Questions tagged [org-clock]

is for the Org mode feature for clocking work time by specific tasks in a project. Org clock records time spent on tasks, maintains a history time spent on tasks, and computes total time spent.

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7 votes
3 answers

Org-clock-report sort by time

I've got some org-clock-tables created with the following #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :block thisweek :link t :formula % :scope agenda-with-archives :step day :fileskip0 | File | ...
map7's user avatar
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org-pomodoro - extending its function: popup windows and pomo logging

I'm using pomodoro method of focus-enhanced time allocation when I work in my tasks. In Emacs (I'm using Windows 10), here comes the org-pomodoro package for org-mode, where I can 'clock-in' an item ...
menuhin's user avatar
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1 answer

Matching tasks in org-agenda by effort

I have several tasks in an org file, some of which which have an Effort property and some of which which don't. ** Example Task 1, with effort :PROPERTIES: :Effort: 1:30 :END: ** Example ...
wiuah's user avatar
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Resuming org-mode clocking

I use org-mode since 2012. I recently adopted the org-mode clocking work time capabilities and thus have created the following org-capture-template: (setq org-capture-templates '("j" "Journal" entry (...
Aris Sotiropoulos's user avatar
5 votes
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Time tracking and reporting with cross-cutting concerns in org-mode

I've been tracking my work time in org-mode for several years. My normal practice is to use clocktable mode in the agenda for daily tracking, and a clocktable block in my main projects file for ...
JFM's user avatar
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Function of org-clock-save.el file and Git related question

I'm asking this question because I'm personally confused on how org-clock works in general. My org-clock-save.el file only has one line, ;; org-persist.el - PCNAMEHERE at <2016-04-24 Sun 11:16&...
zaile's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use ido-mode for org-clock-select-task?

Is there a way to use ido to select tasks from the org-clock-select-task list? Having to read through the list to find the right task and then look at the number makes me lose my flow :)
unhammer's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Add "created" timestamp to LOGBOOK

I would like to change the behavior of C-c C-x i so that it creates a "date created" timestamp i.e. ** TODO New Task :LOGBOOK: CREATED: [2016-03-29 Tue 11:41] :END: I basically want to log ...
Tom's user avatar
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Sum efforts in org-mode agenda, excluding specific tags

I use org-mode agendas to sum effort for a given day, so I know how much slack time I have in my schedule. However, I often have sub-trees in tasks that have been assigned to assistants (with the ...
hartshoj's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Org: Show Clocked Time hour-by-hour

We have a new manager at work and he wants us to timesheet. No problem, I have org-mode. Except, he wants time reported like this: 0900-1000 Customer Project xMinutes 0900-1000 Customer2 Project2 ...
Nagora's user avatar
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Org-timer slows down Emacs?

It seems that org-timer (org-clock) slows down Emacs when I display it in the mode line. Is there a way for it to not affect the speed while I keep it running and visible in the mode line? e.g. by ...
stacko's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get a plain string with the clocked time and the estimate effort for the current task clocked-in?

I'm drowning in parenthesis here. I want to write a function which returns in a string the time and the effort estimate of the current clocked task. I first looked in org-mode checking I wasn't re-...
shackra's user avatar
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20 votes
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Get a timeline of clocked time in org-mode

In an attempt to figure out how I've been spending my time, I've started logging my time spent on different tasks with org-clock-in and org-clock-out. I often find myself editing clock entries by ...
arensb's user avatar
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How to keep current time balance in org-mode's clock table

I currently have my clocktable defined as #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 4 :scope file :tags "RESIM|DOAS|GENIUP|NOIUP" :block 2016 :step week :stepskip0 :emphasize nil The output looks like this: | ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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how to expand the range of org-clock-display

Recently I upgraded my emacs from 24 to 25 and now when I do a org-clock-display command in one of my org files it only shows me the total for the current year, not previous years. Is it possible to ...
map7's user avatar
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org-shift[up/right/left/down] gives error on Org Clock Table pattern `yyyy-mm-dd`

I am having an issue viewing my time logged for individual days. I want to easily traverse through each day, and view the Org Clock Table for that day. When my pointer is on the clock table's config ...
modulitos's user avatar
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Combine fileskip0 and stepskip0 in org mode clock tables

Is it possible to combine :stepskip0 and :fileskip0 in org mode clock tables? I can skip files with :fileskip0: #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope agenda :block thisweek :step day :fileskip0 ...
Tyler's user avatar
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2 answers

persistent org-mode clock-in history

Is there a way to make the list of recently clocked-in tasks in org-mode persistent across Emacs restarts and (more importantly) closed buffers? It's annoying having to find the previous task just ...
unhammer's user avatar
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org-mode report with start and end time for each day of the week

I'm starting to use (a total newbie, actually) org-mode clocking commands to track time spent during the job day. I need to fill some reports on daily start and end time of my work day. This is just:...
marc0s's user avatar
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How to indicate the currently clocked-in task?

I'm using org-mode's clocking functions to track the hours I spend on projects. Since my main org file is rather large and I scroll through it a lot, it would be great to have a visual cue of the task ...
ph0t0nix's user avatar
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1 answer

Jump to an org agenda clock from an org agenda clock report

Here's an example Org clock table in Emacs: #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 1 :scope file :tcolumns 1 :formula % #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2014-03-30 Sun 22:47] | Headline | Time | % | |---...
modulitos's user avatar
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Why can't 'org-clock-goto' find most recently clocked task in a fresh session?

If I open emacs and do a C-c C-x C-k I get the message, No active or recent clock task. In such a case, where I have not yet clocked a task since I started emacs, can I instead get org-clock-goto to ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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Org clock quarterly report doesn't work anymore

In order to summarise my work for certain projects I use Org's clock tables: #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope agenda-with-archives :block 2015-Q1 :tags "ProjectA" :fileskip0 #+END: This ...
ph0t0nix's user avatar
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How can I append a note to the current currently clocked in task

I would like to quickly append a note to the currently clocked in task - something like a capture. I don't believe there is anything out of the box to do this, but it seems it must be possible. Any ...
Channing Walton's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to limit exported column view to a filtered subset of your headings?

I have a big org-mode file using tags and TODO keywords and properties. I would like to display a summary of "Effort" estimates on subsets of the headings with sums as we go up in the section ...
vaab's user avatar
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Close clocked-in org task and clock-in next leaf task

When I am moving through a TODO list, I often want to complete the current task and clock into the next leaf node. In other words, I am performing a depth-first traversal of the task list. Before * ...
Matthew Piziak's user avatar