Questions tagged [realgud]

realgud is a debugger front end. It is a potential replacement for gud

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3 votes
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debugging: how to optimize a RealGUD workflow

I code in Python and I my workflow uses debuggers (I coded for 8 years in Matlab). I develop numerical simulation codes: most of the time it returns a result, the question is: "Is the result right?" ...
Robin Tournemenne's user avatar
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1 answer

Realgud to default to my most recent python executable

When I run realgud for python debugging, with: M-x realgud:pdb I see this prompt: Run pdb (like this): python -m pdb /home/username/work/place/ I'm using a conda environment installed in ./...
Mittenchops's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to edit code in the source window using realgud?

I've started using realgud:pdb for python debugging in emacs: When you begin a realgud session, it opens a command window and a source window. Keys like 'n' and 'b'...
Mittenchops's user avatar