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Questions tagged [fido]

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Make fido-mode remember which command I chose

I've been happy to replace smex with fido-mode in emacs 28, as fido-mode generally has much nicer behavior. However, one thing that I miss from smex is that smex would remember which strings ...
asmeurer's user avatar
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see virtual/recent buffers when switching with fido

I've switched from ido to fido and I'm missing the feature of being able to open recently closed buffers that ido-mode provided with ido-use-virtual-buffers. I spent a lot of time searching for how to ...
hzuim992's user avatar
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How can I exit completing-read with the current string instead of a completion with fido?

Consider the following code: (fido-mode 1) (let ((answer (completing-read "Please enter nothing: " '("Something")))) (if (string= answer "") (message "You ...
Zeta's user avatar
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