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Is it possible to do code folding like feature but for reST/sphinx documents in emacs

I am switching from org-mode to writing docs/notes etc. in restructured text. I was wondering if in emacs we can achieve section/subsection level code folding. An outline-mode in a separate buffer ...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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clickable buttons on headings

Emacs shows clickable buttons when visiting NEWS (C-h n): This is controlled by outline-minor-mode-use-buttons. How to make Org do the same thing?
shynur's user avatar
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Making outline-regexp recognise heading titles

I want to change the outline heading levels from being composed of a series of semicolons, to only three semicolons followed by HN or MN, where N is the corresponding level. Hence ;;; H1 Title Level 1 ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Changing highlight colours of headings when using outline-minor-mode

I would like to change the highlight colours of headings when using outline-minor-mode. Have composed the following which is giving wrong-number-of-arguments for outline-map-region. I have included ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Printing outline-regexp and outline-heading-alist

I have a minor mode that changes the values of outline-regexp and outline-heading-alist. And want a way for the minor mode to display the value on request by the user, without forcing the user to ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Changing the definitions of outline-minor-mode headings

I would like to change the pattern for heading in outline-minor-mode. Have came up with the following implementation for emacs-lisp-mode that uses a minor-mode called taxocask-minor-mode. (defvar ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Changing highlighting of headings interactively

I would like to have the ability to interactively change the highlighting settings using a single function (named outline-activate). How can I adapt it for the task described? (defun outline-activate ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Replace org-mode drawer ellipsis with part of the folded content

Consider the following org document where all the PROPERTIES drawers are unfolded : * Books ** Book 1 :PROPERTIES: :year: 1987 :author: Author 1 :publisher: Publisher 1 :END: ** Book 2 :PROPERTIES: :...
Delapouite's user avatar
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Controlling Placement of Ellipses in Outline Mode: At End of Line or On Separate Line?

I have the following file opened in outline mode: * Heading 1 body ** Sub-heading 1 body *** Child 1 body *** Child 2 body **** Buried Deep body ** Sub-heading 2 body *** Child 1 body When I ...
StackExchanger's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a way to display the number of lines in a fold?

I have tons of nested headings in Org-mode files, usually collapsed, and I'd like to have a quick look at how many lines are under each of collapsed headings (mostly top-level but sometimes not). ...
aaa's user avatar
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Bulk convert text under heading to individual sub-headings?

I have this in an org-mode buffer * Synonyms culture discipline improvement information learning literacy scholarship and would like to simply highlight this list starting with culture and ending ...
147pm's user avatar
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Reverting back to higher heading

Here is a sample text to illustrate my difficulty: * H1 L1 Some introductory text for H1 ** H2 L2 Some text relating to H2 L3 This is part of H2. But I would like it to be part of H1 only, not part of ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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How to convert an org-mode outline into a Microsoft Word outline?

The title of this post says it all: I have an outline in an org-mode file, and I want to convert it to a Microsoft Word document that I can open in "outline view"1. Unfortunately, the ...
kjo's user avatar
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Unfold org subtree containing a special keyword

Consider the following org file: * Heading 1 ** Subheading 1.1 ** Subheading 1.2 containing Keyword bar *** foo foo *** bar **** foo ** Subheading 1.3 * Heading 2 ** Subheading 2.1 ** Subheading 2.2 * ...
student's user avatar
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How to hide/fold parts of messages in notmuch

I've been trying various combinations of folding modes for Emacs, trying to get them to work with notmuch-show-mode, but to no avail: Given two messages like this: Summary: Some Guy <someguy@...
Rune Kaagaard's user avatar
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outshine mode changes outline-regexp from markdown's

patient StackExchange, I am learning org-mode and liking its header-folding capacities, which seem much easier than outline-minor-mode. Most of my work is done in markdown mode, though, so I am ...
Steve Petersen's user avatar
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Org is implemented on top of Outline mode

Org manual states in its beginning Org is implemented on top of Outline mode, which makes it possible to keep the content of large files well structured. I referenced 'outline-mode' by C-h f ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Why doesn't the window begin and end update after `outline-show-all`?

I'm using this test code. (defun +outline~show-all (orig-fn &rest args) "Show all." (let ((beg1 (window-start)) (end1 (window-end)) (beg2) (end2)) (apply orig-fn args) ...
Aquaactress's user avatar
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bookmark-jump to a hidden part of a buffer

In elisp buffers, I use outline-mode in order to manage headings similarly as in org-mode. But when I jump to a bookmark which points to a hidden part of a buffer (because it is below a folded heading)...
Joon Kwon's user avatar
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Keybinding for adding a new heading under a list item in org-mode [closed]

Lets say you are working in an org-mode structure like this: * First level heading… ** Second level heading *** Third level heading - list item one - list item two After list item two you want to ...
Guebert's user avatar
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Meaning of plus in org mode documents

Sometimes I see folks using "+" to structure their org document. What is the appropriate use case for plus.
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
5 votes
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Add another level to org-mode visibility cycling

The way S-TAB (org-global-cycle) switches between "top headline -> all headlines -> all content" is great for showing an outline and provide overview, but acts on the full document. Using TAB (org-...
ktolbol's user avatar
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Can I have org-mode export outline numbers as letters and/or roman numerals?

Supposing I have a document structure like: * Heading 1 ** Heading a ** Heading b ** Heading c *** Heading i *** Heading ii When I do, say, M-xorg-export-as-html-and-open, I'd get HTML that shows ...
lindes's user avatar
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Prevent org-mode from unfolding pasted outlines

When I copy an outline into an org-mode buffer, Emacs automatically unfolds it. How can I prevent it from doing so? I always want the outlines I paste in to be fully folded. Here's an example: If ...
izkon's user avatar
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How to determine if a buffer will respond to outline-mode commands

I'm hacking together an extension which will display a sidebar with an outline of whatever document you're working on. It was initially written to support writing in markdown-mode, but the technique I'...
abingham's user avatar
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How to change the face of org-display-outline-path in echo area?

In org-mode, I set all the outlines to be displayed in one face size (regardless of their hierarchy) by setting (setq org-level-color-stars-only t). However, when I select an outline, org-mode ...
Firas's user avatar
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How to show all contents of current subtree and fold all the other subtrees?

When using org build subtree navigation functions to move around, I want to show all the content of current one recursively, and hide any other subtrees that having a higher or same level of the ...
Saddle Point's user avatar
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How to use outline-minor-mode to hide some exam class exercises in auctex

I use the exam document class in auctex to write exams for my students. I want to use the features provided by the outline-minor-mode to hide all the exercises I have finished and only show the one I ...
Hafid Boukhoulda's user avatar
17 votes
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Outline editing, like org-mode, for JSON

I am trying to edit a Swagger JSON file in emacs. It contains large nested JSON objects, so I want to collapse and hide some of them. I have tried origami-mode, configured as origami-c-style-parser ...
Robin Green's user avatar
6 votes
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Hide all header contents in Org mode

outline-show-all reveals the contents of all headers in org-mode. How can I do the opposite? There's no outline-hide-all command.
Matthew Piziak's user avatar
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orgstruct-mode error: S- must prefix a single character, not ISO-leftTAB

I am trying out orgstruct-mode with python-mode (but I've also tried go-mode with the same result). If I enable orgstruct-mode and press S-TAB I get the error S- must prefix a single character, not ...
Whasname's user avatar
16 votes
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Changing the appearance of org-mode “hidden contents” ellipsis

In org-mode, when the contents of a subtree are hidden you see something like * Some tree :PROPERTIES:... ** Another One... Is there a way to change those ... to something else? I'd like to use ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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Counting sub-headings in org-mode using elisp

I'm wondering if there is a good method of counting subheadings of a particular heading in org-mode. For example, with the following, return 4 (non-recursively) or 7 (recursively). Note that I don't ...
ebpa's user avatar
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Enable any outline mode for markdown

First of all, from Allout outline mode is part of GnuEmacs. Allout outline mode provides extensive outline formatting and manipulation beyond standard ...
xpt's user avatar
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Collapse sections in markdown

I use markdown-mode (in conjunction with writeroom-mode) for writing in Emacs. My markdown files generally gets quite large, and I would like to be able to focus on a particular section for extended ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
46 votes
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The old "how to fold XML" question

I'm doing quite a bit of manual XML editing (the source definition of some code generation I'm doing is a custom XML format) and of course prefer to use Emacs over any special purpose (usually ugly) ...
Mark's user avatar
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