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Questions tagged [saveplace]

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2 answers

Save place in files but don't move the cursor to the saved position automatically

I'd like to have a command that moves the cursor to the last position it was in when I left the buffer (either by killing it or by killing Emacs). I know I can use saveplace.el to save the position ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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Emacs daemon preventing correct operation of saveplace

Writes to saveplace are not persisting after the emacs daemon stops. Saveplace is configured in my init file as: ;; saveplace remembers your location in a file when saving files (use-package ...
MattHusz's user avatar
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1 answer

undo-kill-buffer and save-place-mode

I use this function to reopen a file killed by mistake. (defun undo-kill-buffer () (interactive) (let ((active-files (loop for buf in (buffer-list) when (buffer-...
djangoliv's user avatar
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Automatically save moved file to new location

If I open a file in emacs, and the file subsequently gets moved or renamed by a different program, emacs will still save the file to the old location and name. Example process: Open ex.txt in emacs. ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I save my place in an info file?

I am reading through An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp in an emacs buffer. I get to the file through C-h i and navigated to Emacs Lisp Intro. If I kill the buffer and return the same way, ...
lookyhooky's user avatar
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1 answer

Savehistory doubles my startup time, and is not quitting directly [duplicate]

Emacs startup time on Linux is 2.3 seconds. When I exit Emacs with C-xC-c, it quits instantly. This changes when I put only the following lines in my configuration: (setq savehist-file (concat user-...
ReneFroger's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Saveplace (remembers your cursor position) not working anymore with Emacs 25?

Setup: GUI version GNU Emacs (x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2015-07-25 on KAEL Compiled from Harroogan Emacs. Windows 7 x64 bit. Situation: The package saveplace remembers where your cursor/...
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