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4 votes
1 answer

From an external script, open file and run some simple expression whether emacs already running or not

Context / initial need (works fine) I wrote and use a script that generates a file and uses emacsclient to edit it in an existing or new instance of emacs, in a new window. Similar to Set up Emacs ...
Stéphane Gourichon's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Launch emacs with ediff-files (of ediff-directories) from command line

I would like to launch emacs to ediff either files or directories. For example, I'd like something like: emacs -f ediff-files file1 file2 But when I do this, it doesn't take file1 and file2 as the ...
Madeleine P. Vincent's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Preset search isearch-string from command line

I am trying to set isearch-string from the command line. The purpose is to have a Perl script start Emacs with a given search string, and go directly to the first line of the string and enter search ...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar