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Questions tagged [markdown-mode]

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17 votes
1 answer

Github-flavored markdown mode: syntax highlight code blocks

For example, if I have a markdown file with the following: ###This is my markdown file here is some text. here is my code block: ``` js var accountdown = require('accountdown'); var level = require('...
modulitos's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Collapse sections in markdown

I use markdown-mode (in conjunction with writeroom-mode) for writing in Emacs. My markdown files generally gets quite large, and I would like to be able to focus on a particular section for extended ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
10 votes
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How do I make markdown or org mode hide formatting characters until I edit?

I'd like to hide markdown / org-mode markup characters when viewing a file, so I set org-hide-emphasis-markers and markdown-hide-markup to t. However, when editing a section of text, I'd like to see ...
amitp's user avatar
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4 answers

How to make hyperlinks clickable in markdown mode?

In an emacs org-mode buffer it is possible to type a hyperlink and then click on the hyperlink with a mouse to open the url in an external browser. Is there a way for markdown mode to have active ...
Kevin Wright's user avatar
9 votes
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How to fix markdown-mode's fill-paragraph?

markdown-mode is pretty good at filling paragraphs overall, but there's one flaw that really bothers me. If a paragraph contains a line which ends in two spaces, it only starts filling never fills ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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Can we get inline results with polymode for Rmd files?

As a new Emacs user, I've recently learned how to use polymode to handle R code in org-mode. I'm happy with it, since I get the same features than those implemented for example in Rstudio for Rmd ...
Philopolis's user avatar
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How to make Flyspell ignore code blocks in Markdown?

Can I filter what Flyspell may check in the buffer? I don't want it to spell-check code in Markdown mode. Maybe I can use the font-face at point for that? Something like this: (let ((get-char-...
katspaugh's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to configure markdown-mode to render headings like org-mode?

Beloved org-mode can be configured so that different headings (aka, entry titles) display with different colors depending on their nesting level, and so that they only show the final markup character ...
algal's user avatar
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5 votes
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Correct markdown-format tables with orgtbl-mode?

I'm just learning about org-mode, and of course blown away by its sheer level of usability. I of course want to use it everywhere, so I want to create tables with it. Including tables in markdown-mode....
Trevoke's user avatar
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Can Markdown mode help with generating the 2nd line in a Markdown table?

When I write a table like | Syntax | Description | More columns ... | | ----------- | ----------- | ---------------- | | Header | Title | . | | Paragraph | Text ...
halloleo's user avatar
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How to get align-regexp to help line up Markdown tables properly?

I am trying to line up a text table using align-regexp. A table, before alignment, looks like this: | Alpha | Bravo | Charlie | |-------|-------|---------| | Delta | Echo | Foxtrot | | Golf | Hotel | ...
rityzmon's user avatar
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Markdown equivalent of `org-indent-mode`?

What's the simplest way of ensuring that the text below a headline in a Markdown file is aligned with the headline? In org-mode you can accomplish this by calling org-indent-mode. Is there a similar ...
apc's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to add four spaces selected region [duplicate]

I'm using Firefox extention It's all text, with it I can edit stackoverflow form text in Emacs. Therefore I often want to add four spaces before selected text to markdown codes. indent-region only "...
ironsand's user avatar
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How can Markdown mode follow links?

I found this today by chance: I visited the help file on split-string with C-h f split-strings: split-string is a compiled Lisp function in ‘subr.el’. (split-string STRING &optional ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Enable any outline mode for markdown

First of all, from Allout outline mode is part of GnuEmacs. Allout outline mode provides extensive outline formatting and manipulation beyond standard ...
xpt's user avatar
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How can I turn off clickable links in markdown mode?

I would like markdown-mode to treat URLs as normal text, so that I can click on them to place the cursor inside them rather than loading the page in a browser. I tried toggling goto-address-mode, ...
Jay Daigle's user avatar
4 votes
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Minor markdown-mode for comments

I like to use the markdown-mode for READMEs. And I would like to use the markdown-mode as a minor-mode for comments in other major-modes like sh-mode. Is this possible somehow?
ceving's user avatar
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Abbrev expansion after quotation mark

I've looked for a solution to this a number of times. Suppose 'kg' normally expands to 'knowledge' in my abbrev file. I wonder if there is any way to get emacs to expand after a single or double ...
Steve Petersen's user avatar
4 votes
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How to preserve list indentation after RET in markdown-mode?

When I'm editing a markdown-mode document with a list like this: * foo * bar * baz and my cursor is at the very end of the baz line, and I press RET (which is bound to markdown-enter-key) then the ...
jml's user avatar
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Why are code blocks and code literals displaying with large face in markdown

In markdown mode, all of the fenced code blocks and inline code literal strings are displaying with this very large font. The size is large, and also I'm pretty sure it isn't the same font as the ...
Adam Michael Wood's user avatar
3 votes
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markdown inline preview like it is done with preview-latex

I am completely new to markdown and would like to know if there is any package/mode which allows to live preview only parts of the document (mainly equations, tables and images) like it is possible ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Assign TAB in markdown mode

Running emacs 25.2.2, general, evil and markdown-mode installed from MELPA. The problem is when I hit TAB on a heading in a markdown file, it does not cycle visibility of content. C-h k TAB shows it ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Use normal delete-region with backspace in markdown-mode

I would like to use the "normal" behaviour for <backspace> in markdown-mode. That is, instead of calling markdown-exdent-or-delete, I would like to call cua-delete-region. So I tried this ...
NVaughan's user avatar
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Markdown and Latex highlighting (font lock) in R Markdown file

I am using polymode to edit rmarkdown files. Exporting to e.g. pdf is super simple and works very well. R code chunks are also properly highlighted. But: I do quite often use latex code inside (r)...
ps_r's user avatar
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Edit commit messages in markdown mode

I configured git so that it uses emacsclient when editing commit messages. The only problem is that these messages are edited in fundamental-mode. Which hook should I use to have these commit messages ...
Damian Nadales's user avatar
2 votes
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How to fold nested list items in markdown-mode

I would like to be able to fold nested list items in markdown-mode in the same way that it is possible to do in org-mode, so that, for example, the first sub-item in the following list can be easily ...
user32038's user avatar
2 votes
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What are these underlines shown for whitespace at the end of some lines?

The following screenshot shows Emacs 26.3 (GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.14) of 2020-03-26, modified by Debian) editing a Markdown file: Note that on some lines of ...
Cactus's user avatar
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Help needed to debug (very) slow markdown-mode

I come back to emacs after an eternity without using it. I used it before but now that I'm a grown up I'd like to understand what I do and how to do stuff. I use emacs mainly for markdown edit at the ...
lvictorino's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I hide markup in Markdown mode with use-package?

I'd like to hide the markup in my Markdown buffers. I can do that manually using markdown-toggle-markup-hiding. However I'd like to configure this once and for all in my init.el so that I don't have ...
Debajit's user avatar
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`markdown-mode` only renders some, not all, LaTeX strings

I'm using markdown-mode. I followed these instructions to render LaTeX math strings: I am rendering to HTML with markdown-export and markdown-live-preview-...
Peter Becich's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I hide formatting marks after the formatting they define has been applied in markdown mode?

I am using markdown mode with the modifications suggested in the excellent answer I received to a previous question. My aim is to have basic rendering capabilities within emacs itself so I can ...
terdon's user avatar
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How to default markdown-mode's markdown-live-preview-mode to vertical split

Using markdown-mode, I can run M-x markdown-live-preview-mode (or C-c C-c l) and it will split the window horizontally and display the rendered markdown (i.e. the HTML) with eww in a window below the ...
Thomas Cort's user avatar
2 votes
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Exporting org-mode to Markdown does not render the title?

I have the following in org-mode: #+TITLE: My title #+SUBTITLE: My ...
Tfovid's user avatar
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RefTeX reftex-citation not showing all entries and takes preceding word as argument

After initial setting up emacs with AuCTeX and RefTeX everything worked fine. may not be the problem, see edit below Now, for a porject I tried setting up RefTeX to work with markdown-mode with this ...
lukeflo's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable font faces in Markdown for tables only?

I really like the markdown mode in Emacs (markdown-mode.el v2.4-dev) but when I have monospace in table cells the columns get out of alignment. Not only that, but at times the rendering kind of jerks ...
AndyJ's user avatar
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org-pretty-entities for markdown-mode

org-mode has the variable org-pretty-entities that allows for the display of LaTeX math as unicode characters. How could one get the same result in markdown-mode? It seems like this should be a ...
user8033428's user avatar
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polymode with fsharp-mode has trouble sending last line in code block to interactive

I just started setting up polymode I got ESS and r going nicely with markdown. (use-package markdown-mode) (use-package polymode) (require 'poly-R) (require 'poly-markdown) I was able to put r code ...
phil's user avatar
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dir-locals not working

I wanted to have wc-mode (a minor mode) enabled when I edit any markdown file in a specific directory. So, I created a .dir-locals.el file and added the following to it: ((markdown . ((wc-mode . t))))...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Showing markdown code background in "boxed" mode

When reading markdown in markdown-view mode, I'd like the markdown code to be "boxed" in the sense that the code has a different background throughout the entire window width. Currently, if ...
Dov Grobgeld's user avatar
1 vote
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Make backticks electric for markdown mode

I'm trying to use electric pair mode for backticks in markdown mode. The following code hasn't worked and throws and error whenever I type a backtick. How was it wrong? (defvar markdown-electric-pairs ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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How to add numbers to all lines matching a certain regex?

I have a Markdown file like this: # Title ## My Theme Pellentesque dapibus suscipit ligula. ### Mine is yours Donec posuere augue in quam. ## Your Theme * Suspendisse potenti. * Aenean in sem ac ...
halloleo's user avatar
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Is it possible to force `markdown-mode` during git commit?

I was using following answer: to set markdown on the .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/\\.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG\\'...
alper's user avatar
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2 answers

ELPA list is missing markdown-mode according to list-packages

I'm trying to install markdown-mode using instructions on, according to which I put into my init.el file (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives ...
76 Pinto's user avatar
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How to set display margins for markdown-mode buffers?

Is there a way to set the display margins for markdown-mode buffers? I've read and various suggested solutions but ...
jth's user avatar
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How to show all sections after cycling visibility?

After cycling visibility for some sections, is there a single key combination that will restore visibility to all subsections? I was trying to isearch for a tab, and, instead of inserting a tab ...
outis's user avatar
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Slow markdown-mode as Emacs spends lots of time fontifying

Emacs on my Mac got upgraded when I upgraded some other package in Homebrew and now working with Markdown files is very slow. I'm now running the railwaycat/emacsmacport/emacs-mac package version with ...
kuzzooroo's user avatar
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How do I get flyspell to ignore pandoc citations in markdown

Flyspell regularly shows pandoc citations as a spelling error in markdown documents. For example @chu2017 will come up as a spelling error for 'chu'. How can I get Flyspell ignore the citations and ...
Atanas Janackovski's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set utf-8 encoding for *markdown-output* buffer?

I have emacs-24.5 installed on Windows 10. Many utilities are configured through cygwin, including perl. When in Markdown mode every so often after I press C-c C-c p to run the external ...
Volodymyr's user avatar
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markdown-mode seems to ignore variables set in .dir-locals-el

I have a folder with some files written in markdown format that I would like to convert in html using markdown-mode. I want a local value for the variable markdown-css-paths, in order to have a ...
cvd-00's user avatar
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Emacs sometimes saves buffer to wrong file

I am working with Quarto, which is based on mixing Markdown with code snippets from various languages. Hence it relies on polymode. Sometimes when I have multiple Quarto .qmd files open and want to ...
hatmatrix's user avatar
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