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Questions tagged [ido-find-file]

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How to fallback to $HOME if Tramp failed to connect to default-directory

If I call find-file from a buffer with default-directory pointing to a remote server via TRAMP and the remote server is not reachable, then TRAMP complains: tramp-signal-hook-function: Tramp failed ...
Thomas Koch's user avatar
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How to open full path of a file in ido-find-file?

I am looking to open a full path as fast as possible.Using ido-find-file makes it difficult. When I apply ido-find-file, following line show up. Find file: ~/folder/work Here I have a full path(ex: /...
alper's user avatar
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ido-find-file how to prevent `In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.` message to show up

I keep seeing following at the top of the buffer when I do: ido-find-file. In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point. Possible completions are: Would it be possible to prevent ...
alper's user avatar
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How can I specify the maximum number of windows

I like to work with two windows split horizontally or vertically. However, when I try to use C-x 4 f (ido-find-file-other-window) when I already have two windows, it will split one of my windows so I ...
hatmatrix's user avatar
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C-x C-f Problem:

When i want to create a new file with C-x C-f (ido-find-file), and type main.lua, Emacs does not create a new file in the current directory (default-directory). Instead, it visits an existing main....
oleg harput's user avatar
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Global `C-x C-f` binding is overridden

I don't like ido-find-file, which seems to be the default response to C-x C-f in my Emacs 23.1.1 installation on Centos. I tried to change it in my .emacs file: (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f"...
Steve's user avatar
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ido-mode breaks docker-tramp completion in minibuffer, and opens wrong files

Somehow the following minimal emacs config breaks docker-tramp. Completion in the mini-buffer does not work for /docker:, nor the container ids/names like /docker:43893ad331df, and once you type out ...
Camden Narzt's user avatar
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Equivalent to `ido-find-file` functionality for ivy/counsel?

I really like how ido-find-file, if it can’t find a file matching your string (and you’ve let it idle for like a second), will search your whole home directory for files matching that string, and then ...
Tina Russell's user avatar
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How to stop ido-find-file/ido-switch-buffer prioritising the current buffer/file?

For example, if I have a Test.cpp and a Test.h and one of them is open, ido-find-file will often suggest the already-open one first if I type "Test". Likewise when both are open and the current buffer ...
Sam Brightman's user avatar
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Icicle: After load icicles the ido mode is gone?

windows 10, emacs 26.1, icicles Before Icicles when I type C-x C-f is show list of folders/files in ido mode. And it's very comfortable for me. But after I install Icicles and turn on icy-mode the ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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ido-enabled find-file does not match an existing file name when I yank file name and directory

I enabled IDO mode in my emacs (version 25.2.1, Linux) and now I am trying to open a file. I am in the directory ~/foo . The file is ~/foo/baz/bar.cpp and it does exist. I have baz/bar.cpp in my ...
Arkadiy's user avatar
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IDO mode: How to go to beginning of line in minibuffer?

When using IDO mode when I start searching for files it always begins in the working directory of my current file. Usually I like this, however, if I want to search in a significantly different ...
Startec's user avatar
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ido-find-file: typing "//" triggers loading of tramp

When using M-x``ido-find-file and typing "//" via keyboard in the minibuffer, some hook or function is triggered which starts loading the tramp package. Which tramp function is triggered and how to ...
jue's user avatar
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Fuzzy search for directory when you don't know the full directory name

Say I want to find a directory like: foo/bar/bazz/bar/directory_name_looking_for/stuff.xml And I don't know the intermediate directory paths, or the full directory name, but remember that the ...
Abraham P's user avatar
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Q: How to speed up ido when opening a file in /etc?

Emacs 24.5.1, Funtoo. When I'd like to open a file in /etc, the ido-find-file would stuck for about two minutes. It looks ido is going thru the / dir for caching the directory names, but this is ...
liuf's user avatar
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ido flex matching doesn't seem to work, or works partially

I'm running emacs 24.5.1, with the built in ido-mode. I enable (setq ido-mode-flex-matching t) and (ido-mode 1)in my startup file, and ido matching (at least the prefix and substring types of matching)...
Kevin's user avatar
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ido-find-file and dropping into directory

Reading the documentation for ido-find-file it says pressing C-d will open the specified directory in dired. However I can't get this to work no matter what text I leave in the minibuffer, could ...
Dave F's user avatar
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Tell ido-find-file not to run py-shell on python-mode

I have python-mode installed. When editing any python script, if I have the point over any python statement, I noted that when using ido-mode and using any ido-find function, py-shell runs, opening a ...
Javier Novoa C.'s user avatar
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ido-find-file: directory names with hyphens are listed first

When using ido-find-file (C-x C-f) to navigate through directories, directories that have a hyphen in the name are listed before shorter matches with no hyphen. For example, if directories named "dir1"...
axiomatic's user avatar
5 votes
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Quickly open file by full path in clipboard

There is something that blocks my workflow quite often and I'm quite sure it's easy to solve. I sometimes copy file paths (e.g. /tmp/bar/foo.gz) from the command line into my host systems clipboard. ...
cb0's user avatar
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How to sort files by type in ido

I've seen a tip several times that ido-file-extensions-order can be used to easily order files. Setup is straightforward (code at bottom), but these filetypes are only given preference when choosing ...
user2699's user avatar
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Why does ido-find-file still show . when ido-ignore-directories seems to exclude it?

I have my ido-ignore-directories set to the standard value: ("\\`CVS/" "\\`\\.\\./" "\\`\\./") The third regexp, "\`\./" should ignore the current directory, as near as I can tell. However, it doesn'...
Trebor Rude's user avatar
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Completing from filesystem search in ido-find-file

By default, when a pattern that has been typed matches no results, after a short pause in typing ido-find-file goes on to try to locate a matching file in one of recently visited directories (I ...
kkm mistrusts SE's user avatar
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Override ido-completion-map to change window target

Sometimes I open ido-find-file or ido-switch-buffer but when I find the file I want to open, I realize I want to open it in other-window. I have key bindings for ido-find-file-other-window and others, ...
waymondo's user avatar
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Pick a window for ido-find-file-other-window and ido-switch-buffer-other-window

Thanks to @itsjeyd, I've come to love ace-window, but now I want more. I use C-x 4 f and C-x 4 b to invoke the commands ido-find-file-other-window and ido-switch-buffer-other-window, but I want to ...
Colin Fraizer's user avatar
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How to replicate the "~/"-to-home & "//"-to-root behaviour in ido-find-file but for a custom directory?

When calling ido-find-file it's possible to type ~/ to replace the current working directory with your home directory automatically: Find file: /etc/{...} # after typing ~/ becomes: Find file: ~/{...}...
undostres's user avatar
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