Questions tagged [keywords]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Defining a function that takes keyword arguments and a variable number of positional ones

I want to define a function that takes both keyword arguments (as in &key) and a variable number of positional ones (&rest). They should be independent of each other, the keyword list should ...
Nova's user avatar
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Loading new agenda keywords (org-todo-keywords) is broken for me - bug in Emacs?

Objective I decided to add custom agenda keywords (I'm still setting up the environment, don't have any agenda files yet) and I used this example code from some tutorial: (setq org-todo-keywords ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Is there a canonical way to convert a keyword to a symbol with no :?

I want to convert keywords, e.g. :some-key to a plain symbol like some-key. I currently do this with: (intern-soft (substring (symbol-name :some-key) 1)) Is there a better way?
John Kitchin's user avatar
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How can I trigger the keyword transitioning code if I use a custom completion to select org keywords?

My list of org keywords is rather long and I would prefer to pick them through completion rather than the usual org-todo shortcut-driven method. Using the shortcut keys is not enough, as there are too ...
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