it opens up and displays that folders contents via Dired. I need to either: display the Doom landing screen instead of ...
thefonso's user avatar
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flycheck can't find header file even though flycheck-clang-include-path configured

I am using Doom Emacs as my editor for C. I'm trying to use glib in my C project and for that I'm including glib.h. I have added the include dirs displayed by pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 to flycheck-...
Johnny's user avatar
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How to not fold everything when opening an org mode file?

The default behavior of emacs is to unfold everything when opening an org mode file, I want to prevent this from happening sense my org mode files have a lot of text to be hidden. Whenever I open an ...
Mikelenjilo's user avatar
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ispell-init-process: Error: The encoding "nil" is not known

ispell-init-process fails When I try to correct a word with ispell, I got the following error: ispell-init-process: Error: The encoding "nil" is not known. This could also mean that the file ...
Takuma Yoneda's user avatar
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How to define Shfit+Ctrl keybinding?

I can't seem to press S-C-c - it gets registered as C-c... Why? I can't even think of any reason why this type of situation would come about? UPDATE: it seems like evil vim keybindings are to blame......
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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Doom Emacs kill-word binding

My keybindings say I can hit C-<delete> to run kill-word. This does not seem to work for me. When I hit C-<delete> it only delete a single character to the right of my cursor. How can I ...
gdonald's user avatar
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How to always use tabs when pressing the tab key?

I use an indentation sensitive language (imba) and I need to always use tabs. I'm using doom emacs and I'm also writing a wip major mode for Imba. But I press tab and it adds indentation using tabs (a ...
Abdellah Stands with Gaza's user avatar
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How to present my semantic search model results in minibuffer to select them and open file?

I have an org-roam directory where I keep all my notes in org files. Currently to search through my notes, I use keyword searching using ripgrep with rg.el. With this method, rg pops up the results in ...
user39819's user avatar
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ipython shell syntax error with "?" in string in `python-shell-send-string`

When in the IPython shell, ?open returns help on the "open" function. But when I send it with python-shell-send-string it throws a syntax error saying "?" is not recognised. I can ...
Arktik's user avatar
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Ispell does not seem to use hunspell

I tried to set up ispell to use hunspell with this post. but it seems like ispell is still not using hunspell. Ispell in Emacs would mark this word as wrong: Schulwochen (German) $ hunspell -d de_DE ...
user7954302's user avatar
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hl-line-mode -- how to highlight only the text on the current line (don't highlight leading and trailing whitespace)?

I'd like to highlight only the text in between the leading and trailing whitespace on each line. For example, I'd only like to highlight the region marked by the double arrow <--> for the ...
user39615's user avatar
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How to revert to the default 'compilation-mode' behavior under doom emacs?

How can the "compilation" experience in Emacs be reverted to the behavior of a vanilla emacs installation when using doom emacs? As a long time user of "vanilla" Emacs, I am too ...
Richard Corden's user avatar
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C++ code in doom mode is shown as errors

I've C++ file written in style c++17 opened in doom emacs. Below is the contents of the file. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int arr[] { 1, 2, ...
Rajkumar Natarajan's user avatar
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Doom - setting code formatter for specific file type

How can I change formatter used for specific file type in doom-emacs format module? So far I've been happy with using mostly doom defaults and haven't gotten into writing custom configurations and ...
AnonymousBadger's user avatar
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Error on multi buffer rendering

I had been using emacs since 5-10 years ago and never had any single problem, I used to use Vanilla emacs with some configurations as Sebastiencs's Sidebar, now I'm using Doom emacs with treemacs. In ...
ca-hercor's user avatar
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Store sessions on idle and use specific name for each stored session

I usually have multiple instances of doom emacs running (one for every project). I use this line in my config to save the session of each instance after 10 seconds idle time. (run-with-idle-timer 10 t ...
Rotareti's user avatar
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Highlight single character at column 80

I am trying to highlight just a single character on a line when it is on the 80th column mark. I am using Doom Emacs, which did it on in on a previous Emacs version, but I updated my operating system,...
Kyuvi's user avatar
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Access key bindings for a major mode

Running Doom Emacs 3.0 on Emacs 28. I have installed todotxt.el using: (package! todotxt) in packages.el. When I Open my todo.txt file and M-x todotxt-mode, sPC h b m shows all the keybindings ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Disable header and footer in latex previews

When I write latex to be included in org mode it includes the header styling which is to be applied to the pdf export only. This makes it difficult to use org mode with latex previews. Is there any ...
sab hoque's user avatar
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In Doom Emacs, when cursor is highlighting a line, it indents a few pixels in. How to turn off the indent and just do line highlighting?

I can't find a setting to turn off that small pixel indentation when cursor is highlighting the line you're on. It makes it hard to try to type text to align when the line itself is indented a few ...
EmacsNoob's user avatar
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Projectile session/state

Initially I scanned the user directory (~) for projects, through inexperience. Later I defined the project root (~/.doom.d/config.el): ;; Projectile settings. (setq projectile-project-search-path ...
Alexey Orlov's user avatar
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Disabling auto identation when saving a file

I'm using Doom Emacs (pretty much vanilla with a few packages) and whenever I save a file, Emacs automatically changes the indentation. For example, if I'm editing a C++ file like this: FoamFile { ...
riedaug's user avatar
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Completely disabling flycheck in Doom Emacs

I'm setting up Doom Emacs, and I want to remove flycheck entirely. I'm having a bit of trouble doing that, though. As an example, I'm working with Ruby, with this setup: (doom! :completion company ...
Violet's user avatar
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Emacs hangs on org-babel-execute-src-block for Haskell blocks

I have a minimal org file with a Haskell code block: #+begin_src haskell putStrLn "Hello World" #+end_src When I do M-x org-babel-execute-src-block, Emacs hangs with minibuffer saying: ...
Artem Pelenitsyn's user avatar
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Can emacs use window system on terminal frame? (doom-emacs, iTerm)

I'm trying to set org-level-* height(font size) differently for each level(doom emacs, config.el): (after! org (set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :height 1.75)) But it displays different ...
Pete's user avatar
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Cannot display full string in emacs

I have doomemacs installed freshly, without any customization, and I found my emacs hides part of the string from being displayed in emacs-lisp-mode. E.g., the following line: (package! org-roam-ui :...
shelper's user avatar
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Easiest way to copy an inline image from org mode to clipboard in Doom emacs

Easiest way to copy an inline image from org mode to clipboard. I tried ox-clip, but when hovering over the image i get: funcall-interactively: Symbol’s value as variable is void: org-html-inline-...
David's user avatar
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How can I get imenu-list to accept mouse input?

I'm using Doom in Emacs 27.2. I can call imenu-list-smart-toggle and I get the imenu window. If I switch to that window using the keyboard, it functions normally. But, when the cursor is in my text ...
Lyndon Drake's user avatar
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Trying to set org-clock-sound for org-timer

I'm trying to set up a notification alert for org timer. I'm using Dunst on Arch for notifications. Used the following lines in my config file: (require 'org) (setq org-clock-sound "~/Downloads/...
alphaQ's user avatar
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C-i combination doesn't work with lowercase i [duplicate]

I've configured Doom emacs to run an interactive evil-ex command in visual mode, the reaconfiguration is as below: (defun evil-insert-into-lines () (interactive) (evil-ex "'<,'>norm I&...
Kamyab's user avatar
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Override org-mode indentation function in evil insert mode

How can I override the org-mode indentation function of TAB in evil-insert-state-map? I'd like it to always fold and unfold the current or parent header, and switch the indentation functionality to ...
ShadowRylander's user avatar
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Doom emacs dired +ranger not obeying evil-mode

I am using doom emacs and in my init file I have (dired +ranger) The problem is when I open dired, I cannot press tab to select for example. I have first to toggle off evil-mode. If I do, I lose all ...
Omar113's user avatar
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Possible infinite recursion when copying keymap

When trying to open vterm, I get helm-M-x-execute-command: Possible infinite recursion when copying keymap. I am using Doom Emacs. config.el: +bindings....
tsorn's user avatar
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Fetching email from multiple accounts via both Lieer (gmailieer) and isync with Notmuch

I was wondering if I can use both isync and Lieer (gmailieer) at the same time to pull email from multiple Gmail and multiple non-Gmail accounts (each account being in a separate subdirectory in my ...
ajallooe's user avatar
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Replying to all recipients with Notmuch and msmtp

I have tested sending an email to multiple recipients with Notmuch through msmtp and it works. I can also copy all recipients of email to kill-ring (via notmuch-show-stash-to), no problem. However, ...
ajallooe's user avatar
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My emacs company mode won't work with python. I use doom emacs. I have company mode and ivy in my init.el. I have flycheck enabled in python

:completion company ; the ultimate code completion backend ;;helm ; the *other* search engine for love and life ;;ido ; the other *other* ...
igotstago's user avatar
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From stock Emacs to Emacs Doom - Issues with Key Bindings and de-activating Evil-mode - ORG-MODE use

I have migrated to emacs-Doom and wish to keep the emacs vanilla key-bindings. I also use emacs exclusively for org-mode I have amended the init.el file to remove the evil and removed any attributes ...
Prolle's user avatar
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Doom Emacs start-up problems

Running Doom Emacs 2.0.9 on Emacs 27.1. In my init.el I have org-roam enabled like so: :lang (org +roam +journal) In my config.el I also load org-habits, hide it in initial agenda view and set-up a ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Footnote-like custom function for org-roam-insert

I am trying to make a custom function for org-roam which inserts footnote-like links in the current note. The idea is to insert links on this way The logistic regression [fn:20200612000001]... * ...
Maikol Solís's user avatar
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File mode specification error: (void-variable lsp-csharp--action-client-find-references)

I'm using doom emacs. my ~/.doom.d/config.el is - (use-package! lsp-mode :hook (haskell-mode . lsp) :commands lsp) (use-package! lsp-ui :commands lsp-ui-mode) (use-package! lsp-haskell :after ...
Rajkumar Natarajan's user avatar
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ivy-immediate-done in doom emacs

I want to use ivy-immediate-done in doom emacs, but I can't find the command with SPC-:. I have install counsel via package-install. Does anyone know what the keybinding of this command is? I tried C-...
user9007131's user avatar