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Questions tagged [kill-buffer]

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7 votes
3 answers

How can I kill buffers based on mode?

I know about kill-matching-buffers but that searches buffer names, I want instead to search buffer modes. For example, I might want to kill all buffers that have "notmuch-" or "[Notmuch]...
Sandra's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

kill-buffer with y-or-n-p instead of yes-or-no-p

Q:  How can I use y-or-n-p -- instead of yes-or-no-p -- when calling kill-buffer for just the duration of a particular function? In other words, I want the behavior of (fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ...
lawlist's user avatar
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39 votes
6 answers

How to reopen just killed buffer, like C-S-t in Firefox Browser?

Sometimes I accidentally kill a buffer and want to reopen it, just like C-S-t to undo closed tab in Firefox, but there is no built-in command in Emacs, the defun undo-kill-buffer in http://www....
CodyChan's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Kill process buffer without confirmation?

I have C-x C-k bound to kill-this-buffer. But when I enter into a buffer which is running a process like Python or MySQL, if I do C-x C-k it asks Buffer "*Python*" has a running process; kill it (...
Chillar Anand's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to automatically kill a shell buffer when the shell process exits

In shell-mode when you exit the shell process (e.g. by typing exit) the buffer still hangs around (with the message "Process shell<1> finished"). How can I automatically kill the shell buffer when ...
halloleo's user avatar
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4 votes
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server-edit vs kill-buffer to kill an emacsclient buffer

I use emacsclient to open files from my webrowser (pdfs, text files etc). When I'm done with the file, I know I need to close it with C-x # (server-edit); if I use C-x k (kill-buffer) I get a warning ...
Tyler's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

replace-buffer-in-windows issues in switching from emacs 24.5 to emacs 25.2

I installed Emacs 25.2 on a new system and cannot get the desired behavior with killing buffers when an Emacs frame is split into multiple windows. For example, I have C-x 3 bound to a variation of ...
Sagar Jha's user avatar
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