Questions tagged [source]

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0 votes
2 answers

sourcing .bashrc when starting emacs [duplicate]

I need to start ssh-agent so that I can use tramp within Emacs. However, if I start emacs via the start up menu, the environment (i.e. bashrc) does not seem to be sourced whereas when I start emacs ...
3 votes
2 answers

the Name of Function defined in C

I tried to use GDB to debug Emacs. More specifically, I want to observe the behavior of a function written in C. vertical-motion is a built-in function in ‘C source code’. However, the name of a C ...
4 votes
2 answers

org-mode setting to preserve spacing in SRC code, with verbatim latex output to pdf

Like this post, when I indent within a SRC code block in org-mode, 8 consecutive spaces are converted to a tab. Moreover, when I export to LaTeX 8 consecutive spaces are converted to tabs in the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I find the C-source definition of function Fcopy_sequence?

How can I find function Fcopy_sequence in the Emacs C source code?
1 vote
2 answers

How do I verify a downloaded emacs source tar.gz file?

I downloaded[.sig] and tried verifying using the following command gpg --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --verify emacs-27.2.tar.gz.sig It failed ...
1 vote
0 answers

Setting R's `source()` options used by ESS

I'm trying to figure out what to add to my .emacs settings file to get ESS to include an option and setting when sending highlighted code to R. Specifically, I want to set source(max.deparse.length=...
1 vote
3 answers

Finding in certain projects only files with particular extensions when doing a project(ile) grep

I have projects where *.nim files are the source files and *.js files are the "compiled" files. When I issue projectile-grep (or project-find-regexp) in these projects I get both source and ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I build emacs from sources on macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4

I typically run gnuemacs using MacPorts. However, I have a friend who does not have admin on his managed mac, so I want to build for him a full release of emacs that will run out of his home directory....
2 votes
0 answers

Compiling gccemacs (Emacs 28) from source. To bootstrap or not to bootstrap?

With the following build script on Big Sur + homebrew, I get horribly long compile times when using make bootstrap as opposed to simply make on gccemacs. I've read the Makefile in the src directory - ...
0 votes
0 answers

Emacs-26 Big Sur (Intel) 11.2 - make fails error 137 macroexp.elc

Xcode: CommandLineTools: I've exported CC=clang, but I can't get the emacs-26 branch to compile on my Big Sur Intel machine. See gist here and ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to see the source code of a built-in function?

I want to see the source code of the function other-buffer. When I use M-x- xref-find-definitions, Emacs shows:visit tags table (default TAGS). Then I press RET, Emacs shows:File /TAGS does not exist. ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to find where a given function is called from in gtags

I am using gtags and can jump to where a function is defined. Howeve I am not able to find inside a function where it is begin called from. Is there anyway to find where a function is called from?
10 votes
2 answers

Navigate to the source code of built-in functions and variables

Throughout the day I am constantly using C-h f or C-h v (describe-function and describe-variable) to look up documentation for functions and variables. More often than not, if I don't get all the ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to add a key map in Emacs source code?

I found ESC-prefix and Control-X-prefix defined in keymap.c: initial_define_key (global_map, 033, "ESC-prefix"); initial_define_key (global_map, Ctl ('X'), "Control-X-prefix"); But no matter what ...
3 votes
1 answer

Finding the source file containing the definition of functions and variables

Is it possible to merge find-function and find-variable to a single find-function-or-variable to be able to search both functions and variables at the same time and going to their definition in the ...