Questions tagged [images]

for Emacs support (edit, display, etc.) of images (e.g., jpeg, png, svg). For questions about image metadata, use the tag 'image-mode.

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37 votes
5 answers

Recording a GIF screencast of Emacs

I see lots of folks posting animated GIF's showing off Emacs features, but I haven't seen a nice walk through on creating one. Is there any code that tries to link the keyframes of the gif to ...
dgtized's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

Display PDF images in org-mode

Note: This question was asked here before, with no success. Org-mode’s ability to display inline images is fantastic for writing my weekly scientific reports. I can include graphs, link them with ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Smooth (mouse) scroll for inline images?

I display images in-line with begin_src & result blocks. However, for large-images, when I scroll past the bottom of the image, I get a 'jerk' and the whole image is scrolled away. Similarly if I ...
Leo Ufimtsev's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Shrink/Zoom/Scale images in image-mode

With Emacs' doc-view-mode I can easily shrink/zoom/etc PDFs, however, I would like to be able to do the same thing with images. Currently when I open an image I cannot adjust the zoom level to fit it ...
Lee H's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Inline SVG's in org-mode?

I can see many image formats in orgmode, but not SVG. I get the error Invalid image type 'svg' when I run org-display-inline-images. It should be possible given this question exists: https://www....
avv's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

How can I toggle displaying images in eww without a page refresh?

I use eww to browse the internet and more often than not I do not want images to load, there doesn't seem to be much in terms of customizations built in for eww and none dealing with images. ...
Jordon Biondo's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Downscaling inline images in org-mode

I used to be able to scale down an inline image in org-mode with #+attr_html: :width 650 px [[file:~/org/def/202a3-9.jpeg]] But now it doesn't work anymore, presumably because of an update to 8.3.5. ...
Toothrot's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Default Inline Image Background in Org Mode

When an image has a transparent background, Emacs of course respects that. Unfortunately, this can lead to issues with display: Is there a way to display a specific color (e.g. white) behind the ...
J David Smith's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

org mode inline image display size

I wish to display org mode inline image (in emacs) with width 400 but actually it always show it as original size. My steps as below: Install ImageMagick with below command: sudo port install ...
beetlej's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Org mode: is it possible to display ONLINE images?

Assuming I want to have an org buffer in which I can preview images from url which I don't want to store on my hard drive - is there a possibility to use a solution similar to org links and display ...
caseneuve's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Create image links in org-mode

I want to create clickable image links in org-mode. This would be equivalent to: <a href="path-to-file"> <img src="path-to-image"> </a> Currently, I can display inline image ...
Adam's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

In org-mode, how to always display inline images at Emac's startup?

On Emacs (Mac) I have saved a desktop which opens two .org files (one of this has an image - jpg) and whenever I open up Emacs, I have to always type y to: display /route/to/image/Logo.jpg? (y or n) ...
fillipvt's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can I use an image in my modeline lighter?

My modeline is cluttered. Can I make it display pictures instead of mode names? I could use unicode Emoji (such as 🐍 for Python or 🐓 for Coq), but some machines on which I use my Emacs config do ...
Clément's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Embed Image as Base64 on HTML export from Orgmode

The goal is to make a self-contained html file when exporting from orgmode so that the images are intrinsic to the file and a single html file will can be distributed (I am trying to do this for a ...
brittAnderson's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I draw pixel- or vector-based UI elements in Emacs?

With that I mean UI elements (for example text fields and animated buttons) that are not restricted to the monospaced character grid of terminal emulators, but can be arbitrary shapes at arbitrary ...
Lenar Hoyt's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Org-mode: No images to display inline

I am trying to display images in org files. I have used links such as [[file:~/path/to/image.png]] When I click on the link, it gives me another buffer in which there are only symbols. When I put the ...
aymenbh's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

orgmode image export side by side to both latex and html

In org export, I want to place two images side by side. I want them to be side by side in both LaTeX export and HTML export. In the example below, the first pair works for LaTeX and the second pair ...
user3414663's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Open SVG files in XML mode

When opening a vector icon text file for editing, Emacs first tries to display it as an image. That is wrong ; If the file has errors, Emacs (25.3.2 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) crashes ...
yPhil's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Show image from image url in buffer

It seems like this should be pretty straightforward since Emacs knows how to display images. In a buffer, let's say I have a URL to an image like:
bitops's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Pasting images from clipboard into Orgmode

I have seen some posts on this but I decided to ask anyway since this is an important feature many users are requesting: the ability to copy an image from eg., Chrome and paste it into Emacs Orgmode ...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to save images from buffer?

I use eww to open an image from wikipedia: Now, I wanted to save it to my computer. How can I do that?...
e19293001's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

org-preview-latex-fragment in higher resolution

On a high res display, these latex fragments created by C-c C-x C-l are noticeably blurry compared to the text. I gather that they are processed with imagemagick--how can I tweak it to output higher ...
sooheon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Using 'create-image' with data, not a file

I am having trouble creating images with just data: (web-http-get (lambda (con hdr data) (setq nic-profile-img-data data)) :url "
nic ferrier's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Replace PlantUML source with generated image in org-mode

I write UML diagrams in org-mode with PlantUML and usually "compile" it to HTML to view the result. Is there a way to have the image show up in my buffer? I try to enable iimage-mode but it doesn't ...
Cristian's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Hide inline images and show links in org-mode

On using an image link as, [[./hello.png]] in org-mode, emacs doesn't toggle the inline image display. org-toggle-inline-images works well on start-up. I run a presentation using M-x epresent-run ...
Saravana's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Inline images appear shifted down relative to text

To speed up visually scanning my org file I would like to add icons to my headings. I am using 16x16 images which seem to fit well with the size of the font, but the images always appear slightly ...
jtgd's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Org-mode: Can't display inline images when openwith-mode is turned on

I use openwith to open images and a number of other types of files in external applications. It works a treat, but gets in the way of displaying inline images in org-mode buffers: When I do C-c C-x C-...
itsjeyd's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Make org-mode display images from the Internet in your org file

I have a list of tasks I need to complete for a project I'm working on in a org file. The thing is that I would like to display the Wercker's status images of my project on that file to know how the ...
shackra's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

how to auto scale images to fit into a slide in org mode export to beamer?

When I insert an image into the slide it gets cropped to fit into the slide. How do make an image to scale to fit in without cropping or padding? To include an image I use: #+LaTeX:\...
A_P's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why cannot thumbnails be created by image-dired?

when I view png images in Dired-mode there is no problem but when I try to view the thumbnail of it (C-t d), it fails and throws this error: could not create thumb of <filename>. M-: of ...
doctorate's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

controlling display of latex equations in org-mode

By default org-mode will overlap images of the latex equations for a given section, or for the whole document. If I press C-c C-c on an equation with an image overlay, all the images are removed. Can ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Rotate images in org mode

When I toggle inline images I can see the image. But I want to rotate it. There is an option to specify a custom width using: #+ATTR_ORG: :width 80 Is there a similar option to rotate the image? ...
Compro Prasad's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

iimage-mode - resize an image in Markdown mode to fit the window

I would love to be able to see images in Markdown that are rescaled to fit into my window. I googled for the answer but could not find how to rescale images shown with iimage-mode in Markdown. I can ...
Marcin Magnus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Indirect buffer in image mode (main buffer in text)?

Can I edit an svg file in a text mode (say, nxml-mode) while seeing live updates to the image in another window? I can see SVG as images, or as text by using image-toggle-display, but it always ...
harpo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to check whether ImageMagick is setup correctly on macOS?

I installed emacs on macOS by brew cask install emacs. But the functionality of resizing images doesn't work as expected. So, how to check whether the emacs distribution is built with imagemagick ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I yank images from Emacs?

I want to copy images from Emacs to macOS clipboard. I have tried selecting them and yanking, which hasn't worked. Google also didn't have a solution.
HappyFace's user avatar
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1 answer

org-display-remote-inline-images not working

I recently saw that a variable org-display-remote-inline-images was added to Org mode. This is a huge one for technical documentation, but sadly I was not able to get it to work. I tried cache and ...
Jens Lange's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Emacs Popup with text and picture a la wikipedia suggestion

I'm looking for a way to display both text and a picture in Emacs in a pop-up, as it is done in Wikipedia. Is there already a solution for this?
Andreas's user avatar
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1 answer

org-mode doesn't display image when LaTeX Image Attributes are included

I'm facing this problem that when I include some LaTeX specific attributes for my image, then the image doesn't display inside org-mode (although it is displayed fine in my exported LaTeX PDF). For ...
shivams's user avatar
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1 answer

How to automatically downscale an image to window width in org-mode?

I use org-toggle-inline-images to directly view linked images in org-mode files. Unfortunately, depending on resolution, format and size, images often are too wide for the window (especially in ...
Timm's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I access the :file src header argument inside the src block

I'm wondering how to access the :file header argument passed to a src block, from inside the src block itself? I'm wondering specifically for python, and in this case ipython with %matplotlib inline ...
Sparx's user avatar
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0 answers

dvisvgm baseline in org-mode HTML export

When using #+OPTIONS: tex:dvisvgm and exporting to HTML with org-mode, the baseline of the latex exported images does not match the baseline of the text (when using subscripts, for instance). Is there ...
Mario Román's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Emacs: mark contents as type image in copy to clipboard

When using pdf-tools ( I'd like to be able to select and area and copy it to the clipboard as an image, so as to insert into other applications. Selecting is easy ...
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to save SVG image to disk?

Looking for a tool to programmatically generate SVG images, I found that Emacs 26 can do it out of the box! Example adapted from the Elisp reference manual: (require 'svg) (let ((svg (svg-create 400 ...
feklee's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

render image in .org file after creating its link

After I insert this link into an .org file, it looks like a link: [[./relative_path/rock.jpg]] Is there a convenient way to render the image? Opening and closing Emacs renders the image, but it's ...
wolfv's user avatar
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3 answers

Elisp: Resize displayed images programmatically

I am writing a minor mode which involves fetching some pictures from url and displaying them, but some of them are way too big to fit an emacs window. How could I manage to limit the visual size of ...
deb0ch's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

SVG in realtime

I'm curious about this presentation in emacs: SVG in emacs realtime I could make it working, but refreshing the image manually, following this question and using the svg package, So I would try to ...
anquegi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to displaying Inline Images in Emacs markdown-mode

I am using GNU Emacs 26.3 inside a remotely connected linux machine. I was wondering is it possible to display inline images in Emacs markdown-mode? Seems like it is possible (link) in org-mode? Using ...
alper's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

drawing graph with math formula in org-mode

My goal is to: Generate graph (with math symbols / equations) from org-mode source block. Display result inside buffer My best attempt was to use dot and graphviz: But I'm unable to add math ...
Empty_Mind's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Automatic reload of images

In one of my windows I've opened "output.png" and I would like emacs to automatically reload it if it has changed. I would like to do this for all PNG files which are currently open, but only PNG ...
Stein's user avatar
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