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Questions tagged [motion]

is for moving the cursor around the buffer. Emacs provides key-bindings for alternative ways of moving the cursor interactively: by syntactical elements such as characters and words; by forward and backward searches; by arbitrary lines; by units such as sentences, paragraphs, and s-expressions; and by other methods unique to certain modes.

21 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a way to move region with arrow keys or similar?

Say I have a function int calc(int that, int this); I want to mark int that and then move it right across words by hitting modifier arrow key (or similar) twice to get int calc(int this, int that); ...
mcp's user avatar
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How can I find corresponding balanced parentheses?

I have this LaTeX code: \caption{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet: foo), bar), baz) and qux) consectetuer adipiscing elit.} I want to put a marker immediately before the first { and one immediately after ...
Onner Irotsab's user avatar
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Fields: how to avoid field-end-position to overlap with next field?

I have a text in the beginning of buffer 901 fifth avenue The word 901 is defined as field "house" and fifth (including space) as field "street". So the text with fields is ...
Ott Toomet's user avatar
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Is (forward-char N)'s runtime complexity O(N)?

Internally, the text of a buffer is stored as a char array. The encoding used is based on UTF-8, which may use a variable number of bytes to represent different code points. Does the variable-length ...
alexgiorev's user avatar
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How to navigate horizontally in a Helm buffer?

When I use helm-occur it prints the path to the source file of the buffer, which is inconvenient on a small display. How can I navigate horizontally? How can I hide paths in a helm buffer?
atevm's user avatar
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Is there a single keyboard shortcut for going to the end of the above line?

I want to go to the end of the above line. I can do this with two keyboard shortcuts, namely <up> followed by C-e. Can it be done in one in an out-of-the-box copy of Emacs? I could surely write ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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decrease initial delay for line-up/line-down movement

so every time I press C-n or C-p for moving the point up and down and keep pressing n or p I move several lines. However, after the first line move, there is a delay before the point is moving down in ...
CD86's user avatar
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Slowness opening and moving around within large files

I'm running spacemacs 0.200.13 on emacs 25.3.1 from a macOS 10.12 machine. In some scenarios, things feel very sluggish. They get worse as a dozen buffers or so are opened during the day. From the ...
basbabybel's user avatar
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How can I run (recenter) after (call-interactive ...) that jumps to a buffer?

I would like to jump to a buffer using rtags for eg. Example snippet: (defun generic-lookup () "Follow link/goto line." (interactive) (cond ((string= major-mode "c-mode") (progn ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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how to debug who move cursor

I have very annoying problem, after I run M-x compile time to time cursor jump from middle of buffer to the first line. I want to find out culprit (I found mode who responsible for this, but I want ...
fghj's user avatar
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M-< and M-> not doing what it should on Windows

I recently installed emacs 25 on my Windows 7 machine. Things are doing okay in general, but when I want to reach the top of buffer (M-<) or bottom of buffer (M->) it simply inserts the "<" or ">...
Franko Leon Tokalić's user avatar
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possible to make it so that left-word and right-word include spaces?

Is it possible to adjust the behavior of the commands 'left-word' and 'right-word' (which I have bound to m-left and m-right) so that when I invoke, say, 'right-word' and the point jumps to the end of ...
incandescentman's user avatar
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moving cursor forward-sexp goes one char further in evil mode

When I want to highlight the following region (a ( b ( c ) ) ) ) I get (a ( b ( c ) ) ) ) I mark the beginning and do forward-sexp (or sp-forward-sexp, which results in the same outcome) In, insert ...
eugene's user avatar
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How quick jump to specific lines in differents buffers?

Linux Mint 21 Emacs 27.1 Suppose I open 3 different text files. As result open 3 differents buffers. E.g. text_1.txt text_2.txt text_3.txt Is it possible to jump using keybinding to the next lines? ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Evil cursor moves one position right after exiting append mode, how to let it stay?

Similarly to the question Cursor moves one position left after exiting insert mode? I would like to know the similar thing, but now for the append command. I want the cursor to stay when exiting both ...
Rareform's user avatar
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What alternative exist to write specialized forward-sexp-function?

I'd like to write code that allows forward-sexp and backward-sexp commands to navigate across balanced keyword-based expressions, such as make files that use the if / fi keywords. It's possible to ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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How to make backward-kill-word and kill-word stop after it kills a newline character?

kill-word and backward-kill-word deletes too much text: foo(bar) <point> Now if I press C-<backspace>: foo(<point> What I want is: foo(bar)<point> after pressing C-<...
user avatar
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Copy/Paste&Cut with Spacemacs on Terminal

I'm new with emacs, and I'm a developer that uses IDE to develop, and I want to learn emacs. I choose Spacemacs as customization because I think has a good keybinding for me, but now I miss a feature ...
vincenzopalazzo's user avatar
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Problem with org-agenda view when going forward 1 week

I have my org-agenda to start on a Sunday. Hence I have this code in my .emacs file: (setq org-agenda-start-on-weekday 0) org-agenda opens with the cursor on the current day of the week. If I press &...
Edman's user avatar
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Spacemacs kept repositioning the cursor when there's unmatched parenthesis

I'm new to Emacs, and there's one thing I don't understand. Suppose there's a file called test.el, which have the following contents: (setq Yes, the parenthesis is not closed, because I haven't ...
Searene's user avatar
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Enable Evil jump to work across all panes instead of only active pane

Is there a way to enable evil-jump-forward and evil-jump-backward to use the jump list of all panes instead of only the active pane? In the gif below, here's what happens: Start on left pane at ...
Joe's user avatar
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