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Questions tagged [keystrokes]

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Emacs keys (C-d) stop working

Running GNU Emacs 29.4 (build 1, x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.42, cairo version 1.18.0) of 2024-07-16, with the bepo keyboard and the ergoemacs (but I highly doubt it is the issue) ...
Louis's user avatar
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Is there a way the CAPS LOCK key can perform its normal text function of toggling uppercase letters off and on for fiction writing in EMACS?

I'm a new Emacs user and New to LINUX. I only use EMACS for screenwriting using fountain mode. As such, the CAPS LOCK key is a hugely-used key in screenwriting. From some googling, I see EMACS uses ...
Captain Create's user avatar
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How can I get rid of the little popup and go back to using dead keys in emacs?

I suspect that I accidentally entered some key combination that change the behavior of dead keys in emacs: when I use a Spanish keyboard layout with dead keys, when I used to enter an apostrophe (') ...
doetoe's user avatar
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Why does Emacs when started with 'no window' delete a character when I press C-h?

I've recently started to see the following behavior: when I run Emacs via emacs -nw -Q, and hit C-h, it runs BACKSPACE, deleting the characters. But if I run the same Emacs version in GUI mode, that ...
Emre Sevinç's user avatar
2 votes
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C+X C+; not working

I work in emacs 27.1, Ubuntu 22, Terminal. I need to comment out a block. I press Ctrl+XCtrl+;. However, the ; button is not accepted properly. It only makes an underlined e appear (only on screen, ...
Viesturs's user avatar
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6 votes
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Insert multiple minus ('-') characters using the universal argument (C-u)

I was manually creating a table in my source code's multiline comments and inserting horizontal separators using - and =. E.g. C-u C-u C-u = as expected and inserts 64 =s at the point. But - is used ...
loonatick's user avatar
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Best way to get man to open in emacs by default

I currently have: man () { emacs -nw --eval "(man \"$1\")"; } in my .zshrc. However, this has the problem of not working with something like read(2) or command-line arguments to ...
user129393192's user avatar
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Understanding of Emacs way of managing user input events

As an Emacs newbie (with two weeks of Emacs experience) I am in the process of understanding the way Emacs manages user input events. My current understanding of how it works is that the way Emacs ...
oOosys's user avatar
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Which command handles keys used to edit text in a buffer?

I have just (yesterday) installed emacs and am in the process of learning the very basics of its usage (I have never used emacs before, but I am maybe on the way to switch from SciTE and lua to emacs ...
oOosys's user avatar
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Plain ordered list keystrokes do not work properly

The keystrokes M-<up>, M-<down>, M-RET etc. do not work as described in the manual in an ordered list, but they change all the plain list into an unordered list. What could have happened? ...
Marcello's user avatar
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What is Emacs <select> key?

I'm running Emacs 27.2 inside Ubuntu 16.04 in terminal mode inside a Bash version 4.3.48 shell. Normally the describe-key for the end keyboard key shows that it's <end>. However, when Emacs is ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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Diacritic marks in emacs for macOS

I've run in a problem when I wanted to use diacritic marks (ąęśćłóżź) in the emacs for mac. Usually, to get them I use the right option key ⌥ along with the character I want to enter (⌥+aesclozx ...
user1146081's user avatar
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Let a function do a keystroke

Often there is a function which then asks for another keystroke to determine how to act. Examples for this are the cdlatex functions cdlatex-math-modify, cdlatex-environment, or the reftex function ...
Sinthoras's user avatar
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C-; not detected on GUI Emacs (weird behavior instead) [duplicate]

My issue is that Emacs 28.1 (from snap) or 27.1 (from apt) on Debian/sid Gnome 42.1 (on wayland) is not detecting the C-; keychord. Instead a bubble appear with already an e in it : It used to work, ...
learner's user avatar
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Display define-key output in echo area

This is my function, (define-key global-map (kbd "µ") (display-message-or-buffer (message "`%s'" (eval '(solar-sunrise-sunset-string (calendar-current-date)))))) But, when I ...
BuddhiLW's user avatar
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Iterm2 use Control + Option keys for C-M- key sequences

I usually use iTerm2 as a terminal emulator because of its tmux integration, which is extremely handy, but I haven't been able to find a way to get the Control + Option keys to work as a C-M- key in ...
Sarah Roberts's user avatar
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briefly holding shift+arrow results in "runaway" selection

When I try to select a region using shift+arrow, if I hold the key combination down for a second or two it will continue selecting the text after the keys are released. It appears to enter an ...
user34516's user avatar
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How to get immediate visual feedback of keys I type?

I would like to get some immediate strong visual feedback for the commands I enter in emacs. For example, I would be happy if any key sequence (beginning with a modifier key) that I type appeared in ...
Communicative Algebra's user avatar
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What is Emacs' "Hyper?" key?

QMK defines Hyper as Ctrl+Shift+Alt+GUI. XFCE4 is treating my Left super as Hyper, which also happens to be the key that was configured as Hyper in xmodmap when the shortcut was defined. Emacs doesn't ...
precompute's user avatar
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C-^ not registering

As the title suggests, I cannot enter C-^ in emacs. It doesn't work in org-mode nor does it register anything when I try to enter it into describe-key. If it helps at all I am on mac using emacs ...
Cole's user avatar
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Like pressing "q", but from the other window

I run a command that takes over another window, and maybe resizes it a little, but doesn't focus it. Let's say C-h e or C-x C-b. I can go to that window and press q there, and everything goes back to ...
angus's user avatar
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Partly delete a key sequence?

I'm relatively new to Emacs, so apologies if I'm using any terminology incorrectly. I have installed Doom Emacs in Evil mode, so command shortcuts are commenced with SPC instead of Meta. When entering ...
JBentley's user avatar
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Forward, backward etc sexp not working

I want to use the forward-sexp function in Emacs, which on my Spacemacs for Mac is bound to C-M-f. Similarly for the backward-sexp. However, upon pressing C- for Control, and then the Meta key, which ...
zendevil.eth's user avatar
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Break key as a shortcut -- what am I doing wrong?

I would like to define a keyboard shortcut in my .emacs file so that the Break (a.k.a. Pause) key does a C-x C-s C-x C-c. As a warmup, I thought I would try something simpler, so as a test I did this, ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Display keybindings typed in a buffer

On this video stream, the window on right displays the keybindings typed with its corresponding command bound. Is there any package that does that, or a way to achieve it?
nephewtom's user avatar
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"Backspace" key sometimes also deletes forward in python-mode

Start Edit 1 To answer questions. Emacs Versions: GNU Emacs 25.2.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.21) of 2017-09-22, modified by Debian GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2019-...
Gabe's user avatar
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Get time since last keystroke

I would like to know how many seconds have passed since the last keystroke (or character that showed up in the screen, whatever is easier). Is there a timer that is associated to self-insert-command? ...
scaramouche's user avatar
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`Alt-f` or `Alt-b` then `d` deletes the forward word rather than putting character 'd' in front of the word. Why does emacs behave in this way?

I was doing some editing in Emacs. I was using Alt-f and Alt-b to traverse by word. I wanted to add the character d in front of a word. So I pressed Alt-b to get to the front of the word and then ...
Ashfaq's user avatar
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Emacs on Windows randomly stops recognizing the Caps Lock state

I'm running GNU Emacs 26.1 on Windows 10, with minimal customizations (custom shortcuts and command names, theme, (ido-mode 'buffers).). At the start of the session, the Caps Lock state is recognized ...
Arry's user avatar
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Shift key does not fully work in Juypter Notebook's terminal

The Shift key sometimes does not seem to work in emacs, when emacs is launched in Jupyter Notebook's terminal (in non-window mode). Other meta keys such as Ctrl and Alt on a PC keyboard work as usual. ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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How do I do the key strokes `C-M-c` in spacemacs?

I'm using spacemacs but trying to use ediff-regions-linewise to compare a couple regions of text. In order to confirm the selection, I need to do C-M-c. This is probably a silly question, but how do ...
harumphfrog's user avatar
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Function to reprogram muscle memory

I've switched from emacs to spacemacs, but my muscle memory still uses the standard emacs keybindings -- despite attempts at avoiding key chords. As an example, to save a file, I continue to use Ctrl ...
Jeffrey Bauer's user avatar
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M-P: M-p is undefined

I noticed something odd. If I press M-P I get the message M-p is undefined rather than M-P etc.. Is there a reason for this? Version 26.2. Using Arch Linux and the X window system.
Toothrot's user avatar
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Configure echo time for input of key-sequence prefix keys

I am writing latex code with AUCTEX. I very often highlight text in bold or italics. For instance, AUCTEX comes with the command C-c C-f C-e, wich can be used to emphasize text in an active marked ...
user64060's user avatar
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suppress command echoes from menu-bar items

When selecting items from the menu-bar, then the echo area echoes the selected menu item. Test this by selecting menu-bar -> file -> new window below, when you clicked this menu-bar item, then ...
jue's user avatar
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`M-%` is interpreted as `M-5` (prefix arg of 5)

On one of my machines the query replace key sequence (M-%) isn't recognized, and is instead recognized as M-5, which acts as a numeric prefix argument of 5 (e.g. inserts 5 copies of the next character ...
ipsnicerous's user avatar
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How to play back an edit session in emacs?

The book Clean code says emacs can play back an edit session (page 13): You could work for an hour and then play back your whole edit session like a high-speed movie. When I did this, the results ...
Alaneuler's user avatar
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How to define action to happen on triple key press?

I'm using evil mode. I'm looking for a convenient way to type German language Umlaut characters (ä, ü, ö, Ä, Ü, Ö, ß) while using an English US keyboard layout. One idea that came to mind was to ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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is there a keybinding to save curor position for returning after viewing other section of same buffer?

when i am editing a large file, often need to view other sections of the same buffer only once. But after that I need to go back to the position I was editing at. Is there a key for doing that?
Alvaro Martinez's user avatar
12 votes
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decrease time until "C-x-" shows in echo area after pressing the keys

When I try enter commands via C-x, it takes 1-2 seconds until the echo area shows this prefix key, as C-x-. I'm quite new to Emacs, so this often confuses me, and I get lost. The ESC key acts ...
kai-dj's user avatar
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OA and OB inserted by emacs

What are the OA and OB inserted by emacs? It happens, I think, when I press ESC several times. I use emacs in the -nw mode. I would rather do without these insertions.
Viesturs's user avatar
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Process unread-command-events and redisplay

(defun pretend (keys) (dolist (e (reverse (listify-key-sequence (kbd keys)))) (push e unread-command-events) ;; (mystery-function) (redisplay t) (sleep-for 0.1))) (pretend "M-x my-...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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How to graphically represent Meta characters

Given that the variable x contains the numeric representation of the key "Control-Z", say (setq x ?\C-z), one may graphically represent its contents by issuing the command (char-to-string x), ...
Ruy's user avatar
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Convert bitmap vector keys into a human readable string

If you run (kbd "M-r") you'll get back the bit vector [134217842]. But what if I want to go the other way around: start with [134217842] and return M-r. How does one do that? I Have looked at the ...
rocky's user avatar
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Making sure that a pair of functions is executed even if C-g is pressed in the middle

Based on the documentation, I am trying the following: (let ((inhibit-quit t)) (my-fun) (y-or-n-p "Prompt") (cancel-effects-of-my-fun)) Here, my-fun performs changes to configuration and ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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Regex search: Why C-M-s does not seem to work like other keystrokes?

The purpose of this question is primarily to serve my curiosity, but it can maybe save some time for others who may press C-M-s (isearch-forward-regexp) just like they would press C-s (isearch-forward)...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Abbreviation expansion without spaces

I would like to set up things so that when I type Iuulius, the sequence uu is seamlessly replaced by ū (and a few more such pairs), as soon as I type the second u. I.e. the keystrokes and buffer text ...
melissa_boiko's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make emacs recognise C + SHIFT combinations in terminal mode?

Emacs cannot currently pick up C-SHIFT sequences in terminal mode. For example, C-) and C-( are instead just read as 0 and 9 respectively. I'm aware that using GUI mode is one way around this, but I ...
achalk's user avatar
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Injecting keystrokes on console

I normally use emacs (on Linux) running in windowing mode. I have bound a number of functions to special keypresses such as <C-return> and <kp-add>. Ocasionally, I'm forced to run emacs ...
oz1cz's user avatar
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C-) not recognized on Windows 10

In my init file, I have C-) bound to a smartparens "slurp" command. This works great on linux, but when I try to use the same keybinding on my Windows machine, nothing happens. To troubleshoot on my ...
achalk's user avatar
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