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Run Emacs in GUI mode without X over SSH

With Emacs 26.1 installed on a Linux RedHat flavour without X, I want to run Emacs GUI over an SSH connection with X11 forwarding and Xming server on client. Since there is no X on the machine, Emacs ...
user2965433's user avatar
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emacs: Work out which monitor is the primary one

Is there a way to programatically work out which display is considered the "primary" display for X within emacs? I've managed to get a function working that determines if the machine has more than ...
NOP's user avatar
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On Linux why should one choose Lucid over Gtk gui for emacs?

I run Ubuntu 16.04. On searching Ubuntu Software app for Emacs I am presented with two guis, Lucid and Gtk. Which one should I choose and why?
Harsh Vardhan's user avatar