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Questions tagged [etags]

A program that creates `TAGS` files for locating definitions (primarily of functions and variables).

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1 answer

etags not working with *.hpp files

I have a project with a mix of .c and .h files for C code and .cpp and .hpp files for C++. If I attempt to build a TAGS file like this: etags *.cpp *.hpp ../../libs/*.c ../../libs/*.h ../../libs/*....
arcomber's user avatar
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Xref-find-definitions 'no definitions found' for emacs source

I downloaded emacs source code from, and the relevant tags from . I ran ctags via ctags -e -R . over both ...
Eli Rusk's user avatar
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find etags not working right from ".txt" file

I use etags to find functions in my C code and everything works fine when I'm in a .c (or .h) file. If I use the find-tag key (M-.) when the buffer is a different type of file (.txt) the tag search ...
ned3000's user avatar
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"VC method not implemented for backend" for project-find call

I am trying out project based search via project-find-regexp, but I get the error: vc-call-backend: VC method not implemented for backend: find-ignore-file, CVS How can I fix this? I assume this is a ...
halloleo's user avatar
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how to go to the first definition with xref-find-definitions, do not show all options?

When I press gd to go to the definition of a class in C++, Emacs splits the screen and shows me two definition options that I need to click on with one of them. I'm used to coc.nvim where I would just ...
Lucas Martins Soares's user avatar
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ETAGS with dependencies

I'm trying to use emacs for C development. From here, I understand that in order to see the definitions of functions, I need to use something called etags. My code is: #include <stdlib.h> #...
Mittenchops's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use xref-find-references on Elisp files without "No references found for" errors

I am using GNU Emacs 26.3 on Ubuntu 19.10. I have a directory full of Emacs Lisp files with the .el file extension. All of them are loaded into the currently running Emacs. I can open up one of ...
bgoodr's user avatar
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2 answers

Make 'ctags' detect fortran's "module procedure" pattern?

I am using ctags to index fortran files for code navigation in Emacs with M-.. In doing so I have noticed that it doesn't recognize declarations of the form MODULE PROCEDURE MySubroutineName ! or ...
kdb's user avatar
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1 answer

Can you generate a tags table for CMD scripting?

I am working on an elaborate script for Windows using CMD.EXE scripting. It walks a tree of files and folders and uses our specialized file transfer program to send the tree to a remote location. ...
lcbrevard's user avatar
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1 answer

How to hook a TAG file with Emacs (Git-bash / windows)

I've successfully created a Tag file and could wade through the code using keys like M-,, but every time I need to choose the tag file for searching, so, I am looking for a way to hook the tag file I ...
RaGa__M's user avatar
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1 answer

Improving Etags support for fortran?

When using xref with Fortran I noticed that indexing by etags is highly incomplete; Almost exclusively subroutines (and maybe functions) are index, but modules, types, constants and global variables ...
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