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Getting error "Failed to download 'gnu' archive" on Emacs 26.3

I'm currently using Ubuntu 18.04, and trying out Emacs for the first time. However, whenever I run the command package-refresh-contents, I get the the follow error: Failed to download 'gnu' archive ...
gjvatsalya's user avatar
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How do I set package-vc-selected-packages to use a specific commit?

Emacs 29.1 introduced new functions to install packages directly from source. Configuring it to download from the latest commit works fine, but I can't find how to download from a specific commit ...
Balto's user avatar
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how do I install emacs packages from the command line?

I'm attempting to automate deployment of my different machines by scripting installation of emacs and emacs packages. While I realize that I can set up my .emacs file to automatically install packages ...
Pridkett's user avatar
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Can not connect to a package archive?

I was trying to install beacon and got this error, package--check-signature-content: Failed to verify signature: "seq-2.20.tar.sig" Before installing, I ran package-refresh-content which gave an ...
scribe's user avatar
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Debugging "Package lacks a file header"

I'm playing around with developing and publishing an Emacs package, very simple stuff, just trying things out before I commit to a bigger project. The problem that I'm having is that after I've made a ...
Nathan Campos's user avatar
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AUCTeX is obsolete on GNU ELPA?

I got this warning when installing AUCTeX from GNU ELPA. The package is installed, but I don't want to use obsolete packages for obvious reasons. I have check the official website of AUCTeX, and it ...
nalzok's user avatar
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Fresh install 24.5 on Windows 10 bash shell Linux 16.04 crashing on package manager

Fairly new to emacs, seemed super awesome for writing a lot of different styles. Got it working just fine on my desktop using the new bash terminal - 14.04 - on my desktop. Did the exact same setup ...
Fiend394's user avatar
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Use system-installed package with spacemacs that depends on MELPA packages

How can I include a package that is available locally on my system that depends on the string library s with spacemacs? I have an company internal package that adds functionality to magit available ...
Joe's user avatar
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Can't install elm-mode using MELPA

I'm trying to install elm-mode using MELPA. When I try to install it I get an error message: Not found I can install other things, bu not this.
swissnetizen's user avatar
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list-packages says certificate has expired. What I need to do?

I have not used Emacs for about six months. Today I tried to use M-x list-packages and there is an error, although I remember that there was no such error before: I use Emacs 27.1 on 32-bit Windows 7,...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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Disable package refreshing when starting emacs

I have bad internet connection. Starting spacemacs takes a long time because of the "refreshing package archive melpa or gnu or others...". or "installing package: ...". When i ...
L S's user avatar
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How to make list-packages Help for dependency package show the dependee packages?

I use use-package to require the boxquote package into my GNU Emacs 26.3 running on Ubuntu 19.10, like this: (use-package boxquote :ensure t) In the list-packages buffer, I see the boxquote ...
bgoodr's user avatar
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MELPA no longer works: error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing

MELPA no longer updates after no changes of mine. With a minimal .emacs of (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) (add-to-list 'package-...
serv-inc's user avatar
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Are there any lisp projects like jazz band?

I was curious is there anything like but for emacs lisp where you can submit packages so that they can be submitted / maintained by a group rather than an individual ?
Oly's user avatar
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How to list all the packages installed from source

Is there a way to list all the packages originally installed via package-install-file? Looking at the results of package-list-packages, it doesn't differentiate between different installation methods....
MLister's user avatar
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Accidentally deleted Ivy. Now what?

I went to M-x list-packages and accidentally deleted Ivy. How do I get it back in M-x list packages now?
deshmukh's user avatar
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melpa won't load on emacs windows

I am using emacs on windows 7. Emacs is located on a usb on a university computer with no admin access but correctly loads the .emacs file. In my .emacs file I have (custom-set-variables '(package-...
vimmike's user avatar
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Adding package from non-standard ELPA Repository to Layer

So I have a package I would like to add from an ELPA repository different than MELPA. The repository is called "billpiel" and the link is I would like to add the ...
DonyorM's user avatar
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Install magit package failed to verify signature seq-2.24.tar.sig

New emacs user here. Trying to install magit, I ran into signature issues. I followed the instructions from and successfully installed gnu-elpa-keyring-update ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Elpaca: problems with eglot version and flymake

I am using elpaca as my package manager. When I try to install flymake, using the use-package compatibility, I am getting the following error: eldoc installed version (1 13 0) lower than min required ...
0RI0N's user avatar
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How to stop emacs from contacting melpa?

I have the following in my config: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" ...
David's user avatar
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How to setup proxy in Emacs which rquires authentification to download packages from melpa?

I try to setup a corporate proxy in Emacs: in Bash I've setup the following environment variables: export http_proxy="http://my_login:[email protected]:8080";export https_proxy="http:...
major's user avatar
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Problems enabling pdf-tools continuous-scroll with quelpa

My goal is to use org-pdftools as described in this blogpost. I started by trying to make pdf-tools work with continuous scrolling, but I'm running into various problems. It is getting way complicated ...
vpk's user avatar
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Themes and other options not loading from MELPA

While following a tutorial on editing python using Emacs ( I've been unable to install better-defaults, line numbers and any themes or return to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Failed to download ‘melpa-stable’ archive. GnuTLS : Contacting host: 443

I am trying to install packages/modes from melpa on my emacs27.1, but I am unable to do so. If I run M-x package-refresh-contents , I get the following error : Importing package-keyring.gpg...done ...
Vignesh S's user avatar
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Packages are broken

Almost any time I try to use packages, they fail for one reason or another. I did manage to install a package some time last year (2020) but not since. The has had a bad certificate ...
Peter Flynn's user avatar
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Cannot load some modes via elpa

Some of my major modes, installed via ELPA, error during load as, for instance for markdown-mode, Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or ...
Nordlöw's user avatar
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show which package repo was used to obtain a package

I'm trying to submit a bug report to emacs-evil, and they ask me from which repo evil was installed. I'm just using the version that came bundled with doom-emacs. How can I know which source was used ...
honestSalami's user avatar
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Incompatible Packages w/ 26.3 and MELPA

I know I must be missing something simple, but I've recently upgraded my Linux OS to Mate 20.04. As a result, my version of emacs is Emacs 26.3. I'm now running into incompatibility issues with MELPA ...
mikemtnbikes's user avatar
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Right way of accessing MELPA repository

I am working on Debian 10 with Emacs installed from official Debian repositories (ver 1:26.1+1-3.2) and using the following code I cannot connect to synchronize packages available on MELPA: Here's my ...
martinoidar's user avatar
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Testing a package before submitting to Melpa

I'm going through the instructions at to submit a package to Melpa. I would like to test to see if my recipe installs the package properly ...
Bill Rising's user avatar
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Melpa package update question

Last year I created a package for Melpa. I have updated it in my Gitlab repo, but I don't know how to make Melpa aware of that. Thanks in advance for any tips on that.
NVaughan's user avatar
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Unable to install a package

I am trying to add Magit to Emacs package list. I got as far as "Packages" menu and do not see how to add new, unlisted package. Is it even possible from Emacs ? I even tried to "i-install" ...
Anne's user avatar
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Error on package-list-packages

I've started to get the following errors when running package-list-packages. Searching online hasn't come up with anything. If anyone can suggest a cause and/or a solution I'd be very grateful. ...
djpeebles's user avatar
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How to override spacemacs package to use new ELPA version instead of pinned version

I'd like to use csv-mode 1.7 from ELPA, but spacemacs (develop branch) wants to use the pinned version spacemacs/.cache/stable-elpa/25.1.1/spacelpa-0.300/csv-mode-1.6.el (even if I delete that file ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
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Cannot load markdown-mode

Problem I've recently switched to NixOS and I'm having a couple of problems with my init.el. One I think is NixOS related and so I won't elaborate here, but I can't think of any NixOS component to ...
Garry Cairns's user avatar
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How to get path to library installed through elpa

I have Emacs installed on multiple machines, and every time I install yasnippet through elpa. As it's version changes, it is being installed into different directories. For example: #first machine ~/....
user4035's user avatar
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Pinning version of a "core" package

How can I pin a version of "smartparens". I thought If I add this to dotspacemacs-additional-packages: (smartparens :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "Fuco1/smartparens" ...
iLemming's user avatar
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Uploading a package to melpa

I like sqlplus package on emacs. It works perfect when I use oracle dbms, however, my company uses Tibero, which is not available on melpa repository. I would like to write a melpa package for this ...
Peter Hwang's user avatar
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How can I install from GNU ELPA?

I'm trying to install cursor-undo on GNU ELPA, I just get: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Could not find package cursor-undo. Updating recip...") error("Could not find package %...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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How to translate the fork keyword from straight.el to a melpa recipe?

Given the straight.el snippet below, I'm unable to make sense of the fork keyword in context of the melpa manual. How should I translate this snippet in order to use-package install it, without ...
jjk's user avatar
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Melpa packages not loading

My init.el file looks like this: (require 'package) '(package-archives '(("melpa" . "") t ("gnu" . "
rogerl's user avatar
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package-install RET doom-themes RET no match

I want to install a theme library, the package is already installed but emacs does not recognize it. I have already installed the melpa packages and the gnu packages, as shown in the code below: (add-...
Bruno Ciccarino's user avatar
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"Package `elpy-' is unavailable with GNU Emacs 27.1 on Ubuntu 22.04

A couple of weeks ago I did a re-install of my Ubuntu and now I'm running into issues with my init file. See screenshot below. I'm quite puzzled, probably something trivial, but I'm missing it ... I'...
Ytsen de Boer's user avatar
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Unable to install packages due to run-hooks error

I'm getting a strange error when installing packages using package-install. I haven't really updated anything in my configs but package installation suddenly stopped working. Any pointers or ...
iwakura1ain's user avatar
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Dash library is installed but does not work

Dash appears to be installed (it shows as status "dependency") but I cannot use it: (-sum '(1 2 3)) ==> progn: Symbol’s function definition is void: -sum I tried to delete and reinstall ...
zeynel's user avatar
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How to edit source code from elpa package and keep changes?

So today I installed a dashboard for emacs with M-x package-install RET dashboard. It works perfectly fine. I made some nice customization and it looks great! But by default, there are some messages (...
MySQLInjection's user avatar
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Prevent emacs from calling melpa/updating on startup

This is already the 2nd time I can't start emacs as one single package on a server can't be found. My current configuration works fine and I'd rather have a reliable system than one that is always up ...
Qohelet's user avatar
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How to install and setup lsp servers for vanilla emacs

I wanted to install lsp-servers in emacs to allow my transition from VS-Code easier, however, when I tried to install lsp-mode from MELPA, I got the following issue:
Saurav Chittal's user avatar
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Error while verifying signature archive-contents.sig: error and ı can not install gnu-elpa-keyring-update

ı am using emacs 28.2 in manjaro linux and ı got error like this Error while verifying signature archive-contents.sig: when ı install jedi with M-x shortcut ı am looking at to this url How to proceed ...
SilentHorse's user avatar