Questions tagged [org-mode]

Org-mode is an Emacs major mode for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system. Because Org mode is a vast subject area, other tags must accompany the `org-mode` tag.

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2 answers

Changing the way org-links behave on clicking only when it's a text file

I'd like to change the way org-links behave on clicking only when it's a text file etc. i.e. I'd like to have org-links opens up a new frame with the buffer of the link in it only when it's the link ...
stacko's user avatar
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Where to get the list of org-mode commands as lisp variables?

After so much research, I managed to get alt + RET working. Learned so much! I appended to my ~/.emacs: (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (if window-system nil (...
Amet Alvirde's user avatar
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Org: how to insert a skeleton with hierarchial list at the right level?

I have made a hierarchial list of headlines in skeleton, like this: (define-skeleton myskel-list "Insert claim block" nil "* Heading a\n" "** Heading aa\n" "* Heading b\n" "** Heading bb\n" ) I ...
myotis's user avatar
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Having org-mode beamer / latex to ignore below a certain tag

I want to speedup compilation by instructing org-mode/latex/beamer to ignore everything coming after it. My document takes a bit of time to process code with pigment and the like Is it possible to ...
nicolas's user avatar
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Org Mode: Where are `previousset`, `nextset` etc defined?

I am doing a bit of keyboard rebinding and I have found that: (org-todo "DONE") (org-todo "TODO") (org-todo "") all work, but in the documentation, it says that I should be able to also use the ...
Tahir Hassan's user avatar
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Use `%^{prop}p` `%^{prompt}` together in org-capture-templates

What I want is when the buffer asks me a value for property , I can also replace property name with some alternatives. I tried the following code, but fails (setq org-capture-templates '(("...
yuxuan's user avatar
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"C-c C-v" for "View TODO items in a sparse tree" not working

I'm using Emacs (v 24.5.1) on Windows 7. I have a .org file containing some todos. I read here and in various tutorials that C-c C-v is for "View TODO items in a sparse tree" (for the current buffer). ...
arjan's user avatar
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When setting item to DONE, how do I automatically change following item to NEXTACTION?

So I, like many others, use org-mode to implement GTD to manage my life. One thing that happens since I'm in school is long-term projects, which have milestones. In and of themselves these milestones ...
Bronze's user avatar
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How does (org-agenda-todo arg) work? What does the argument mean?

By trial and error I have found that in org-agenda (org-agenda-todo 'done) marks the entry at point as "DONE". Can you explain why? How can I modify the argument to the org-agenda-todo function (or ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
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Org-mode does not load Latex previews at startup

In org-mode, Latex previews are not loaded at startup when using #+STARTUP: latexpreview. I've also tried customizing org-startup-with-latex-preview with no effect. Only way to preview latex fragment ...
Andrés Sánchez's user avatar
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org-mode: Capture and use export header numbering?

When an outline tree of headers * top 1 ** something ** something ** something *** something **** something ***** something ****** something is exported, say, to html, org-mode produces a ...
147pm's user avatar
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Most efficient way of sorting a list

Given a plain list like: - buy tea - call Anna - Reply email to John - pay bill 1 - phone Derick - Reply to grad-pa which you don't want to sort alphabetically, how can you sort it? Things like '...
Gerard Sanz's user avatar
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How do I make org-agenda-fortnight-view the default in custom block agenda?

I've got the following configuration set up for displaying my current agenda and tagged todo items: (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("g" "Plan today" ((agenda "") (...
Joost Diepenmaat's user avatar
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How do I automatically start a new journal entry at emacs start up)

Putting (org-journal-new-entry) in the init file doesn't work, neither does setting the scratch buffer mode to journal-mode. Kurt Hesselbart's answer works only halfway if there already is an entry ...
user3691571's user avatar
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How to cycle between specified states in org mode?

By default, S-tab cycles between OVERVIEW, CONTENTS and SHOW ALL these three states. But I want it to just cycle between CONTENTS and SHOW ALL. How can I realize it?
Ben's user avatar
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Org mode M-RET not working with new builds

Since the build of org mode of the end of august (now I use elpa/org-20150907), the M-RET does not start a new entry, and gives the error "Symbol's value as variable is void: org-planning-line-re". ...
yuggib's user avatar
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Why is there a case sensitivity problem with org mode source block tags?

So I am entering source code into org documents by using source code blocks such as: #+BEGIN_SRC C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello ...
Wade Tracy's user avatar
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Is it possible to attach a local file to org-mode file like PDF?

You can attach a local file such as picture or text file as part of a PDF or doc file, when you send it to other people or copy this file to other computer or place, the attachment will be one part of ...
CodyChan's user avatar
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Use a variable's value in setq [duplicate]

In emacs.el I am using the following construct to set up an org-remember template: (setq org-remember-templates '(("Todo" ?t "* TODO %^{Brief Description} %^g\n%?\nAdded: %U" "~/GTD/" "...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
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How do I set the header cell for a custom formula column in a clock report?

Suppose I have a report like this. #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :link nil :scope file :formula "$3='(random)::@1$3=string(\"fubar\")" ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
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Link to password-protected FTP server in org-mode

I can't figure out the correct syntax for a link to a password-protected FTP site. I want to insert a link in org-mode, which opens a remote FTP server at a given directory in dired. When I try /...
andreas-h's user avatar
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Sort org-mode links by descriptive text?

I have a dozen org-mode links in the standard format. How can I sort these by the descriptive text? [[alink1][Baz]] [[alink2][Foo]] [[alink3][Bar]] These are displayed like this in the buffer: ...
h4labs's user avatar
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How to comment options in org-mode export to beamer?

Generally in the LaTeX or beamer preamble, we add some packages and options for reference and enable them if required. %\usepackage{someusefulpackage} In Org mode export to LaTeX or beamer, when I ...
Anusha's user avatar
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org-mode with predictive mode key conflict

I'm using org-mode with predictive and having an issue with predictive changing a key binding that org-mode uses. Specifically, predictive changes M-tab and I prefer to keep org-mode's definition of M-...
c-o-d's user avatar
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How can I add a link to jump to the table of contents?

I would like each chapter title to also be a link to the table of contents, so that I can quickly go back and forth from the TOC to the chapters. This is my example document: #+TITLE: My doc ...
Pietro's user avatar
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Should org-meta-return leave cursor on new empty headline?

I'm observing the follow behavior, and I wonder if my Emacs is mis-configured, or this is normal. The | is the cursor. * Test ** apples ** |bananas ** pizza With my cursor before the "b" in ...
Rob N's user avatar
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In org mode source block, how to prevent lines starting with asterisk being folded?

I want to have a block of verbatim text like output line 0. * info 0. a53qpb199pb output line 1. * info 1. 1iq01a58b39 in an org file. I tried putting the text inside #+BEGIN_SRC and #+END_SRC, but ...
norio's user avatar
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Is it possible to do conditional formatting on an org-table?

Here is an example of a table to format, the first row represents how often a task is done per year, the first column represents how long a task takes in seconds |-------+------------+-----------+---...
crocefisso's user avatar
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FAILED status in Org mode in addition to DONE

I maintain shopping list in org-mode. Completed purchases I mark as DONE (C-c C-t), later I archive records with: (defun my-org-archive-file (path) "Move marked by `org-done-keywords' entries ...
gavenkoa's user avatar
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How to display sub-heading count somewhere in a heading in org-mode

Original title: How to display sub-heading count in the end of a heading in org-mode It would be very helpful if such a feature can be acheived. I always have difficulty when visiting a long-time not ...
Akari's user avatar
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Store and recover expansion state within org mode

I realize that this question has been asked before, many times, (How to save expansion state of org-file?, as well as org-mode: go back from sparse tree to previous visibility), but, it does seem to ...
B2Pi's user avatar
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How to make orgtbl-mode work within embedded LaTeX environment in org-mode itself?

I read a blog, which mentioned using orgtbl-mode to write a matrix quickly in org table format and then translated it into the LaTeX format. The post mentioned that due to the close relation between ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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In org-mode, how can I find the start and end points of the enclosing heading?

I'm writing a function and I would like to operate on the current org heading and its content. For example: * Head 1 Text ** Head 2 - Item 1 - Item 2[p] - Item 3 If we look at the above ...
oneself's user avatar
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org-latex-preview fail to produce images (org-preview-latex setting problem)

my setting (Org mode version 9.6.6) (setq luamagick '(luamagick :programs ("lualatex" "convert") :description "pdf > png" ...
Sean Holden's user avatar
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Help me get Scala source blocks working in org mode

UPDATE: This issue was fixed for me by changing my version of scala from scala 3 to 2.13, as recommended by NickD in the comments below. END UPDATE When I attempt to evaluate Scala source blocks in ...
Duncan Britt's user avatar
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run check-parens or similar when saving or tangling literate configuration?

I use org babel to load my literate configuration file "". But sometimes when editing that org file, I introduce some error -- say, a missed parenthesis -- and then restart emacs. ...
Dan Drake's user avatar
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Combined search: notmuch mail, org-mode docs, and filesystem locate?

I often look for information that could be either in some org-mode document, in an old email, or somewhere in the file system (and probably other places). Now I can use org-search, notmuch-search, ...
Ketil Malde's user avatar
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function needed to replace short, static list of keywords

In my workflow I copy emails into an orgmode file. I'd like to have head of the email formatted. In english emails (just as an explanation) I'd like to have *To:* instead of To:, because orgmode then ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
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Difference between emacs and emacs --load ./init.el

I have the init.el file with following configuration: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("tromey" . "")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '(&...
Org Mode Beginner's user avatar
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org-clock-report: Add line and calculate average working hours

I am using org-clock-report to keep track of my daily working hours. Example: #+BEGIN: clocktable :scope file :maxlevel 2 #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2023-07-26 Mi 06:04] | Headline | Time | |--...
ontheair's user avatar
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How to create a link to a pdf with special characters in its name?

I'm working in Linux under org-mode and trying to create a link inside an *.org file and this form works: [[shell:okular /home/quora/myfile.pdf][title]] Problem is, for pdf filenames like my file[2nd ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Using Org-Mode to view results from python script

How can I use org-mode to run python scripts ? Would it be possible to see the results from running commands interactively ?
Dilna's user avatar
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How can I change color of quoted text in org mode?

When I use #+BEGIN_QUOTE.. #+END_QUOTE text in between always shown as white. Example output: Related: how to markup a quotation? Is it possible to change color of the quoted text such as to dimmer ...
alper's user avatar
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Adding a deep work logger at the end of clocking out from a task

I'd like to track my deep work so I've thought about adding a hook to org-clock-out-hook to achieve this. (defun my/clock-out-deep-work () (when (yes-or-no-p "Was that a deep work session?"...
sab hoque's user avatar
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How to build a script that queries an org-table?

I have a list of more than 80 search engines to perform keyword searches. They are listed in an org-table like this: #+name: keyword-search |---------------+--------------------------------------------...
crocefisso's user avatar
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How do I change Org's HTML code background?

Modifying Minted background is easy if my output from Org is LaTeX. \definecolor{LightGray}{gray}{0.9} \begin{minted} [ frame=lines, framesep=2mm, baselinestretch=1.2, bgcolor=LightGray, fontsize=\...
Sam7919's user avatar
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In org-mode is there a way create a table of contents from a directory structure of org files?

I would like to create a "landing page" to act as an entry point for my org files. Ideally this landing page would contain links that automatically update every time a new org file is added ...
Fergie's user avatar
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Debug the Tangle (stringp, nil)

I'm tangling my emacs file as usual, but today it broke. There's like no way to figure out where it has problems;) BASHY $ emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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How can I make this function be excluded from Org-mode?

I have this function ;; Move the point to the first non-whitespace character of the line. ;; If the point is already there, then move it to the beginning of the line. (defun my/smarter-beginning-of-...
Zoli's user avatar
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Replace org-mode drawer ellipsis with part of the folded content

Consider the following org document where all the PROPERTIES drawers are unfolded : * Books ** Book 1 :PROPERTIES: :year: 1987 :author: Author 1 :publisher: Publisher 1 :END: ** Book 2 :PROPERTIES: :...
Delapouite's user avatar

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