Questions tagged [programming]

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116 votes
9 answers

How can I get a ruler at column 80?

As a programmer, I want to see a ruler at a specific column (usually 80), both so I see when I cross that column, but also to see how close I am getting to it so I can reformat my code early. The ...
Jorgen Schäfer's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Display the beginning of a scope when it is out of screen

I would like to display the opening part of a scope when this one get out of screen. Example: namespace a { ... --------------------- <- display frame ... | }* ...
log0's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I set a variable in all programming modes?

I'd like tab-width to be set to 2 in all programming modes. I use prelude (which might be one of the problems), but I have this in my custom.el (which is sort of the analogue to .emacs): (setq my-...
Son of the Wai-Pan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I modify a variable in a javascript file that meets specific conditions?

Lets say I'm editing a javascript file in emacs that has objects as such scattered through out the file: foo: [1], foo: [2], foo: [3], foo: [4], foo: [5], foo: [6], foo: [7] obo: [1], obo: [2], obo: [...
user2522280's user avatar