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Questions tagged [quail]

Input method minor mode for multilingual text

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How to configure Emacs to use quail for org-mode and other modes?

I recently became acquainted with the quail input method for entering mathematical symbols and really liked it. However, this method works only when I use the agda2-mode, in which I can enter a key ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Quail-based Japanese conversion error

The following error that I am reporting appears both in emacs-27.2 and emacs-28.2. This question is written under the assumption that the reader is familiar with Quail and with Japanese syllabary. ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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How to implement a function in `quail-define-rules` (for `set-input-method`)?

I'm checking out quail (set-input-method) to write some LaTeX snippets (I felt it had some advantages over the others snippet options such as yas-snippets). According to the manual: quail-define-...
Garid's user avatar
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How to get small versions of hiragana and katakana Japanese characters rendered in quail?

I'm running GNU Emacs 27.2 under linux (xubuntu). I'm using the quail package to render Japanese characters. When I enable Japanese mode, I can type romaji, and it properly converts what I type to ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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How can I put some extra conditions to the rules of an input method?

Is there a way to put some extra conditions on the translation rules of an input method (quail defining rules)? For example consider the following input method of the answer https://emacs....
Name's user avatar
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How to disable the / character prefix in Cyrillic input mode?

When I switch to Cyrillic input method (by pressing C-\), the / key starts to act as a prefix to enter extended characters. For example: /o -> њ /a -> ќ /y -> ї etc... Is there a way to ...
Max Arnold's user avatar
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How to disable some rules of an input method?

I use purescript-unicode-input-method in Purescript. However, I want the input method not to translate ->, ~> and => because their Unicode characters look very similar. Is there a way to ...
Zhu Jinxuan's user avatar
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Increase minubuffer font size for quail mode completion

I am trying to increase the font size of the text overlay displayed in the minibuffer when using quail completion without success so far. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this? EDIT: I was ...
Navidot's user avatar
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Passing a string translation to quail-defrule

I don't understand how this is to be used: (quail-defrule ",q" "abcd") After evaluating this, and typing ,q, I get an underscored a: but how am I supposed to select one of the other characters? ...
Toothrot's user avatar
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Quail Rules UTF8 behaviour

I had inserted the following code in .emacs: (quail-define-package "LaTeX-UTF-8" "TeX" "TeX") (quail-defrule "α" ["\\alpha"]) what I want to do is the following: when I insert the character "α" (I ...
MaPo's user avatar
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Macro expansion inside quail-define-rules

Why can't I expand a macro inside (quail-define-rules)? (defmacro quail-test () `("c" ["success!"])) (quail-define-package "experiment" "Experiment" "X" t ...
Toothrot's user avatar
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Using quail input-method to insert a string

The standard way to define an abbreviation using quail is as follows: (quail-define-rules ("a" ?s )) Inserting "a" gives "s". I am wondering if one can insert an arbitrary string using quail, I ...
Name's user avatar
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Can't use the diacritic character d̤?

I am running Emacs mac ports (24.5) on a Macbook Air. I have the following code as an .el file to setup my own multilingual environment: (require 'quail) (quail-define-package "maatra" ...
latex_guy's user avatar
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How to get human language-specific numerals?

TL;DR: how can I use Hindi digits (١٢٣...) when writing in Arabic? Emacs is arguably hailed as the best editor, but when it comes to using numerals in the context of writing there are no satisfactory ...
doctorate's user avatar
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How can I disable quail input methods in LaTeX formulas?

If you set an input method (for example via M-x set-input-method RET cyrillic-translit RET) you can type Cyrillic characters using a US keyboard: Emacs will use transliteration rules to convert Roman ...
Name's user avatar
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