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Questions tagged [markdown-mode]

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How do I make markdown or org mode hide formatting characters until I edit?

I'd like to hide markdown / org-mode markup characters when viewing a file, so I set org-hide-emphasis-markers and markdown-hide-markup to t. However, when editing a section of text, I'd like to see ...
amitp's user avatar
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How to make Flyspell ignore code blocks in Markdown?

Can I filter what Flyspell may check in the buffer? I don't want it to spell-check code in Markdown mode. Maybe I can use the font-face at point for that? Something like this: (let ((get-char-...
katspaugh's user avatar
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5 votes
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Correct markdown-format tables with orgtbl-mode?

I'm just learning about org-mode, and of course blown away by its sheer level of usability. I of course want to use it everywhere, so I want to create tables with it. Including tables in markdown-mode....
Trevoke's user avatar
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Use normal delete-region with backspace in markdown-mode

I would like to use the "normal" behaviour for <backspace> in markdown-mode. That is, instead of calling markdown-exdent-or-delete, I would like to call cua-delete-region. So I tried this ...
NVaughan's user avatar
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Showing markdown code background in "boxed" mode

When reading markdown in markdown-view mode, I'd like the markdown code to be "boxed" in the sense that the code has a different background throughout the entire window width. Currently, if ...
Dov Grobgeld's user avatar
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Is it possible to force `markdown-mode` during git commit?

I was using following answer: to set markdown on the .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/\\.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG\\'...
alper's user avatar
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What's the most effective way to modify this internal mode config?

markdown-mode defines tab-width using a magic number when loaded, overwriting any global settings I have (namely, 2 spaces): ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode markdown-mode text-mode "Markdown" "...
bright-star's user avatar