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Jump to global mark ring after jumping to register

In buffer B, I press C-x r SPC r to store the position of point. I switch to buffer A and do some work. I then press C-x r j r to return to the position I saved in buffer B. How do I get back to the ...
SabreWolfy's user avatar
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How to switch back and forth between two locations in a buffer

Sometimes I find myself frequently alternating between two functions that I am editing in conjunction with each other. In these situations, it is tedious and painful to keep on doing a C-s <...
Vedaad Shakib's user avatar
43 votes
6 answers

Effectively using the mark ring

I have used the mark to select regions of a buffer. For example, I know the sequence C-<space> C-s foo can be used to select all text between the current point and the point after a search for ...
Patrick Steele's user avatar