Questions tagged [mode-line]

The mode line is a useful summary information about the buffer shown in the window, including its name and current modes. It is located at the bottom of every Emacs Window aside from MiniBuffer windows.

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Mode line and vertical split windows

I've been recently experimenting with having the tooltips for the buffer on the mode line show the full file path via: ;; try switching buffer name tooltip in the mode line to actually be the full ...
benleis's user avatar
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How to disable animations in the modeline

In the mode-line, web-mode shows an animation: How can it be disabled and where is it set up ?
Some-Guest-Person's user avatar
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`line-number-mode`, but per-buffer (using `smart-mode-line` package)

Is it possible to have the line number where the cursor is shown in the mode-line (or line and column numbers appearing in the buffer) only for certain buffers, while it is disabled for other buffers. ...
Christian Herenz's user avatar
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easy-menu-define: how to display menu only in mode-line

I'm using easy-menu-define to diplay a menu in the mode-line on the activation of a minor-mode: (if biblio-editing-min-mode (easy-menu-define biblio-edit-menu biblio-editing-min-mode-map &...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Time is not shown in mode line

Given: Home: Laptop Lenovo Legion OS: Linux Mint 21 Emacs 27.1 Office: PC OS: Linux Mint 21 3 Displays Emacs 29.1 In init.el I set time in mode line like this: (display-time-...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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When using ssh in term-mode, how do I get the remote system's hostname for emacs?

I regularly use term-mode then ssh into a remote machine to run bash commands. I want to display the remote machine's hostname in my modeline. I added the relevant code for the modeline but I'm having ...
Matt's user avatar
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Is there a way to display echo area message over mode line?

Currently it looks like But this is a bit annoying - as the echo messages changes between single line and multi-lines, the mode-line is moving up and down. I know I can truncate the message to make ...
Saddle Point's user avatar
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Strange symbols in doom-modeline

When I first installed doom-modeline I used to get the nice symbols for each mode, for some reason now all I get is: Does anyone know how I can get proper symbols back?
Dave F's user avatar
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Making certain key sequences show up in the lighter menu [duplicate]

With the following code, how can I get H-b, H-m, H-w, H-v, to show up in the lighter menu ? (defvar tika-kymap (let ((pfmap (make-sparse-keymap))) (keymap-set pfmap "H-b" #'outline-...
Dilna's user avatar
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Changing some attributes of face `mode-line`

I want to change some attributes for the mode-line using elisp file calls. But I want to use exclusively the code that I write myself, without having emacs write to my init file. Although I have been ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Some Icons Don't Show Up When Running in Server/Client Mode

I am writing my own config from scratch in emacs. It's not a very complicated config so far. I have installed all-the-icons font. It works just fine when I launch emacs directly and start working in ...
Vipul Rajan's user avatar
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which-func should not show eglot information in modeline

Trying to get the modeline to show the current c++ function point is in, I modified my modeline in the following way: (setq-default mode-line-format (quote (#(" &...
CD86's user avatar
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How do I display time in the modeline for the UTC timezone?

My system's time zone is set to the local time zone, but I want the time zone for Emacs to be set to UTC. I've tried using various different functions, like current-time-zone, current-time-string, ...
Blender's user avatar
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mode-line, Status :: Added to Agenda

I'd like some kind of visual feedback in the mode-line, saying whether the current buffer is a file that is added to the org-agenda. Is there some way to do that?;)
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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How to change the position of the modeline?

My visual impression of a highlighted modeline placed below the horizontal scrollbar is to intuitively consider the modeline to belong to the window below and not to the window above: After two weeks ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How to indicate in the mode-line that current-buffer's file has changed on disk?

How can I show if a file has changed on disk, in the mode-line? (I'm trying to troubleshoot why auto-revert doesn't work for me, and such an indication would help.)
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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"-UUU:----F1" in terminal Emacs mode line

What does -UUU:----F1 exactly mean in a terminal Emacs mode-line? I have heard, that U means somethings like UTF-16, but why are there three U's? What is F1 for? Why are there -?
David's user avatar
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(display-time) is appending a random number

I added (display-time) to my .emacs file to display the TOD in the status line. What I get is: 11:31PM 1.27 No idea what 1.27 means, or why it changes randomly to other numbers of the form N.NN. I ...
Chap's user avatar
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Display only the buffer coding systems but not keyboard or terminal coding system in mode line

By default, in terminal, emacs's mode-line-mule-info displays: buffer coding systems keyboard coding systems terminal coding systems EOF indicator Example: -UUU:%%--F1 *GNU Emacs* All L1 (...
Alaneuler's user avatar
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Robustness of mode-line toggle

Here are two implementations to toggle the mode-line. The first checks with default-value for mode-line-format. Would this be more robust than the subsequent implementation Looking at default-value, ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Toggle the display of the mode-line

The intention of the following code is to toggle the display of the mode-line when called repeatedly. Although the mode-line is removed when first called, the mode-line does not show up again. I ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Toggling the mode-line

I am using this function to toggle the mode-line display. But it does not always function when I call it repeatedly. (defvar-local ramona-mode-line-rflog nil) (defun ramona-mode-line () "TODO....
Dilna's user avatar
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Alternative way to change mode-line [closed]

Having tried to use global-mode-string to change the mode-line I have found a problem with the development version of emacs. As it will take some time before a fix comes along, I would be grateful to ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Buffer name in the status bar / mode-line is too long. How do I truncate it?

Some buffers get too big names, especially when I use org-tree-to-indirect-buffer. Is there some way to limit it in the status bar? Example Current buffer name displayed in the status bar:
Carlos Freire's user avatar
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Emacs how to hide globally the mode line

I try to find a way to hide or disable globally the kind of status bar displayed below each window (called mode line). I use hide-mode-line package to hide the mode line in some major modes like prog-...
Michel Lecomte's user avatar
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Change the order of Minor Modes on the Modeline

I've recently been using the delight package to override mode line strings and control whether or not they're displayed, and it's great, but I'd like also to control the order in which minor mode ...
C4ffeine Add1ct's user avatar
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How to see total line number of a file in emacs Mode line?

I really need this but couldn't figure out how to do it. Let's say I open a file in a new buffer which has 200 line of code. Now I'm in the beginning of my file in line 1. And Mode line showing All(1,...
Likhon BaRoy's user avatar
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Why do I have Chinese/Mandarin characters in my mode-line and e-shell out of the blue? How do I fix this?

I have been using Emacs for a while. As you can see in my config file (whole file), there is a snippet to provide a Doom mode line: (use-package doom-modeline :init (doom-modeline-mode 1) :custom (...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Change background colour of the mode line in window

How can I change the background colour of the mode line of a window when not in use?
Dilna's user avatar
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Why does the %m construct does not work for emacs-lisp-mode?

I have the following modeline configuration : (setq-default mode-line-format '((:eval (me/simple-mode-line-render ;; Left. (quote (" " mode-line-mule-...
Emperor_Udan's user avatar
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Problem With Linux Mint Cinnamon Display of Lines Numbers and Mode Line

Addendum added to respond to the answer and subsequent comments of db48x A few months ago, I migrated from Fedora to Linux Mint 20 (Cinnamon), and then installed Emacs v26.3 in Mint. As shown in the ...
zugzwang's user avatar
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Emacs mode line minimalist

i have a config for minimalist mode line, its the next; (setq column-number-mode t) (setq mode-line-percent-position nil) (setq mode-line-modes (mapcar (lambda (elem) (pcase elem ...
saravia's user avatar
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How can I get doom-modeline to show the correct number of new emails?

Doom-modeline has a feature where it shows the number of new emails you have. But for some reason, they're capped at 99, so the modeline always shows 99+, no matter what. How can I get this to show ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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How to hide/remove some texts in emacs mode-line?

I've emacs modeline as below I want to hide some text such as Lisp Interaction : WC ivy Projectile Eldoc from modeline . I want to leave other as it is and dont change those . How can i do this?
Rajanboy's user avatar
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Is there a way to emulate spacemacs's modeline with numbers to help jump between windows?

I've been looking into rebuilding my config from scratch and used to use spacemacs. One thing I really liked was spacemacs's modeline that marked windows with a number and allows you to jump between ...
irregular's user avatar
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How can I apply diminish to apheleia-mode

I am using diminish for minor modes. But I was not able to apply it for apheleia-mode. (apheleia-global-mode +1) (with-eval-after-load 'apheleia (setf (alist-get 'isort apheleia-formatters) '...
alper's user avatar
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Only show coding-system in mode-line when not utf-8-unix

I’m trying to save space in my mode-line. 99% of the files I edit are in UTF-8 format with Unix line endings (coding system utf-8-unix). I don’t need the ‘U’/‘U:’ indicator in my mode-line in these ...
Daphne Preston-Kendal's user avatar
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How to automatically hide mode line by detecting frame size?

Hide mode-line would be more compact for a narrow sub-frame like this: For now, I'm using doom-emacs and binding keys like SPC t m to hide the mode-line, This just works but, I want to ask, Is it ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to prevent the mode line color from changing after the buffer is switched?

like this: The mode line color of the current buffer is darker, I hope the color will not change.
dongli si's user avatar
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How to show the remaining disk space in the modeline?

I might using the wrong search terms, thus I'm asking for this here: How can I have modify my modeline to display my remaining disk space? Currently I have to open a terminal in order to enter: $ df -...
jjk's user avatar
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How does eldoc (>= 1.1.0) display arguments in the mode-line during eval-expression

I am unable to determine how eldoc is displaying arguments (or other information) in the mode-line while eval-expression is reading user input in the minibuffer. I could not find a relevant element in ...
tarsius's user avatar
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How can I show (e.g in the mode-line) the current keyboard layout?

Linux Mint 20.2 Emacs 27.2 I have two Keyboard Layouts: US, RU. Example of input text on 2 languages: Is it possible, in mode-line to print current keyboard layout? E.g. US. The ideal to show ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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How do I set the mode-line "box" property to be the same color as the "background" (running emacs daemon)

I'm trying to set the "box" property (the border) of my mode-line to match whatever the background color is. Here's what I've tried to do: (add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions (...
marc1's user avatar
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vc-mode doesn't evaluate when mode-line-format is set with setq-default

I've this code in my init.el (setq-default mode-line-format (list (propertize " %b " 'face 'bufname) (propertize (concat "...
natto's user avatar
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How can I copy the faces of a window's mode-line to its header-line?

I want to move my mode-line to the top of each window. So, I've copied its contents into the header-line. (setq-default header-line-format mode-line-format) (setq-default mode-line-format nil) But, I'...
bluekeys's user avatar
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How to get rid of "Compiling" message stuck on mode line?

For some reason it's always showing Compiling, even if there is no compilation. I found the answer, I post this question to record the solution for it
Tom's user avatar
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How to display atime, ctime and mtime of a file in the modeline?

The modeline at the bottom already displays valuable information about the current buffer, like the EOL type (LF), the encoding (UTF-8)… Now when I open a file, I would find it very handy to also ...
Delapouite's user avatar
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How can I have the lighter of a minor mode be colored /propertized)?

How can I colorize/propertize the lighter of a minor mode in the mode line?
Gabriele's user avatar
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How to change the size on mode-line horizontal line

I am running emacs version GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2020-09-19, on Ubuntu 20.04 on a laptop with 4K display in 200% scaling mode (...
Ernelli's user avatar
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How to customize the rendering of the straight lines in mode line?

Here are two examples of what I mean: The lines are rendered in a different color as the background, so they are clearly seen: The lines are rendered in the same color as the background, so they can ...
nephewtom's user avatar
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