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Questions tagged [preview-latex]

for preview of LaTeX markup buffers to ease the edit-compile-preview cycle. Preview LaTeX is part of the AUCTeX package that replaces snippets, such as math formulas, with a graphical image of the typeset version.

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How to prevent preview-latex to manipulate and delete the pdf created by latex

Running latex-preview manipulates and then deletes the pdf created by latex. If skim is open as pdf-viewer the pdf gets sliced into the images created by latex-preview. Running latex again doesn't ...
Pasim's user avatar
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3 answers

Adjust font weight for LaTeX fragment preview in Org-mode

The default font weight after rendered for LaTeX fragment is too thin compared to the body text. Is there any way to adjust this? It seems org-format-latex-options does not have this option, I am ...
Yuji's user avatar
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2 answers

Org mode - storing LaTeX preview files in a separate directory

Let's say I am working with "" file. When I use C-c C-x C-l to generate a LaTeX preview, it creates a png image and store in ltximg/ directory by default. I would store the preview ...
zcadqe's user avatar
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$\mathscr{..}$ Expressions Fail to Render Properly in Org-Mode

Consider the expression \mathscr{APPLE}. This should render as follows: Yet in org-mode (using latex fragment previews), it renders as: Moreover, when exporting, matscr renders properly in ...
George's user avatar
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Color when visualizing latex table in orgmode

I am using Emacs + orgmode to write text and latex equations. The preview within orgmode (with C-c C-x C-l) works well for latex equations. However, I noticed that if I display a latex table within ...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
2 votes
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automatic latex-preview-pane with auctex and or-mode latex export

To enable automatic latex-preview-pane-mode with AUCTex I bound it to a hook: (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'latex-preview-pane-mode) This works. When I open a *.tex file, then latex-preview-pane-mode ...
jue's user avatar
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Where to define macros for org-mode latex preview

When taking notes in Latex in org-mode, I use custom macros defined this way: #+LaTeX_HEADER:\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} I've got quite a few of these macros, so I'd like to put them all in a ...
JadeSnail's user avatar
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AucTeX preview-latex not working

When i'm working in a LaTeX-File everything works as expected. Compilation and completion via company-auctex are working perfectly. However when i want to make use of any preview-functionality inside ...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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Synchronous run of `preview-document'

For replacing org-html-format-latex with auctex preview (or more correctly texfrag) it would be nice to run auctex preview synchronously. The code of auctex preview contains several alternatives ...
Tobias's user avatar
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AUCTeX Preview rung error

I'm new to emacs and AUCTeX and I'm having a problem with document preview (C-c C-p C-d). My LaTeX file is the following \documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{report} \usepackage{cite} \begin{document} \...
MaPo's user avatar
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3 votes
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org-latex-fragment gets cutoff

I use dvisvgm to generate latex fragments. However, some of my equations seem to be cut off. One example is below The svg file generated does not have the cutoff but the image as displayed in emacs ...
Quarky Quanta's user avatar
9 votes
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Automatically preview Latex in org-mode as soon as I finish typing

I'm using org-mode in Spacemacs (0.200.10.x). To preview Latex when I open a file, I understand that I can either set the variable org-startup-latex-with-latex-preview to t in my init.el, or set the ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
4 votes
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Org Latex Fragment Succeeded by a Dash Is Not Showing

I'm using the org-mode to write some mathematical notes, so I'm using latex fragments like $\frac{a}{b}$ a lot. However, if I succeed the fragment with a dash, like $\frac{a}{b}$-fraction, it will not ...
Zuza's user avatar
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Using package siunitx when previewing latex fragments in org-mode

I'm using siunitx extensively in my lab reports, but I'm unable to get units to appear correctly when previewing latex fragments. This is what the latex fragment looks like: ... with preview applied:...
castle-bravo's user avatar
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AUCTEX won't create dsc file

I'm using Emacs24 on windows with AUCTEX for Latex. When I try to toggle preview it doesn't show, insteed there is a little "not working" picture on each equation and I get an error Running `...
Meni's user avatar
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Org Latex Preview: Generates SVG But Doesn't Display

I'm running Emacs v25.1 + Orgmode v9.0.9 on a Mac. Based on this stack, I changed my org-latex-create-formula-image-program to dvisvgm by adding the following to my init.el: (setq org-latex-create-...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Orgmode Latex Preview: Change Font Color

In Org mode we can use C-c C-x C-l to preview LaTeX equations in the text. I am using a theme that makes it hard to read the equation in the default font color, and I want to avoid changing the scale ...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
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org-mode render latex fragments without using cache

How do I disable caching behavior when using C-c C-x C-l and C-u C-u C-c C-x C-l? I want the ability to force org-mode -> pdfTex to rerender everything in the current file from scratch. Here's ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Does latex_header_extra work in org 9?

In the org-mode manual says Unlike LATEX_HEADER, contents from LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA keywords will not be loaded when previewing LaTeX snippets If I start Emacs using emacs -q, it loads org version 8....
Mario's user avatar
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Why won't my Latex render in org mode?

I have Latex code embedded in my org file. *** Equations \begin{equation} h(x) = \theta_0 + \theta_1 x \end{equation} When I run C-c C-x C-l while my cursor is on the code, I get an empty box ...
NJay's user avatar
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preview-latex with LuaLaTeX

I'm trying to configure AUCTeX for LuaLaTeX, and compiling works fine with this additions in my .emacs: (defun my-latex () "Latex mode customizations" (auto-fill-mode t) (reftex-mode t) (TeX-...
RedPointyJackson's user avatar
5 votes
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Preview LaTeX fragment on indirect buffers

I am writing my research notes in org-mode and they contain many LaTeX formulas. I use the preview feature (C-c C-x C-l) a lot. As the notes are rather large, I also tend to use an indirect buffer, to ...
jmlorenzi's user avatar
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auctex failing to render formula previews

I am trying to get auctex on emacs to preview formulas but it doesnt seem to work and when I click preview, it produces the following error: PDF2DSC sentinel: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil I have ...
Teererai Marange's user avatar
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How do I customize the process that gets triggered in org-preview-latex-fragment?

All I could find to configure was org-latex-to-pdf-process and org-latex-create-formulat-image-program. The first one only controls the process, when I want to export the entire document, the second ...
Arne's user avatar
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LaTeX preview on HiDPI display

LaTeX preview with C-c C-x C-l looks very tiny on my HiDPI screen. What can I do to solve this?
José María's user avatar
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Symbol's function definition is void: org-export--get-global-options

I use a lot of embedded latex in my org files with drill mode. It worked fine with org 8, but recently I've upgraded to org 9, and now when I run C-c C-x C-l I'll get this error. My .emacs file ...
Kos4545's user avatar
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Scaling of inline SVG previews in org-mode

If I insert a jpg in my org-mode document, I can preview it and scale its width, like so: Add the following code to my init.el file: (setq org-image-actual-width nil) Then insert this code in my ...
Adam's user avatar
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AUCTeX previews are not displayed correctly with beamer

I am working on a beamer presentation with AUCTeX on OS X. When I use preview (C-c C-p C-b) on the following document the equation is displayed right after \end{frame} and not in the line of the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Set latex-preview-pane-mode as default pdf-viewer for acutex

Basically, i want my emacs to run latex-preview-pane-mode (which is a emacs function, provided by this package) instead of executing the external application evince. After reading the acutex docs ...
uuu's user avatar
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How can I wrap org-preview-latex-fragment to be async?

Calling org-preview-latex-fragment blocks user input for a second or two depending on the size of your fragment, and with universal args, converting all fragments in buffer can take minutes. It would ...
sooheon's user avatar
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How to point latex preview to another file?

I have two files. A main file, say, main.tex which has all the boiler plate and structure, and section.tex, which has content. Inside main.tex I have \include{section}. I edit section.tex, because ...
rooms's user avatar
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3 answers

Making pdf-tools work after successful compiling on mac os x

After installing the required dependencies with homebrew, I was able to compile pdf-tools . But I cannot make it work (I cannot see the pdf on emacs after compiling) I would like to know if somebody ...
iluvatar's user avatar
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In latex preview pane mode, make the pane stay where I put it

Does anyone know how to make the pane in latex preview pane mode stay put? When I move it to the frame/window I would like it to be, it pops back to its default window when I refresh it, M-p. Edit: ...
user11012's user avatar
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Unable to locate preview-latex.el after installing the AucTeX package in Emacs24

I've installed AucTex as per the official instructions with package-list-packages, however there is no trace of preview-latex. Helm displays no results for M-x auctex. After installing Auctex with ...
Dodgie's user avatar
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Org latex preview untoggle when toggling

when I have latex in a section, and press C-c C-x C-l it preview all LaTeX fragments in the section, and when I jump to another section and toggle latex preview fragment for that section, it untoggle ...
Nicolas Scotto Di Perto's user avatar
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Org-mode does not load Latex previews at startup

In org-mode, Latex previews are not loaded at startup when using #+STARTUP: latexpreview. I've also tried customizing org-startup-with-latex-preview with no effect. Only way to preview latex fragment ...
Andrés Sánchez's user avatar
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Auctex & Ghostscript config

I have a problem with my Auctex + Emacs in LateX Preview functions. They are located in my USB together TexLive packages, Sumatra pdf-reader & all Ghostscript tools. Where can I include ...
Alex's user avatar
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Aligning org tables with rendered LaTeX formulae

Org tables do a great job in aligning columns with plain text. But the alignment is lost when math formulas (in LaTeX) in cells are replaced with their preview. Is it possible to preview LaTeX in ...
Nicolas Scotto Di Perto's user avatar
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Unmap C-c from org-latex-preview-fragment

I don't like that C-c C-c is untoggle the org-latex-preview fragment because it's the "magic key" in org and whenever I press it it untoggle my latex-fragment so I have to toggle it again manually. I ...
user3593232's user avatar
5 votes
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Preview Latex Fragment in org mode : blank square shown

I have an org file, where I put a LaTeX fragment to be rendered in line with C-c C-x C-l. It is a simple formula: \[ e^{i\pi} = -1 \] I have MiKTeX installed, latex and dvi commands work from ...
Mike Anblips's user avatar
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Latex fragment in terminal

I am currently discovering orgmode and as a math student I want to write my math lessons with this beautiful tool. I love the way LaTeX code can be displayed inline in emacs. I would like to know if ...
user3593232's user avatar
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Latex preview fragment - latex error + blank square

I'm new into latex, org and latex in org so it may sounds like a total newbie question... I want to preview latex in emacs with org-preview-latex-fragment, I have followed instructions from here and ...
user3593232's user avatar
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Orgmode + Mac (el capitan): can't find latex

I'm running Orgmode 8.2.10 on a Mac (El Capitan) and I'm trying to use C-c C-x C-l to preview some latex formulas. However, using the mentioned shortcut produces the error: Can't find "latex" (needed ...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
3 votes
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Automization of preview-latex

The preview-latex package behaves in the following manner: it shows you an image of a formula / section header / etc. When the cursor gets "into" the image it is automatically replaced by the latex ...
Or Sattath's user avatar
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latex-preview in AUCTeX and org-mode

After struggling with AUCTeX installation under Windows, I was suggested here to use ELPA and its automatic process to install the package. Following this, everything went fine and I can now read, ...
Mike Anblips's user avatar
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Getting maxima source block to return and display latex equations

I'd like my maxima source blocks to return either valid latex that I can display in the org-buffer, or an image of the results (a la imaxima). Ideally, the pure latex solution would be best. Here is ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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How to configure latest 32-bit emacs & AUCTeX in Windows 7?

I'm on Windows 7, 32-bit processor and I'm trying to set up emacs and AUCTeX with RefTeX. I've followed Joachim Schlosser's english guide and Youtube tutorial in German (even if I don't understand ...
WobblyWindows's user avatar
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How to render latex expressions (not necessarily formula) inside buffer?

By preview-latex on can render latex formulae inside a tex buffer. The package px package renders latex formular inside an arbitrary buffer (see A similar ...
Name's user avatar
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Table cell alignment breaks when using latex inside org table

Let's assume we have a table that looks like this: After running org-preview-latex-fragment command I get this: As you can see the top row is not aligned with the other rows. How can one view ...
Empty_Mind's user avatar
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Is it possible to preview TeX formulas automatically on auctex-mode?

In auctex mode, whenever I write a new formula I have to type C-c C-p C-p to render it as an inline image. I'm wondering if it's possible to automatically render the formula or equations as I write ...
Sibi's user avatar
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