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Questions tagged [functions]

use this tag for Elisp `functions` for their usage, definitions, re-definitions, defining aliases, and other standard features of function execution fundamental to Lisp programming languages. Add additional Elisp tags when the functions are about specific Emacs features.

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1 vote
2 answers

Defining functions as other functions

I'm writing a package that provides a new shortcut layout for Emacs. Among other things, I'd like to replace y-n-queries with queries using a and t. I know there is a map for most such queries, but a ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
0 votes
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Help understanding elisp debugger error

I am writing a function to set a BLOCKER property on tasks under certain conditions. The logic is working fine, but I am getting an error I cannot make sense of. When executing the function on a org ...
lyndhurst's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

After refactoring elisp code, is there some help in finding unused code, mostly functions and variables?

Dealing with a one-file elisp package, I wonder if there is a nice way to see unused functions and variables after some major refactoring. I can go through the code and do xref-find-references. But ...
Harald's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create an independent copy of a function's definition?

I want to create a modified copy of re-search-forward and advise this copy to be sensitive to isearch-filter-predicate. I tried: (defun make-search-sensitive-to-ifpmod-advice (orig-fun &rest args) ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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1 answer

"Suffixed" version of a function without define it

In reference to my previous question Unwanted Focus Shift when Clicking Menu Functions in Emacs Mode Line, I have found a possible solution: (defmacro with-ignore-mouse-events (&rest body) "...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Why does my function not accept a keymap when called as a variable?

I have to remap a lot of keys in existing maps while still remembering the old value of the map. To do that, I wrote some functions that go through lists of keys and lists of keymaps: (defun Daselt/...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why can a function change behavior after instrumenting edebug on it 1 time?

I have a function that's broken until debugging: it returns nil which it shouldn't. After I flag it for debug and unflag it, it works correctly from then on. Why?
meedstrom's user avatar
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1 answer

Return a list of functions with a given property or creating a group of functions

I am a copy editor and I make an intensive use of custom "predicates" when I perform replacements in LaTeX code. I use, among others, this technique: ;; predicate (defun omit-comments (beg ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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1 answer

Define command that executes several functions

I apologize for this question, for which I know an elementary answer exists that I can't find for the life of me. I would simply like to define a command that executes several functions sequentially. ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where to find all elisp functions?

I’m working on this tutorial and it uses functions such as, search-forward, goto-char, save-excursion etc. Is there a place where all functions are listed? If I search for search-forward I find this ...
zeynel's user avatar
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1 answer

Command that does absolutely nothing

Is there an Emacs command that does absolutely nothing ?
Dilna's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Call function without calling advice defined on it

I sometimes want to bypass the advice I have defined on some function. Something like: (call-without-advice #'fn ...)
HappyFace's user avatar
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1 answer

Using a function with a different name [closed]

I want to call tematika-activate using hooks to minor mode. But I want to call the function called tematika-activate rather than tematika-enable which does the same thing, enabling tematika-minor-...
Dilna's user avatar
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2 answers

kill-buffer ERROR: wrong-type-argument - can't programatically kill buffers

I'm trying to kill buffers after selecting them from buffer-list: (kill-buffer (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (b) (and (string-match-p "ein" (buffer-...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Some functions/commands appear to be missing

I cannot call emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column mentioned here or url-link mentioned here. Neither using M-x nor in code. I use Emacs 28.2. Are these commands provided by a package ? As far as I read, ...
Tristan Riehs's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I make Org-mode's code-block output into another code-block in a different language?

I'm using a Python code-block (the middle part of the code below) to convert the table (top part) into an Emacs Lisp code-block (the bottom part). #+NAME: tmp_table | key | trans | description ...
Garid's user avatar
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2 answers

How to implement a function in `quail-define-rules` (for `set-input-method`)?

I'm checking out quail (set-input-method) to write some LaTeX snippets (I felt it had some advantages over the others snippet options such as yas-snippets). According to the manual: quail-define-...
Garid's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Write a function that prompts for a file from within a list

As a starting point, this: (defvar myfoo "~/org/" "myfoo") ; C-x C-e (defun mybar() (newline-and-indent) (insert-file-contents myfoo)) ; C-x C-e (mybar) ; C-x C-e ...
user avatar
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How do I put a function into a cons with dotted pair?

I want to send keybindings to meow-leader-define-key but it only takes them in dotted pair notation, which is a string followed by a function, but I can't figure out how to convert a string and a ...
ritchie's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there any function that allows me to execute code on the run?

I'm a Vim user who is trying to migrate to emacs. On Vim, I've been using the following vimscript function to execute code: function! ExecuteOnTerminal(type) range if (&ft=='bash' || &ft=='...
raylight's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

GNU emacs lisp: string match (how to pass emacs-version correctly)

I'm newbie with Emacs and I'm experimenting with Lisp on GNU Emacs-26.1. Can't understand why the following simple piece of Elisp code does not work: (string-match "^GNU Emacs" emacs-...
Mark's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing value of a function argument

Have been playing with the following function (defun ignition (featr actm) "TODO." (when (eq 'sweep featr) (setq featr 'icomplt)) (message "%S" featr)) Calling the ...
Dilna's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Warning: quoted with ' rather than with #'

After switching from Emacs 25 to Emacs 28 I started to get this warning message during the loading of my custom settings .emacs.d/init.el: Warning: (lambda nil \.\.\.) quoted with ' rather than with #'...
PinkCollins's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to find Emacs Lisp Org Mode functions

How can I find Org Mode emacs lisp functions like org-current-level which is used in the answer for Org subtree from yasnippet? I looked for the command in the Org Mode Manual but didn't find it there....
Ben Bkhdt's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

When is the first element in the argument list regarded as a function symbol and when not?

I'm learning elisp, and I just learned that the first element of a list is interpreted as a function symbol. I then learned how to define a function with defun. Here's the example from An Introduction ...
norio's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Passing and testing symbol in a function [closed]

Would like to pass a symbol to a function that tests for the symbol before executing certain tools. Let there be a function named (highlight-mode-line) such that when it is called with (highlight-mode-...
Dilna's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Org export "invalid function" error

This is my export.el: (require 'ox-publish) (setq org-publish-project-alist '( ("org-notes" :base-directory "~/org/" :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory ...
zeynel's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Using symbols to set options [closed]

I would like to use a symbol to set an option. I am currently using a variable cune-launch to determine when to execute cune-tools. (defvar cune-launch t) (defun cune () "Loads cune and ...
Dilna's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why can't I compose commands `mark-whole-buffer` and `copy-region-as-kill` in Elisp code?

I am trying to write a small code snippet in Elisp. Basically, I want to create a function so that the content of the whole buffer is copied and, then, copied to the kill ring. I can achieve this by ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Let a function do a keystroke

Often there is a function which then asks for another keystroke to determine how to act. Examples for this are the cdlatex functions cdlatex-math-modify, cdlatex-environment, or the reftex function ...
Sinthoras's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do write a function/macro to wrap arbitrary interactive function?

I'm trying to write a function/macro to wrap arbitrary interactive function with some pre- and post- processing. Those processing does not involve the arguments of the interactive function. For ...
Saddle Point's user avatar
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1 answer

:documentation void-function error

The following backtrace problem in being produced but cannot identify the problem correctly. Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function :documentation) (:documentation (concat "Version and ...
Dilna's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting of face using funcall

I am using funcall to set a typeface by calling a function select-typeface. I would like to remove select-typeface, calling (face (funcall level-typeface depth match). Cannot simply do (let ( (face (...
Dilna's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Function that determines and returns the programming language of a given file

I'm working on some compiler shortcuts: I want to write a function (cmp FILE-NAME &optional args) that will use FILE-NAME and args to construct the appropriate COMMAND to call (compile COMMAND) ...
andy_programs's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to add spacemacs/evil functions to pulsar-pulse-functions?

I'm using emacs 28.1 with Spacemacs and after installing pulsar I'm wondering how to add the pulse functionality on certain events, such as, when going through search matches, scrolling up, down, etc. ...
stigma's user avatar
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3 answers

Problems using a function reference from a plist

I'm trying to (funcall) a function reference I have in a plist. (defun helper-get-filename () "Argument Helper to get a filename." (read-file-name "-l <filename>: " "...
ocodo's user avatar
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How can I create an alias for a function name?

Does Elisp allow the equivalent of an alias for a function name?
Dilna's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there some way to have a local defalias?

I have some very long function names I want to use short forms for in particular files, eg (defalias-local avlfn a-very-long-function-name) Is that possible, or is that something I may have to write ...
vfclists's user avatar
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What makes an elisp function available with M-x [duplicate]

Why some functions in simple.el are invokable with M-x and some others aren't? For example I can do M-x what-line but I can't do M-x line-number-at-pos.
element's user avatar
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1 answer

Extract org heading title without task count e. g. [0/0]

I would like to extract just the plain name of an org heading: I tried with (nth 4 (org-heading-components)) Example: * Some Heading Title [0/1] ;; cursor in this line when executing ** ...
breathe_in_breathe_out's user avatar
0 votes
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Function to clone and rename buffer and narrow to subtree

This is a continuation of another question of mine which stated: I would like to go to an org heading * [A] HeadingTitle :sometag:, then clone a buffer, rename it to "HeadingTitle" and ...
breathe_in_breathe_out's user avatar
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Function to clone buffer, narrow it and rename it to the name of the current heading

I would like to go to an org heading * [A] HeadingTitle :sometag:, then clone a buffer, rename it to "HeadingTitle" and narrow it to this heading - all in one function. I know how to add the ...
breathe_in_breathe_out's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why do people add their initials to the names of tailor-made functions added to their config file?

Is it a namespace trick to prevent future problems? I noticed a pattern in the Emacs community. When people create some tailor made function and insert it on their init files, they use a convention on ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
1 vote
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Lisp function to parse shebang line?

Before I probably re-invent the wheel, has anyone written a function (or perhaps there's one somewhere in Emacs already) to parse the shebang line of the current buffer (or some specified buffer). For ...
Ed Sabol's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I call a function within a lambda?

I would like to define a function that generates lambdas, as such: (defun my-func (FUNCTION) (lambda () (FUNCTION))) But when I evaluate the following (defun my-func1 () (message &...
Tian's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Create a function that returns a new function definition

I'm creating a modular system for my use of Emacs, so I can call modules on the fly, as I need them. Just like a lazy call, but I must explicitly call them. Anyways, I found this riddle, I want a ...
BuddhiLW's user avatar
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2 answers

How can a function be used as an alist value but be evaluated before its value is used?

I am using Chemacs2 and I want to set an environment variable in the .emacs-profiles.el, eg To clarify the problem .emacs-profiles.el is not executed it is read and I have updated the post with a ...
vfclists's user avatar
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1 answer

Validating Arguments to a Function

I would like to validate the argument to a function before its action is executed. The main concern is the passing of a void variable. How can I trap this? (defun is-it-bound(item) (if (boundp 'item)...
naugiedoggie's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

redefine a function as wrapper for the old definition

I am trying to modify a package by redefining a function in it. However, I would like to call the original definition in the new definition. (kind of like extending a constructor in a subclass now ...
Alex028502's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

command print no results with (interactive "r")

Consider this test function (tested in emacs -q): (defun foo (start end) "for testing purposes" (interactive "r") (when (region-active-p) (cons start end))) ...
gigiair's user avatar
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