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Questions tagged [semantic-mode]

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Semantic Idle Service Error semantic-idle-summary-idle-function

Context Hey, I've discovered semantic and how useful it is when writing coding, it provides some handy features. I'm mostly using it for C/C++ programming, although there's a bug that kept on showing, ...
0x0584's user avatar
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Search for functions by type signature

Is there a convenient way to search through a C/++ codebase and list all the functions with matching type signatures? I'm working in a codebase that makes heavy use of function pointers. ...
Koala Bear's user avatar
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CEDET semantic-complete-jump customization

When I search through project via semantic-complete-jump and tag is not unique (its defined in multiple places), I must hit <tab> to iterate through all possible places. Problem is, I horribly ...
dev1223's user avatar
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Multi-line echo area for displaying function signature with semantic-idle-summary-mode

Description I've got some c-functions with long argument lists. Even if that is bad style I would like semantic-idle-summary-mode to help me with those bad style functions. Pityingly it keeps the ...
Tobias's user avatar
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Can Semantic and Company coexist?

I use company-irony for C++ code completion. I have deleted the company-semantic backend from company-backends in my init.el. Now I want to use Semantic and specifically the global-semantic-...
Mikael Springer's user avatar
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Completion for variables in C using company-gtags, or not Semantic

I have a working C IDE without Semantic (too slow for me), from instructions here, with completion provided by company-gtags (I think. Maybe clang does something too?). Completion at point works for ...
Alejandro Erickson's user avatar
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How to properly use VARIABLE-TAG in Wisent?

I try to get around Wisent/Semantic and I'm playing with toy languages at this point. Issue I'm stuck with is how to mark multiple variable declarations. My toy language has only WORD terminal and ...
Gracjan Polak's user avatar
6 votes
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Code blocks in font-lock comments

I'm developing a major mode for a language that has doc comments. They look like this: (** Foos three bars. Better call this as [foo 1 b c]. Though of course [foo a b 1] works as well. **) ...
Clément's user avatar
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Long pause after typing `std::` when using semantic with auto-complete

I am using auto-complete-mode with ac-c-headers and whenever I type std:: There is a long (~30 seconds) pause, presumably while the candidates list is populated. This happens every time, which ...
nispio's user avatar
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Can't disable semantic wisent-python-default-setup on python-mode-hook

Here is the error when semantic by default add wisent-python-default-setup into hook python-mode-hook. It's shown in minibuffer. Makeing python-shell-interpreter-args local to Python Internal[ org-...
stardiviner's user avatar
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How to remove unwanted candidates from helm-semantic-or-imenu?

Helm has inbuilt function helm-semantic-or-imenu. When this function is called, it shows all candidates including variables, dependencies e.t.c. I mostly use it only for functions and classes. I want ...
Chillar Anand's user avatar
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Can't have semantic-mode turned on for Python buffers only

I'm trying to activate semantic-mode for Python buffers only: (use-package stickyfunc-enhance :init (require 'stickyfunc-enhance) (add-to-list 'semantic-default-submodes 'global-semantic-...
Mathieu Marques's user avatar
8 votes
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How to activate semantic-mode for specific major modes only?

I've seen this question a lot. But none of the replies fixed my issue: the minor mode stays on in others modes. So far, I have tried: (use-package stickyfunc-enhance :config ;; (add-to-list '...
Mathieu Marques's user avatar
12 votes
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How to get semantic syntax highlighting on emacs for C/C++ code

I'm new to emacs and programming in general so please bear with me. I'm trying to use emacs as my C/C++ IDE, and I noticed that in CC mode the variables/functions seemed to be highlighted only during ...
DJ lee's user avatar
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Class inheritance tree in ECB

I'd like to see the inheritance tree for classes which I have currently open, similarly to how it ECB shows related files (e.g. I have a class B in my buffer, its parent A and child C are in different ...
mkollaro's user avatar
7 votes
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How do I parse a simple grammar and obtain a syntax tree in Emacs lisp?

How can I construct a parse tree from a string and a simple grammar? Semantic seems very tricky, and SMIE does not seem to produce a parse tree. Here's an example, assuming a language that looks like ...
Clément's user avatar
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Emacs (semantic) include not working for relative personal includes

This works: Running semantic-decoration-include-visit (opens the included header): #include <string.h> #include "/usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h" Works well. This does not: But if I ...
Leo Ufimtsev's user avatar
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Semantic does not reload c-preprocessor symbols from file

semantic allows specification of C-preprocessor keywords using the variable semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-file, which is a list of C/C++ files that contain preprocessor macros. How do I get ...
Pradhan's user avatar
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Issues setting up Java code completion in CEDET. Cannot find semantic/db-javap

The line below is in my init file: (require 'semantic/db-javap) it is causing the following error message: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Cannot open load file" "semantic/db-javap") ...
Ben Weintraub's user avatar
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Semantic not parsing Elisp files

Here's my Semantic config: (semantic-mode 1) So my config probably isn't the issue. Whenever I try to use Semantic commands in an elisp file, I get the message Buffer was not parsed by Semantic.. ...
nanny's user avatar
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Setting minimum time between consecutive reparses by semantic

According to the Semantic docs, semantic-edit.el is the file which handles all incremental parsing. I see frequent incremental parse errors(not information messages, since I have semantic-edits-...
Pradhan's user avatar
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helm-semantic-imenu doesn't identify pointers and references in C++ code

With semantic-mode enabled and reading a C++ source file in cc-mode, running helm-semantic-or-imenu correctly shows all the classes, variables and functions defined in that file. However, all the ...
Pradhan's user avatar
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Global semantic summary mode not enabled at startup

I have used customize-group on semantic to set global-semantic-idle-summary-mode to t. My .emacs has this entry in custom-set-variables : '(global-semantic-idle-summary-mode t). However, on starting ...
Pradhan's user avatar
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Detecting variable changed outside customize

I have used "Customize" to set a value for semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-file. However, after loading up .emacs, this isn't the value I see. On opening up the "Customize" menu for this variable, ...
Pradhan's user avatar
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How can I get C/C++ context-sensitive completion with Company?

Semantic seems to be able to do this, but I cannot get it to work as I would expect it to. For example, if I #include "Type.h" and declare Type t, using semantic-complete-analyze-inline when point is ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Semantic occur?

Is there a way to get an occur-style summary that contains all of the function definitions of the current file? Perhaps using semantic-mode? I'm particularly concerned about C. Emacs Lisp, Caml (...
jch's user avatar
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How to diagnose why semantic-imenu does not correctly parse a file?

When spelunking through Java code, I rely heavily on the semantic integration through the use of helm-semantic-or-imenu to navigate to different functions in a file. This works great for simple to ...
Lee H's user avatar
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