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Questions tagged [kill-buffer]

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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how to get emacsclient to behave like emacs?

I don't like that emacsclient keeps buffers open. Is there a way so when I C-x C-c out of a session, it behaves like a regular emacs instance and kills all associated buffers? It'd also be nice if ...
user129393192's user avatar
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How to ask for confirmation before killing any new modified buffer?

What's the best way to prompt for confirmation before killing any modified buffer, including new buffers created by evil-buffer-new, which creates a buffer without an associated filename. Modified ...
Gavin's user avatar
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How to kill process similar to kill buffer

Whenever I run into infinite loops in a script and it produces a lot of output, C-c C-c (comint-interrupt-subjob) does not reach the process and cannot be killed; being over SSH hangs communication as ...
phoxd's user avatar
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Kill buffers - how to make *scratch* and *Messages* last

Any setting I can use to get back the old behavior where killing a buffer I get to the next buffer for the files I have given on the command line? I have been using Emacs like this for years Open ...
kboortz's user avatar
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How to kill a transient buffer?

I'm a emacs 28.0.50 user (compiled by my own) and my config is based on spacemacs v0.200.8 I've noticed that, when I'm on a transient buffer and type 'q', the buffer goes away but still in my buffers ...
Ariel Serranoni's user avatar
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How to get kill-buffer-hook to detach a screen session prior to kill-buffer?

I keep many screen session running in the backgroud, which I access with M-x eshell-command "screen -r <myscreen>". Before I kill the *screen* buffer, I have to detach the session with C-a d. ...
petermao's user avatar
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How to find what is creating and killing so many buffers?

A bunch of creating and killing buffers in my setup and I can't track down what is it. Here is my debug code: (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook (lambda() (message "Killed: %s / %s" major-mode (...
Henry Mazza's user avatar