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Elpaca: problems with eglot version and flymake

I am using elpaca as my package manager. When I try to install flymake, using the use-package compatibility, I am getting the following error: eldoc installed version (1 13 0) lower than min required ...
0RI0N's user avatar
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How can I get ElDoc to show documentation for the thing at point using a manual trigger?

I'm trying to figure out how to get ElDoc to show documentation for the thing at point with a manual trigger. What I would like is to be able to set eldoc-idle-delay to some high number and then bind ...
d.breve's user avatar
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4 answers

In org-mode, can I show the formula of the table cell at point in eldoc?

I'd like C-c ? to happen automatically when I focus on a table cell, is there something built-in to do this? (Or is there some other way to quickly show which cells are "input" vs "...
unhammer's user avatar
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How to correctly format "&nbsp" in eldoc using eglot

I'm using eglot with the pyright language server protocol. When I look at the documentation for numpy, for example, I see a lot of "&nbsp" in the documentation. I have installed the ...
theQman's user avatar
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Eldoc breaks word

I use Eglot and find the word-breaking sometimes annoying: How to avoid word-breaking?
shynur's user avatar
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If there's no function/variable eldoc shouts void-function

When editing code and the caret moves away from any variable or function, i.e. it's on a blank line the eldoc keeps shouting on the mini buffer eldoc-error (void-function t) Look at the image that ...
ranu's user avatar
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eldoc error: (void-function embark-eldoc-first-target)

Linux Mint 20.3 Emacs 27 For every command I get the next message in minibuffer: eldoc error: (void-function embark-eldoc-first-target) He my setting of embark package in init.el (use-package embark ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Eglot send diagnostic information from eldoc mini buffer to be displayed by corfu or corfu-doc?

Hi I am using Emacs29 with native support for Eglot, together with corfu, corfu-doc and orderless packages. I was wondering if it is possible to send the documentation under point information, which I ...
mislyde_alfabetisk's user avatar
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Proper formatting of R help pages in eldoc-doc-buffer using eglot

I am using eglot with R and ESS. If I have the following R script, with eglot enabled (saved as test.R: lm And I place my cursor on lm then a temporary eldoc-buffer pops showing the first few rows of ...
cdd's user avatar
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getting full documentation on point with eldoc and tide

When I have my pointer over a typescript method I get the signature of the method at the bottom of my screen. I assume this is done by tide and eldoc, but I could be wrong. I like getting the ...
munHunger's user avatar
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How to make eldoc only popup on demand?

I installed the eglot package to use for C++ development, and it's going fairly well, but one thing that's driving me nuts is the eldoc package. I have a 13 inch MacBook and it's constantly inflating ...
Rob N's user avatar
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Python Eldoc fails when editing a remote file with a local shell open

Problem: Eldoc constantly spews FileNotFoundErrors into the minibuffer when editing a remote python file if you have a local python shell open. To Recreate: > emacs -Q M-x run-python open a file ...
Nathaniel Chodosh's user avatar
3 votes
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How to disable eldoc doc minibuffer?

While using eldoc, it constantly updates the minibuffer with the symbol on point. I like it, but would like the displayed lines to be lesser, as it covers a lot of my window. I tried putting the ...
Typedragon33's user avatar
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Can eldoc display in a dedicated window?

Currently eldoc pops up a window, mostly it's fine but with large docs it gets intrusive & jarring to loose so much screen space. Is there a way to have eldoc use it's own dedicated window? (which ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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How does eldoc (>= 1.1.0) display arguments in the mode-line during eval-expression

I am unable to determine how eldoc is displaying arguments (or other information) in the mode-line while eval-expression is reading user input in the minibuffer. I could not find a relevant element in ...
tarsius's user avatar
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no such file or directory: org-eldoc

I recently discovered that my org-roam installation is no longer working. When I try to open a new file, I get this error message: helm-M-x-execute-command: Cannot open load file: No such file or ...
David J.'s user avatar
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How to improve eldoc + lsp-mode output with C/C++ comments?

When using eldoc with lsp-mode, there are some irritations with the default output. Various characters are backslash escaped, so: /* This: isn't so -> "good", you see. */ Displays as: This\: ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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How to disable eldoc when using TRAMP (editing files over SSH)

Eldoc really bogs down the editor when used over SSH with TRAMP. I want to disable it in those cases. What I've tried is this: (defun no-tramp-eldoc () (interactive) (when (string-prefix-p "...
tsorn's user avatar
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ELDoc and company-tern are not working properly in JS2-mode (.js buffer in node) and Javascript, in Emacs

In my Emacs configuration for JavaScript/ JS2-mode, specifically .js buffer in node: (1) company-tern and ELDoc are NOT working properly. For eg. when I type 'console.l', 'log' does not pop up, ...
tom_kp's user avatar
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How to find in which hook(s) a certain function is called?

I'm using the lsp layer on Spacemacs with javascript-backend 'lsp and it activates two modes I don't like: lsp-ui-mode and eldoc. I found lsp-ui-mode inside lsp-mode-hook and added (remove-hook 'lsp-...
agentofuser's user avatar
3 votes
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Debugging a recalcitrant eldoc function

I'm using SLIME and common LISP (SBCL) for some weekend hacking. I've just upgraded to emacs 26.1 on Mac OS X 10.13.5. Now I've run into a problem with the setup where I'm suddenly getting: error ...
robertpostill's user avatar
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Multi-line echo area for displaying function signature with semantic-idle-summary-mode

Description I've got some c-functions with long argument lists. Even if that is bad style I would like semantic-idle-summary-mode to help me with those bad style functions. Pityingly it keeps the ...
Tobias's user avatar
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How to globally disable eldoc? [duplicate]

Using Rust/Racer/Eldoc is causing performance problems while navigating around the file (hanging while eldoc is fetching the docs). Running eldoc-mode reports that it's disabled but still runs Racer'...
ideasman42's user avatar
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display eldoc help info behind point

I have the following code to replace default eldoc display function: (defun my-eldoc-display-message-momentary (format-string &rest args) "Display eldoc message near point." (when format-...
stardiviner's user avatar
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Adding eldoc support to js2-mode

Since js2-mode does not have eldoc-mode support, I was wondering if I could get some similar functionality to js2-mode with the help of tern-mode. tern-mode has a command tern-get-type which will ...
Chakravarthy Raghunandan's user avatar
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eldoc error: (error Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size)

I am editing org-mode files with a lot of source code blocks. These blocks contain my own pseudo code that looks like this: (A) {B} (C) (D) {F} (Z) When moving within these blocks there is a pause ...
Singulaere Entitaet's user avatar
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Org-mode and python source code block -> ElDoc error wrong-type-argument

When inside a python source code block in an .org file, I get the following error displayed on my mini buffer: eldoc error: (wrong-type-argument symbolp #[128 \300\301"\206�\300\302"\207 [apply ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Displaying information for string under point

At work, I very commonly have to look up bits of information about strings in my code. For instance, we might use an incomprehensible ID, "a587fg", to refer to a customer with a perfectly ...
Gastove's user avatar
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eldoc in python-mode

I'm trying to get eldoc-mode to work in python-mode. If I enter a python buffer and do M-x eldoc-mode M-x python-mode-switch-to-shell This seems to work for some built-in functions, but mostly ...
Nathaniel Flath's user avatar
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How to disable eldoc for `eval-expression`?

After a recent update eldoc is turned on by default, even for emacs -Q. I don't appreciate the noise it generates when I'm using eval-expression. How do I turn it off?
abo-abo's user avatar
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have flycheck override eldoc faster

I have both eldoc and flycheck enabled in a .el buffer. I have a line, eg: (setq load-dirs (concat emacs-repos-dir "internal")) Here, load-dirs is underlined by flycheck as an error, but if point ...
Nathaniel Flath's user avatar