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mu4e: getting error message "Sending...failed" even though the email was sent

Actually, sending mails works fine. But the error is annoying because it causes mu4e to keep the compose buffer open. Normally, it would close the buffer and save the mail to the sent folder. So I ...
durgaBahadur's user avatar
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How to debug my init.el if --debug-init does not help?

Despite having --debug-init in .xinitrc (exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session emacs --debug-init), I'm not getting any leading details on this error. Error in dotspacemacs/user-config: Symbol’s value ...
jjk's user avatar
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Error sending mail via mu4e

I get the following error after sending mail via mu4e: Error (message-sent-hook): Error running hook #[0 "\301\302\303 !\207" [mu4e-sent-func mu4e-sent-handler mu4e~proc-sent buffer-file-...
Sati's user avatar
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Unable to send email through my second account

I have set up email in emacs using mu4e for both my personal and university account (both use gmail). However I am unable to send email from my university account. Personal account works totally fine....
ath0's user avatar
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Unable to quit emacs with `Wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil`

I have some customisations in ~/.emacs.el. Today I refactored a piece that used dolist, directory-files, and find-file. I am now unable to quit Emacs in the normal way and I get this from the mini-...
emonigma's user avatar
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