Questions tagged [sexp]

Originated from the Lisp “s-expression” (for an expression in Lisp), `sexp` in Emacs refers to an expression in any language your program is written in.

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8 votes
4 answers

How can I find surrounding parenthesis (from emacs lisp)?

Is there a way to find out the type of the surrounding parenthesis (i.e. '(', '[' or '{') around point? For example (using | to represent point) { abc, | df } should return '{', and { abc[ | ], ...
dshepherd's user avatar
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Correct pronunciation of 'sexp'?

I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I'm just starting out in ELisp, and I'm wondering how you pronounce the word 'sexp'. I.e., if I was talking to someone, how does one say this word?
MikeTheTall's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I view the full `package-alist` value (without the truncation characters "...")?

When I do C-h v package-alist, I see something like ((PACKAGE-NAME1 [cl-struct-package-desc PACKAGE-NAME1 (VERSION1) "DESCRIPTION1" (...
Kaushal Modi's user avatar
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fill-paragraph (`M-q`) for s-expressions?

With M-q (aka fill-paragraph), it is possible to format a single line of text nicely. Is there a command or function which does a similar thing for lisps s-expressions? It should break one-liner ...
jue's user avatar
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how to properly move forward to the next sexp

I was expecting a similar result with the two snippets below, but this is what I've got: (with-temp-buffer (insert "(a)(b)(c)") (goto-char (point-min)) (list (prog1 (cons (point) (cons (sexp-...
alexgirao's user avatar
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How do I ignore comments with scan-sexps?

I have some lisp code that contains a comment: (while list ;; take the head of LIST (setq len 1)) I want to extract the positions of the sexps. I'm using scan-sexps. If I call M-: (scan-sexps 12 ...
Wilfred Hughes's user avatar
4 votes
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Folding code between a literal "begin"/"end" block using Hideshow

A formatted input file (*.alm) often contains a large section of columned data. To fold this and improve navigation, I've tried to implement a hs-special-mode-alist entry from hideshow.el. (setq hs-...
z-nut's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Pretty print s expressions from the command line

I've got a file containing an emacs s-expression and I want to pretty print it from the command line: Is there an easy way of doing this? Paranoia suggests I want to do as little parsing of this data ...
Att Righ's user avatar
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forward-comment doesn't move the point

I tried running (forward-comment -1) by eval command, when the point is actually in the middle of a comment. Like forward-word (or) forward-line, i expected it move to the beginning of the comment &...
Saravana's user avatar
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How can I make `forward-sexp` handle other balanced character-pairs such as < and > or << and >>?

I am trying to find an easy and efficient way to modify the behaviour of forward-sexp to handle balanced pairs of characters not normally supported by it, such as balanced < and > and balanced &...
PRouleau's user avatar
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How to go to the beginning of a word/sexp?

When the point is not at the beginning of a word/sexp, backward-word / backward-sexp places the cursor at the beginning of that word/sexp. If the point is already at the beginning of a word/sexp, this ...
Name's user avatar
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How can I find corresponding balanced parentheses?

I have this LaTeX code: \caption{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet: foo), bar), baz) and qux) consectetuer adipiscing elit.} I want to put a marker immediately before the first { and one immediately after ...
Onner Irotsab's user avatar
2 votes
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A elisp function to jump between matched pair

Here is the function spec: (defun jump-to-matched (open-char closed-char) ) say the content of current buffer is "a([b]c()d)". If I move the cursor over the first "(" and run (jump-to-matched "(" ")...
chen bin's user avatar
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Navigating lisp

I want to programmatically navigate emacs lisp (and similar "nested paren code"). Specific functions I want: Go to first child (which errors if there are no children (maybe lispy-outline-goto-child ...
Att Righ's user avatar
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Make a set of characters act as open/close syntax?

Is there a way to make a set of characters act syntactically as open/close brackets? For example, {a> as an opening bracket, and <a} as a closing bracket? I know how to do this with single ...
John Kitchin's user avatar
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Marking sexp diary entries as done in org agenda

I often use sexp diary entries for events in ORG-AGENDA. Is there a way of marking them as "DONE" in agenda-view? E.g. %%(diary-float t 2 3) Send John info for Bulletin E.g. %%(diary-block 12 15 ...
Edman's user avatar
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Orgmode : exporting agenda with sexps to ics

This year, I am having classes with complex descriptions, such as "every 1st and 3rd friday between 2016-11-18 and 2017-5-19", so I chose to use org-mode agenda combined with sexps to describe them ...
BenzoX's user avatar
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Highlight car of each sexpr in source

All the syntax highlighting suggestions I've managed to find so far are keyword driven. I'm reading data written in s-expressions that doesn't have keywords, but the car of each list is still somewhat ...
Jon Chesterfield's user avatar
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Parse-Partial-Sexp State at POS

What is Parse-Partial-Sexp State at POS? Because I have been looking at some elisp code calling syntax-ppss. I have the variable ppss being set to either (syntax-ppss) or to (parse-partial-sexp last-...
Dilna's user avatar
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Forward, backward etc sexp not working

I want to use the forward-sexp function in Emacs, which on my Spacemacs for Mac is bound to C-M-f. Similarly for the backward-sexp. However, upon pressing C- for Control, and then the Meta key, which ...
zendevil.eth's user avatar
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How does `eval-last-sexp` determine the expression for evaluation?

Context: Emacs 29.0.60 The ▬ and the empty lines after the script text below are point positions at which the interactively executed function eval-last-sexp echoes in the minibuffer and the *Messages* ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How can I skip 'Scan-error: "Unbalanced parentheses"...'?

I want to write a script in order to correct spaces inside section command in a LaTeX code, that's to say \section{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit} should be \section{...
Onner Irotsab's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I bring tex-mode's sexp navigation to AucTeX?

I generally prefer AucTeX over the built-in tex-mode, but one thing that is much better in tex-mode is navigation by s-expression. Namely, in tex-mode, forward-sexp (C-M-f) treats LaTeX environments ...
Omar's user avatar
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Different summaries at different levels in org-columns

I'm trying to use org-mode for keeping track of my grades in university. My grades are all numerical from 0 to 10. I want the column view to output my average score and the final grade of each subject,...
cruizh's user avatar
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Sending an s-expression to another buffer

I'm currently working in Clojure with Arcadia, which is requiring me to use a REPL that doesn't have support with Cider. This has been giving me some trouble given how I usually code, so I'd like to ...
Suskeyhose's user avatar
0 votes
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Org export "invalid function" error

This is my export.el: (require 'ox-publish) (setq org-publish-project-alist '( ("org-notes" :base-directory "~/org/" :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory ...
zeynel's user avatar
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Why having a system loaded makes any difference for indentation?

I am using Common Lisp, SBCL, Emacs, and Slime. During a code review, a co-worker mentioned that the indentation of an s-expression was wrong. Usually, I just use indent-sexp(bounded to C-M-q) to fix ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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forward-sexp confusion

The following code is an excerpt from the elisp tutorial, section 14.6. (while (re-search-forward "^(defun" nil t) (setq lengths-list (cons (count-words-in-defun) lengths-list))) Placing the ...
zugzwang's user avatar
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Unclear expectation of behavior from `scan-sexps`

The docstring of scan-sexps says: If the beginning or end is reached between groupings but before count is used up, nil is returned. Putting point (|) before the first element of a list: (|a b c) ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
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moving cursor forward-sexp goes one char further in evil mode

When I want to highlight the following region (a ( b ( c ) ) ) ) I get (a ( b ( c ) ) ) ) I mark the beginning and do forward-sexp (or sp-forward-sexp, which results in the same outcome) In, insert ...
eugene's user avatar
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Make sexp-at-point ignore ";" in LaTeX mode

I have this LaTeX code: $K(U_1, V_1, x_1; t_2, x_2)$ I found that the string/expression (U_1, V_1, x_1; t_2, x_2) is not recognized as an s-expression by the command (sexp-at-point) (in latex-mode) ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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How to delete a function on which a cursor is in Spacemacs?

Let's say I have this: (defn -main [& args] (my-func|tion 5) (my-function-2 "hello") (third-function-of-mine nil)) where | is my cursor. And I want to delete (my-function 5). So in ...
fegax's user avatar
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filtering `sexp` entries in org-agenda

I have an org entry with a sexp and a tag: * test :test_tag: %%(org-anniversary 2000 08 23) test anniversary When I open my agenda "test anniversary" shows up as it should (I'm writing ...
athousandcups's user avatar
-1 votes
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mark-sexp (Wrong number of arguments)

((foo(bar)) ...
Jason Hunter's user avatar