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How to make Popper.el stop moving cursor to popped buffer?

I've bind a shell-command (via async-shell-command) which I'm executing frequently. I really like popper.el putting the result buffer (from async-shell-command) in nice position. However, (only this ...
Garid's user avatar
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Extra items in popup menus on Mac

On my mac, when I create a popup menu I always get a few extra items tacked on: Example (defun tab-line-tab-context-menu (&optional event) "Pop up the context menu for a tab-line tab." ...
benleis's user avatar
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1 answer

How to inhibit mouse-controlled popup windows with Thesaurus

I have bound C-x t to the command thesaurus-choose-synonym-and-replace (from the thesaurus library). When I execute the command, I get a popup under Windows 11 like this: I can pick items by ...
Charles B. Cameron's user avatar
1 vote
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Automatic popup of words from the buffer using Corfu and Dabbrev

How can I make Dabbrev and Corfu automatically show a pop-up for the words from my current buffer? For example, if I write "example" somewhere in a document, I would like it pops up ...
sm10's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing the colours of menu-bar pop-ups (not of the menu-bar itself)

[Crossposting from after getting no response there.] With Emacs 27.1, in the terminal the standard colour scheme, the pop-ups of the menu I get via F10 have a blue background and with ...
loris's user avatar
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Create hovering popup window

Im switching from nvim to emacs and wanted to know if I could somehow build a hovering buffer like telescope. I know there is consult which has the same capabilities as Telescope, but I want to know ...
frederik's user avatar
2 votes
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Momentary popup of information

I have seen that emacs provides some kind of popup menus. Had a go at momentary-string-display and message-box. momentary-string-display displays text in the buffer, whereas message-box displays a ...
Dilna's user avatar
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company-mode popups and magit current region are dark while current theme is light

I've been successfully using lsp-mode and magit for a while with a light theme (leuven). Today I was messing with something seemingly unrelated (company-mode and auto-complete settings in my ~/.emacs ...
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
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My emacs company mode won't work with python. I use doom emacs. I have company mode and ivy in my init.el. I have flycheck enabled in python

:completion company ; the ultimate code completion backend ;;helm ; the *other* search engine for love and life ;;ido ; the other *other* ...
igotstago's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I open a window that will behave like a *Help* window?

*Help* windows appear to have a special behavior. For example, if I open a help window using C-h f butterfly, the window will open in a separate half-page buffer. If I use the help feature again C-h f ...
Flux's user avatar
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DocView: Nuisance popup of page number in viewing .dvi files

I use DocView under Emacs 26.1 under Cygwin 10.0.2 under Windows 10.0. I use it chiefly for reading .dvi files. I discovered it by accident and find it extremely useful, but I cannot find any ...
Joseph Fineman's user avatar
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How do I make Emacs not complain about not being able to start a new server?

I use the mac port version of emacs for handling org-protocol URLs, because I need a graphical instance when I use org-protocol from Chrome. The problem is that emacs will try to start an emacs server ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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How do I stop magit popups on commit?

When I do a commit, magit popups the diff in a separate wm window. I'd like it to show the diff in the same wm window and just split into a different wm window. I've tried this answer, but it hasn't ...
Oin's user avatar
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auto complete isn't loaded || elpa OSX

emacs version 26.3 OSX 10.14.1 Following is my .init file. It is present at ~/.emacs.d (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) (...
Death Metal's user avatar
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Quitting a popup menu

Creating a popup menu with (require 'popup) (popup-menu* '("aaa" "bbb" "ccc")) always returns the selected item even if the mouse clicks occurs outside of the menu. I would have expected that a ...
Andreas Matthias's user avatar
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Is there a library which can show a popup menu like company's menu?

So I give it a list of items and it shows the menu at point, handles up/down keys automatically, so it works like the company menu. I looked into company's code, but apparently it implements the menu ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 answers

stock alternatives to popup?

I am using popup-tip and popup-menu* from the library in my extension, but I'd like to use something in stock Emacs so that I can remain zero dependencies. The built in popup-...
fommil's user avatar
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How Do I Create a Popup Window?

I would like to create a (read-only) popup window with some text in it, such that the user can close it by pressing 'q'. You know - the kind you see when you try compiling and get errors. Any ...
Beetle B.'s user avatar
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right click for menu with choices (to change font size)?

I am using emacs 26.1 under macos. when I right-click with the mouse, emacs seems to want to select the region. alas, I would prefer to see a popup menu where I can select a few choices that I would ...
ivo Welch's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the correct way to pop up a window with a message, and locally bind a key in that buffer?

What would be the proper way to pop up a window (preferably in the current frame),with a message? I also want to locally (in that buffer only) the q key to a function that will kill the buffer and the ...
Jay's user avatar
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2 answers

changing display function in define-word package

How to replace the displayfn from message to a function which displays the result in a temporary window? (I have limited knowledge of elisp.)
skhairy's user avatar
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5 votes
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Emacs Popup with text and picture a la wikipedia suggestion

I'm looking for a way to display both text and a picture in Emacs in a pop-up, as it is done in Wikipedia. Is there already a solution for this?
Andreas's user avatar
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How can I ask a user to choose from a list of options, while showing her a long list with extra metadata?

I'm writing a package which connects to a remote server for a game. I want to show the list of players, along with their score, and let the player choose one of the players. I thought of using ...
Parham Doustdar's user avatar
5 votes
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Disable all GUI popups and tooltips

Can I disable this kind of a popup? I couldn't find anything besides (setq x-gtk-use-system-tooltips nil), but it didin't help me unfortunately.
valignatev's user avatar
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3 answers

Does emacs have some kind of customized popup creator?

Is there some kind of popup creator package which enables me to create some customized cheat sheets to help me with commands I need or haven't yet memorized? I want to create some simple text files, ...
vfclists's user avatar
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gpg password entry in minibuffer, not popup

On a new install Debian Stretch GNU Emacs 24.5.1 gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.18 libgcrypt 1.7.6-beta pinentry-gnome3 (pinentry) 1.0.0 ls - /usr/bin/pinent* /usr/bin/pinentry -> /etc/alternatives/pinentry /...
user84391's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable all keymaps for a specified buffer?

I am creating a new, special kind of buffer that I am using to display messages. I want to disable all keymaps within this new buffer. This special buffer could be created at any time, and therefore, ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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Jedi popup window: how to make it larger than its parent frame

I am using jedi and auto-complete to provide some help during my Python coding session. As advertised in the jedi's website, completion and documentation are shown correctly as: However, when the ...
YuppieNetworking's user avatar
3 votes
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Magit popups no longer behaving as popups (in my setup)

I like to have my emacs set up as one full-screen frame with two side-by-side windows at all time. To do this, I've used this code to force emacs not to split windows arbitrarily: (defun never-split-...
bhollis's user avatar
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0 answers

Disable popwin temporarily with pop-up documentation

Following this question about automatically displaying documentation in a pop-up window, I decided to give it a try based on existing work on Popup Help in Emacs Lisp and clippy. However, I've run ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
2 votes
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Always pop window into frames

When I use tuareg I like to have the toplevel in a separate frame, but as soon as I evaluate some code in the original frame the toplevel window reopen in that frame and that's not what I wan't. More ...
Nicolas Scotto Di Perto's user avatar
4 votes
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Pop-up documentation with pos-tip or popup?

Is there a package to get a popup of the documentation for the thing at the point? Here's an example that flycheck uses.
Joe's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

How to Implement Popup Menu Similar to That Used in Magit

Question I would like to create user interface in form of popup menu, popup menu similar to that used in Magit. Features Definition of Popup Popup in context of this question means little ...
Mark Karpov's user avatar
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How to actually scroll with popup-tip :scroll-bar t?

Following this blog post, I am interested in using popup.el for my own purposes. In the post, he mentions to add a scroll bar with the :scroll-bar argument. If I include the :scroll-bar t option in ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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Interactive pop-up dialog?

Is there a popup input dialogue box for Emacs, which returns the string that a user enters? Maybe something that can be launched through the mini-buffer? Or through an elisp command/function?
programking's user avatar
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