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4 votes
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`org-bullets` - No longer needed

For a while, I've been getting the message Package menu: Operationfinished. 1 package no longer needed, type 'M-x package-autoremove' to remove them The package is org-bullets, very spread package ...
Dox's user avatar
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use-package ensure not working: package downloaded but gives warning and skips config [duplicate]

I have the following code in my init.el file: (use-package org-plus-contrib :ensure t :config (progn (require 'ox-extra) (ox-extras-activate '(ignore-headlines)))) The :ensure t ...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
2 votes
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Confusing ELPA types

When listing ELPA packages (Mac running Emacs 26.1), I see two status types that beg questions: dependency and incompat. A dependency package does get automagically loaded but it also may be removed ...
pajato0's user avatar
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Where do folks go to search for elisp packages

I'm looking for a package that converts United States to us Netherlands to nl Where does one go to find Elisp packages? For Ruby there's, for example.
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
-1 votes
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Updating cider to 20180624 hangs while compiling

When upgrading cider, emacs hangs while compiling cider-repl-handle-shortcut: I am running emacs 25.3~1.gite0284ab-kk1+16 on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS. The compile log buffer after C-g shows: Compiling ...
Arne's user avatar
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M-x package-autoremove is blocked by system packages

Emacs doesn't want to autoremove packages from elpa because some of them are system packages. How can I launch autoremove ignoring system packages? Error enabling Flyspell mode: (stringp nil)106 ...
ppr's user avatar
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Are there any lisp projects like jazz band?

I was curious is there anything like but for emacs lisp where you can submit packages so that they can be submitted / maintained by a group rather than an individual ?
Oly's user avatar
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How to list all the packages installed from source

Is there a way to list all the packages originally installed via package-install-file? Looking at the results of package-list-packages, it doesn't differentiate between different installation methods....
MLister's user avatar
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1 answer

How to submit feedback to GNU ELPA?

I'm using cask and I usually reinstall all my packages every other day. Lately I have noticed a lot of Bad request responses from ELPA. I have to retry a few times before all the packages get fetched. ...
caisah's user avatar
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2 answers

Error with org-fstree: Symbol's function definition is void: reduce

I want to use the package org-fstree (MELPA Link). But in a file when I press C-c C-c at #+BEGIN_FSTREE: ~/ I get the following error: Symbol's function definition is void: reduce I am not sure ...
Inspired_Blue's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

list-packages crashes Emacs 25.3 (Mac) when MELPA is added to .emacs

M-x list-packages crashes Emacs after I added: (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "")) after (package-initialize). (package-initialize) alone works ...
Guebert's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Dired+ missing from MELPA

I am trying to install dired+ from MELPA but it seems that it no longer is listed. I also checked here: Is this normal?
Tohiko's user avatar
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5 votes
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Emacs 27 MELPA connection failure on macOS

I have been trying to install packages ivy, counsel, and swiper on Emacs 27 prelude. Starting Emacs results in the following error: Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘/Users/...
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Loading ~/.emacs: cannot open load file, php-mode

GNU Emacs 24.5.1, installed MELPA, installed php-mode. The directory ~/.emacs.d/elpa/php-mode-20180105.541/ exists. I added the following lines to .emacs: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa") (...
Chap's user avatar
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3 votes
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elpa certificate could not be verified

When I run package-list-packages, I'm getting an error: The TLS connection to is insecure for the following reason: certificate could not be verified I found a few other reports of ...
Tyler's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do I work out what the problem is with the emacs package system?

I am trying to set up emacs (on cygwin / Win10) to handle JSON. I started with joshwnj/json-mode and was stoked to discover that emacs will now install its own dependencies from online repos. Fab ...
Adam's user avatar
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0 votes
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Cannot access from macOS

I am using a MacBookPro with macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 using Chrome as a browser. I cannot access or As a result my emacs installation does not work anymore.
sbac's user avatar
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How to override spacemacs package to use new ELPA version instead of pinned version

I'd like to use csv-mode 1.7 from ELPA, but spacemacs (develop branch) wants to use the pinned version spacemacs/.cache/stable-elpa/25.1.1/spacelpa-0.300/csv-mode-1.6.el (even if I delete that file ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
1 vote
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SLIME 2.20 obsolete

Why the status of SLIME 2.20 (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs) is taged as obsolete in emacs melpa considering it actually is the newest version of SLIME right now (2017/11/20).
sparkecho's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I install `mmm-mode` (through MELPA)?

mmm-mode is available on Melpa. Yet both `M-x` `list-packages` `C-s` `mmm-mode` and `M-x` `package-install` `mmm-mode` suggest that it's not. How do I install mmm-mode (through MELPA)?
Calaf's user avatar
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Cannot load markdown-mode

Problem I've recently switched to NixOS and I'm having a couple of problems with my init.el. One I think is NixOS related and so I won't elaborate here, but I can't think of any NixOS component to ...
Garry Cairns's user avatar
2 votes
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Accidentally deleted Ivy. Now what?

I went to M-x list-packages and accidentally deleted Ivy. How do I get it back in M-x list packages now?
deshmukh's user avatar
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4 votes
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Keep spacemacs from retrieving package archives at startup

I'm trying to figure out a way to speed up my spacemacs start time. The main offender at the moment is the refreshing of package archives at start. I was hoping that setting dotspacemacs-check-for-...
flooose's user avatar
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How to get path to library installed through elpa

I have Emacs installed on multiple machines, and every time I install yasnippet through elpa. As it's version changes, it is being installed into different directories. For example: #first machine ~/....
user4035's user avatar
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How can I replace in my .emacs all these `require` with `package.el` and `MELPA`?

My .emacs still uses old-style (pre MELPA, pre package.el) initializations. Current (this works) I'll use web-mode as a concrete example. If I manually download web-mode.el and put it in ~/elisp, ...
Calaf's user avatar
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Emacs init with spacemacs fails all the time - Error connection time out for melpa repository

I installed GNU Emacs 25.2.1 64bit and downloaded spacemacs the way it is described in their git repo. Now when starting up through runemacs.exe the following output occurs: Warning (spacemacs): ...
xetra11's user avatar
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emacs function to add include

When I edit C/C++ files time to time in the middle of buffer, I decide to add #include at the begin of buffer. Save position jump to begin of buffer, then insert suitable line, then jump back is ...
user1244932's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can't install Plantuml-mode -- MELPA Package list Incomplete (Mac)

I'm trying to install plantuml-mode based on the instructions here: I'm told to try the following: M-x package-install<RET> plantuml-mode<RET> ...
David J.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Error encountered when adding melpa to package-archives

I'm using emacs 25.2.1 (built from source). A strange problem happened after I tried to configure it for editing tex files. The suspicious config file content is listed below. (require 'package) (...
Quin's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to migrate snippets of scripts into my own packages?

While there are many docs on how to write packages, mirror your own package git repo's ... etc. This seems quite a heavy solution. What would be a good approach to having some local packages which ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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Package 'emacs-25' is unavail

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with Emacs 24.5 If I run: M-x package-refresh-contents [RET] I get back the message: Contacting host: If I try to install this package with: M-x package-...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
1 vote
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Pinning version of a "core" package

How can I pin a version of "smartparens". I thought If I add this to dotspacemacs-additional-packages: (smartparens :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "Fuco1/smartparens" ...
iLemming's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to generate and activate autoloads for local packages?

It is clear that not all local/custom/personal packages should be officially released, and it would be silly to do so just to benefit from built-in package management support. I'm wondering how to ...
Alexander Shukaev's user avatar
7 votes
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How to view package Full Description (commentary section) inside Emacs

I'm looking for a way to visualize inside Emacs the Full Description of a package as shown in Elpa index page. For example the undo-tree package has a nice and comprehensive help page/description ...
Alexandro de Oliveira's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

TLS connection to is insecure after updating to Emacs 25

When I run M-x list-packages I get the following error with Marmalade after updating to Emacs 25. Certificate information Issued by: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Issued to: ...
marcanuy's user avatar
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Json-Mode / Puppet-Mode unset common functions when installed with use-package

I'm facing a weird issue in my init.el. Installing packages such as json-mode or puppet-mode (from MELPA Stable) with use-package unsets common functions like forward-word or backward-kill-word. The ...
JacksGT's user avatar
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Problems with upgrading to org-mode 9 and org repository

I have Emacs 25.1 (9.0) on macOS Sierra from Homebrew and M-x org-version shows version 8.2.10. On org-mode official website, I've seen that the latest version is 9.0. It's not that I'd use any of the ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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MELPA's public key

I'd like to install Magit. According to the Installation chapter of the Magit user manual Magit is available from Melpa and Melpa-Stable. If you haven’t used Emacs’ package manager before, then it is ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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ELPA archives directory contents: the data structure used?

I just stumbled across the archives directory of my .emacs.d/archives/ . Here's the beginning of .../archives/gnu/archive-contents (1 (ace-window . [(0 9 0) ((avy (0 2 0)))...
147pm's user avatar
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How can I find the path of files in an (m)elpa package?

I wrote a minor mode for automatically detecting the language in which the user is typing. For this to work, I have to load some files containing language statistics. These files are in a ...
tmalsburg's user avatar
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melpa won't load on emacs windows

I am using emacs on windows 7. Emacs is located on a usb on a university computer with no admin access but correctly loads the .emacs file. In my .emacs file I have (custom-set-variables '(package-...
vimmike's user avatar
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Is deprecated?

Long time ago I added: (setq package-archives '(("elpa" . "") In latest package is from 2010-08-15 22:11. Is that right that modern package ...
gavenkoa's user avatar
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Adding package from non-standard ELPA Repository to Layer

So I have a package I would like to add from an ELPA repository different than MELPA. The repository is called "billpiel" and the link is I would like to add the ...
DonyorM's user avatar
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Which archive did an installed package come from?

When I use list-packages it shows the archive for packages that are not installed, but not for ones that are. The same for package descriptions. Is there any way to find out which archive an installed ...
Chris's user avatar
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Fresh install 24.5 on Windows 10 bash shell Linux 16.04 crashing on package manager

Fairly new to emacs, seemed super awesome for writing a lot of different styles. Got it working just fine on my desktop using the new bash terminal - 14.04 - on my desktop. Did the exact same setup ...
Fiend394's user avatar
36 votes
5 answers

Easiest way to downgrade a package installed via MELPA

Sometimes, package updates from MELPA can break some part of emacs and when that happens I'd like to be able to revert back to using an older version of the package. Right now, I can do it in two ...
Chakravarthy Raghunandan's user avatar
8 votes
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How to add org-babel-execute function for plantuml?

I installed "PlantUML Mode for Emacs" using Melpa successfully, and I am able to switch to Plantuml-mode. However, when I try to evaluate code with C-c C-c, inside of org-mode, I get the error: org-...
David J.'s user avatar
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Problems loading packages from repos in another emacs directory

I want to test a new configuration from emacs for that case I begin with this: emacs -q --load ".emacs.jesus.d/init.el" --debug-init it works and I load the emacs file, until I started to download ...
anquegi's user avatar
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How can I refresh the ELPA directory content without having to select and re-download the packages manually? (for slowed ver. 25.1 in Windows 10)

Hi fellow Emacs users, I'm experience very slower performance of 25.1 but a startup with -Q indicated the problem is probably caused by my old packages. (Similar scenario:
menuhin's user avatar
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How to update Org to latest version using package repo's / git clone in Ubuntu

See the image below. . I want to update my org from Version: 2016071 to Version 20161003. It does not give me an option to upgrade when I use the package-list-packages command. An ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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