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How to configure eshell prompt to correctly display working directory on remote host over TRAMP?

Running emacs -Q for emacs 29.4 (build 2, x86_64-w64-mingw32): ~/.ssh $ cd /ssh:oracle-root:/ /ssh:oracle-root:~/ $ pwd /ssh:oracle-root:/home/opc/ /ssh:oracle-root:~/ $ /bin/pwd / There should be ~/...
StackExchanger's user avatar
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Can eshell provide TRAMP auto-completion?

If I use find-file with a TRAMP method to navigate to a remote file in a docker or kubernetes container I'm provided with auto-completion: C-x C-f /docker:frosty_cori:/home In the example above, if I ...
Caterpillar's user avatar
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Random warning popping up occasionally when using eshell

I occasionally get this warning while running eshell: Warning (comp): tramp-loaddefs.el.gz:745:2478: Warning: reference to free variable ‘tramp-remote-path’ and was wondering how to fix it. According ...
user129393192's user avatar
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Tramp ssh connection inside eshell with gpg key

In my dotfiles I have the following setup to make ssh connections using my gpg key: .bash_profile: export GPG_TTY=$(tty) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) gpgconf --launch ...
Reza's user avatar
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/bin/top not found in eshell over ssh

How does eshell resolve its PATH? If I run my top in eshell on my local machine, it opens a new buffer and shows the output of the command in it. However, if I do the same on an eshell run on a remote ...
yujaiyu's user avatar
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Use Eshell with Tramp, from a Windows computer to a Linux server

I use a Windows computer to control servers through Tramp (with plink). Here's my setup: (setq explicit-shell-file-name "/bin/bash") (setq default-directory "/plink:user@server:~") Now when I run M-...
kotchwane's user avatar
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Eshell and Dired are unable to extract port number from authinfo file

My default-directory is: /ssh:[email protected]#2222:/home3/lawlist My .authinfo file contains: machine 12.34.567.89 login lawlist password abcdefg The above-combination works just fine. ...
lawlist's user avatar
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remote tramp eshell session changes to localhost

I start a tramp dired session to a remote host with C-x d /ssh:user@host:/ and then start eshell with M-x eshell. This places me at the dired path on the remote host, however as soon as I try to cd ...
retrodev's user avatar
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Can Emacs Eshell show remote man pages in TRAMP mode?

When I'm logged in to a remote machine in eshell I can still do man ls. But it appears that this only work for my local man pages. If I try man yum I'll get a message that the yum man page is not ...
Stig Brautaset's user avatar
8 votes
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eshell-visual-commands with tramp

I know that I can add commands to eshell-visual-commands to for example make it so when I run "top" it runs in a temporary ansi-term buffer instead of the eshell buffer, so that programs that rely on ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
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Disable company in eshell when using TRAMP

company-mode is awesome. It even works in Eshell. However, when I'm cdd into another host, company mode makes Eshell unusable because it's always hanigng waiting for TRAMP. Is there any way I can ...
PythonNut's user avatar
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4 votes
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Having trouble getting eshell remote shell multi-hop to work

I can get single hop ssh to work just fine: ~ $ cd /ssh:cpatti@wak-prod-jump1:~ /ssh:cpatti@wak-prod-jump1:/home/jumpboxaccess_emergency $ But when I try multi-hop, I get command not found every ...
feoh's user avatar
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How do I make tramp+eshell use my environment customized in the remote ~/.bash_profile

I have set up custom $PATH in my ~/.bash_profile on a remote machine (for programs installed user-locally by nix and cabal). I use eshell and tramp to issue commands on the remote machine (cd /...
imz -- Ivan Zakharyaschev's user avatar
5 votes
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Eshell doesn't reuse TRAMP connection for remote subprocesses

I was trying to operate on remote host using eshell and was disappointed to discover that majority of operations would hang emacs for several seconds. I found it surprising considering that normally ...
mpontus's user avatar
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Run application in cwd on remote host from within eshell

I often use Eshell to connect to remote systems. On those remote systems I sometimes want to run scripts in the current working directory. In a regular terminal I'd type this: ./ ...
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