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can't get exwm working

I thought I'd try exwm. I installed /usr/share/xsessions/emacs.desktop as described in the documentation. I installed xelb, and exwm from the arch aur. I put the recommended additions to my ~/.emacs.d/...
xpusostomos's user avatar
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How to add super-space aka s-SPC as leader-key in exwm?

How can I access the leader key in e.g. Firefox buffer using s-SPC? Whatever I try, I'm either getting nothing in char mode or s-SPC is undefined in line mode. Examples: ;; config.el (push (aref (kbd &...
jjk's user avatar
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How to debug emacs with the -q flag if using emacsclient (exwm)?

I start my desktop using .xinitrc: emacs --daemon -f exwm-enable exec emacsclient -c Now I'm required to run emacs -q in order to debug image display issues How should I achieve that since ...
jjk's user avatar
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How can I get helm-exwm to include the workspace/frame in the listing?

When I use the helm-exwm to list the EXWM buffers, the workspaces containing the buffers are not included in the listing. In fact I notice that C-x b and C-x B don't include the frames which hold the ...
vfclists's user avatar
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send commands to other buffers which can be EXWM

How can I send commands to other buffers which are EXWM, say, URxvt? This works for generic emacs buffers: (with-current-buffer "" (insert "Hello")) I want to ...
Alexander Mirnyy's user avatar
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Opening any 2mb jpg image in dired freezes emacs

Viewing any .jpg image > 1MB makes emacs unresponsive for over a minute. <200KB .jpg work instantly. Any ideas where to start investigating? Hitting RET on this 2.8MB.jpg. Profiler (cpu+mem) ...
jjk's user avatar
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Unable to disable nor shrink recentf-mode

Loading recentf (180MB) makes emacs unusable recently. Simple M-x calls take almost a minute each and everytime I see a recentf related message. As others already asked I'm unable as well to disable ...
jjk's user avatar
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Emacs freezes - Profiler shows three dots

Recently emacs freezes for multiple seconds, while process emacs --daemon -f exwm enable CPU usage goes up to 100%. I tried --debug-init instead of --daemon but still remain in the dark about the ...
jjk's user avatar
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How to debug exwm with chemacs2?

I usually enter s Return in my terminal to start spacemacs. After updating linux (in particular emacs 28.2 > 29.1) I got a blank screen instead. I tried changing .xinitrc to emacs --debug-init --...
jjk's user avatar
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How to increase x-pointer size

I would like to increase the size of the x-pointer (mouse cursor) in Emacs on plain Xorg (I'm running Emacs 28.2 and EXWM as window manager). The standard X solutions work but don't seem to influence ...
Alex A.'s user avatar
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How to install emacs29 with X11 support?

After installing emacs 29 with yay emacs29-git now on startx I get: You are trying to run Emacs configured with the "pure-GTK" interface under the X Window System. That configuration is ...
jjk's user avatar
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What will be the practical implications of trying EXWM in my macOS machine concerning the native macOS applications?

I have been using a Macbook Air M1 for professional reasons and would like to amplify Emacs in my life. I have been searching for the introduction of EXWM in my workflow. Unfortunately, as I started ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Why can't EXWM manage native macOS applications?

I have been using a Macbook Air M1 for professional reasons and I would like to amplify Emacs in my life. One thing I have been searching for is the introduction of EXWM in my workflow. Unfortunately, ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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How to make a popup buffer like *Help* accept and return some input upon pressing RET?

What I need to capture some text which is then inserted at point without using the minibuffer (see "why" for why this is not entirely stupid). My idea was to just pop up a temporary window ...
Betta George's user avatar
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The latest Emacs initialization hook

I am currently running Emacs as a desktop with EXWM. And I am trying to run some apps on startup to see them in a EXWM's systemtray: (defun run-auto-start () (start-process-shell-command "...
Viaceslavus's user avatar
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EXWM performance and resources compared to other window managers

I think about using EXWM on a Rapsberry Pi4 as a light weight window manager. But how light is it really? I do not understand the underlying technology (X, Lisp, ...) enough to make own assumptions ...
buhtz's user avatar
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Why can't I boot Emacs succesfully with this EXWM configuration in my init file?

I have been using Emacs for the last 5 months. However, tiling window managers is totally a new topic for me. This includes EXWM. Since I am already somewhat familiar with Emacs, I have been trying ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Many prompts hidden from sight in the minibuffer when using `EXWM` window manager

If I open Emacs 28.0.50 on Ubuntu's Gnome desktop manager (whether full screen or not), I can always see whatever prompts I have to see on the mini-buffer, such as pass's prompt for my passphrase or ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to run shell scripts at startup of Emacs/EXWM?

I have configurations I would generally run on the startup of DWM. Now, I would like to do the same with EXWM/Emacs. Is there any Elispian way to do it? EDIT: arrived in conjunction with @lawlist OBS: ...
BuddhiLW's user avatar
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In EXWM `split-window-right` followed by immediate `windmove-right` swaps order of buffers

I have a function (defun bad-fn () (interactive) (split-window-right) (windmove-right) ) If I go to a frame with just one window visiting EXWM buffer A (and buffer B is next), and call split-...
extremeaxe5's user avatar
4 votes
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EXWM - How to close another emacs opened inside exwm?

Inside EXWM (from "term") I opened another Emacs session (git commit opened it). How do I close this Emacs session?
Everton J. Carpes's user avatar
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Any ways to make a GUI application fullscreen in EXWM?

I'm used to i3wm, as well as a couple other WM, but i noticed that, as far as i know, there isn't any function or keybinding existing in EXWM (by default) to make a GUI application fullscreen (which ...
Nordine Lotfi's user avatar
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Launch EXWM only when no another WM or DE are being used

I use EXWM sometimes, but while i do appreciate it, i found myself using other WM and DE (either because i use my emacs config on another computer, since the config is in a usb stick, or other off-...
Nordine Lotfi's user avatar
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Symbol's value as variable is void: command

I wonder why this keybind start not working, it used to work but not today. ;; defun my-exwm-launch (defun my-new-exwm-launch (command) (lambda () (interactive) (start-process-shell-command ...
moanrisy's user avatar
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Emacs and EXWM window manager. Switch between applications and emacs buffer

I'm trying to use Emacs as my main window manager, by using EXWM: . Installation works fine. However, my default Emacs key binding to move between splits is: ...
mle0312's user avatar
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How to install and use exwm (the emacs based window manager) in Ubuntu 19.04?

I am running Ubuntu 19.04 on my laptop and want to use EXWM as my window manager, but am not sure how to get it into the list of window managers that one can pull down when one logs in. It seems to ...
intel_chris's user avatar
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Impossible to answer y-or-n-p prompt in EXWM if X window is focussed

When a y-or-n-p question (e.g. The file you want to open is very large. Really want to open it?) pops up in the minibuffer while an EXWM buffer is focussed, I have no option to answer the question (...
moritzschaefer's user avatar
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How to assign an Emacs buffer to an EXWM workspace based on a regexp?

I know how to assign apps to various EXWM workspaces thanks to: exwm-manage-configurations But I don't know whether it is possible to assign Emacs buffers to EXWM workspaces in a similar fashion. ...
prosoitos's user avatar
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emacs (exwm) freezing when inputing accented letters

I'm currently running a new install of exwm on a french laptop. Writing in french means I need to input accents. Those letters I can input using dead keys without any problem but I cannot use the ...
Valentin Pearce's user avatar
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Fullscreen one out of two monitors in EXWM

When I am running Chromium in EXWM I can fullscreen YouTube across two monitors using YouTube's fullscreen button or F, and I can fullscreen Chromium itself across two monitors with Emacs's C-c C-f ...
Matthew Piziak's user avatar
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Having trouble using EXWM with multiple monitors, and with exwm-input-global-keys

I'm not sure how to open more than one Emacs frame in a given workspace; ideally I would have one frame in each of my two monitors. Presently, my issue is that I'm stuck with only one frame in each ...
user avatar
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Having problems starting EXWM

I am running Debian 9.3. I created an .xinitrc file and a symlink, .xsession. File permission was changed to 774. #!/usr/bin/env bash # # This is a sample file for the ~/.xinitrc file. # # Set ...
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Restrict Mode Line display to window

I am configuring mode-line and currently the time is displayed in each window's mode-line, as shown by the image below. Is it possible to restrict the time display to the bottom right mode-line?
Us3rname's user avatar
10 votes
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How do I cut and paste effectively between applications while using EXWM?

For example, I am trying to copy the URL line from Firefox into an org mode buffer. The usual cut and paste keys for Firefox (C-c C-v) do not work, and neither does (M-w C-y). To copy from Firefox (...
Andomonir's user avatar
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In exwm (Emacs X Window Manager) how can I switch to the workspace where a given app resides?

I'm using exwm-workspace-switch-to-buffer to find already opened applications. My problem is, say I'm in workspace 1, and Firefox is open in workspace 3, if I call exwm-workspace-switch-to-buffer for ...
fhdhsni's user avatar
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In exwm (Emacs X Window Manager) how can I assign apps to particular workspaces?

For example, no matter in which workspace I start Firefox, I want it to launch in workspace 2. In i3wm I can do this with assign [class="(?i)firefox"] $workspace2.
fhdhsni's user avatar
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In exwm (Emacs X Window Manager) how can I switch to previous workspace?

Say I'm in workspace 1 and I switch to workspace 3. Currently I have to remember that I was in workspace 1 but I want some sort of functionality to to do this for me. In i3wm I can enable ...
fhdhsni's user avatar
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