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Questions tagged [rendering]

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6 votes
2 answers

some unicode characters such as "⊆" occupy 3 lines in emacs 24.4.1 on ubuntu gnome 15.04 64bit

Not every unicode character occupies 3 lines, but '⊆', '∈', and other unicode mathematical symbols occupy 3 lines in emacs on my system. How can I fix this rendering bug?
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5 votes
1 answer

Copy text as it is rendered by Emacs

I have Emacs doing a bunch of smart things to display text for me. In particular, some text has the invisible property set, and I'm running adaptive-wrap with <!-- adaptive-wrap-extra-indent: 3 --&...
kuzzooroo's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Can I take vector (SVG) screenshots of Emacs?

The gtk-vector-screenshot program can be used to take vector screenshots of Gtk-3 applications. It seems to work by asking the application to redraw itself onto an SVG canvas. Emacs on GNU/Linux can ...
Clément's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does emacs use ncurses to render in the terminal?

I was trying to figure out how Emacs renders so fast in the terminal, especially since I think it might have to redraw a large portion (or all the terminal) most of the time. But I haven't yet dug ...
lucidquiet's user avatar