Questions tagged [eval-after-load]

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2 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I use eval-after-load exactly?

I don't know how to check if eval-after-load works or not. I used the following code to check if FORM is loaded (eval-after-load 'org (message "loaded!")) After the above is evaluated, I ...
A-nak Wannapaschaiyong's user avatar
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How to reevaluate the code in an `eval-after-load`, after the library has been loaded?

I've defined the following : (eval-after-load 'clojure-mode '(font-lock-add-keywords 'clojure-mode `(("\\(#\\){" (0 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) ...
cmal's user avatar
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