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Overlay BEFORE-STRING face affected by comment face

I am propertizing the before-string of an overlay with (overlay-put instruction 'before-string (propertize (concat label "\n") ; label = "REFERENCE" ...
daedsidog's user avatar
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overlay makes text unreadable -- where does it come from? Overlay face is "undefined face"

There is an overlay making parts of stack traces in my inferior python buffers very difficult to read: I would like to change the coloring of the yellow part of line 42. If I run M-x describe-char ...
Timothy W. Hilton's user avatar
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GUI emacs: What Face Defines Overlay for Truncated Lines in Margin?

I am currently using the emacs GUI. I have a custom theme defined for a particular buffer, but when the text runs over the line, an overlay takes over (presumably handling truncation) in the margins. ...
strange's user avatar
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modify existing overlay

How do I modify an existing overlay, more specifically, in spacemacs I have and the overlays are covering the all the parenthesis. Note that the overlays move depending on what inner set of ...
skyfire's user avatar
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Equivalent of add-face-text-property for overlays?

add-face-text-property is very convenient for adjusting the face of text based on text properties (Changing Text Properties). Q: Is there an existing equivalent to add-face-text-property to add face ...
ebpa's user avatar
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How can I stop an overlay from inheriting the properties of underlying text?

I'm using an overlay to display additional information next to Dired candidates, because modifying the Dired buffer directly prevents Dired from working properly. I'm displaying the text using a ...
JCC's user avatar
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face vs overlays, can face ever win?

Some of my modes use overlays for contextual information. However, I have a face that I'd like to always be shown despite any overlays on top of it. Is there any way to have such a "super face"?
fommil's user avatar
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