Questions tagged [ssh]

is the secure shell program that encrypts network communications over unsecured networks.

37 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Tramp freezes Emacs with OpenSSH on Windows

I just installed Emacs on my Windows machine for remote file editing using Tramp. However, I noticed than whenever I try to connect to a remote server (C-x C-f /ssh:home:), Tramp just displays Opening ...
Nick Clifford's user avatar
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make-frame-on-display & emacsclient fail w/ exported display while other apps are fine

I am connecting to my office GNU/Linux box from a windows laptop through a putty ssh tunnel. I have also on the laptop the java WeirdX X11 server, that is declared in putty to use the localhost:2 (...
Seki's user avatar
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ssh - Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal

Windows 10 (64 bit), Emacs 25.1 If I want to remote connect by ssh to UNIX machine (Ubuntu) from my local machine (Windows 10) I do the next step: Run cmd Execute the next command ssh -...
Alex's user avatar
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Helm not working on remote project (Tramp over SSH)

I'm working on a project that is kept on a shared server (server runs Ubuntu 14.04 LTS; my machine runs OS X 10.10.2). I access the server files via Tramp using a password-secured SSH connection. ...
JDRomano2's user avatar
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Emacs/Tramp fails to connect with ssh key equiped with a passphrase

I have problem connecting via ssh using Tramp in Emacs on MS-Windows whenever the private ssh key I use is configured with a passphrase. Here's the problem : I. What works : On the command line ssh -...
Thibault Cimic's user avatar
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How to (temporarily) override the ssh executable that TRAMP uses?

For reasons that I don't want to get into, for some ssh connections I need to use an executable different from the one that TRAMP uses by default. Therefore, I am looking for a convenient way to ...
kjo's user avatar
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Tramp into gcloud compute engine instance using custom `gssh` and `tunnel-through-iap`

I have a couple of GCP projects which has IAP enabled on them and have compute engine instances which only have private IPs. So the only way to ssh into them is to use gcloud compute ssh with tunnel-...
Pannu's user avatar
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Using typescript-language-server through tramp can't find servers for typescript-mode

I am trying to work remotely on a typescript project, with lsp-mode and tramp, through SSH. I followed the documentation on lsp-mode web page to set up a remote client. Here is my config: (use-package ...
meguli's user avatar
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Tramp can't connect with ssh: Wrong type argument: "number-or-marker-p undefined"

I'm trying to edit files and execute commands on my virtual GNU/Hurd machine. However, TRAMP asks for password, connects when correct password given, and finally says: ~ $ cd /ssh:[email protected]....
Akib Azmain Turja's user avatar
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Two prompt lines using emacs shell and plink

I am using emacs M-x shell command to create a shell, and from this shell I connect to a remote machine by using plink (PuTTY on windows). I have a problem with the prompt being presented twice. I ...
Runei's user avatar
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How to tell Tramp to load a remote .bashrc before executing commands remotely?

Problem: I have an elisp plugin which is failing on a call to start-file-process when executed within a remote directory. The issue is that the command I am trying to call with start-file-process ...
George's user avatar
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SSH connects, TRAMP doesn't

this is a lot like the issue described here already. It seems like the fancy prompt issue, however, I've tried to use sshx which I was told would solve this issue. I an wondering if anyone else have ...
Emax2020's user avatar
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Tramp can't connect - cannot find ssh

I am trying to use Tramp, but it seems unable to execute the ssh command. Here is the error from *Messages*: Tramp: Opening connection for AWS2 using ssh... Word wrapping enabled Tramp: Sending ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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Unicode character display in emacs info under Chromebook secure shell

This may not be an Emacs configuration issue, but here are the symptoms: On a Chromebook, I'm using chrome's Secure Shell Extension v0.18 to ssh in to an Ubuntu 16.04 host, LANG set to en_US.UTF-8, ...
user117529's user avatar
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Editing a file with emacs over ssh on remote machine

I am editing configuration files with emacs on remote hosts using ssh connection. It works perfectly. But I recently made RSA keys and now I can connect to these hosts with the keys without password, ...
Oleg Turin's user avatar
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How to set a default password for wildcard host in tramp?

I have a list of hosts 192...* with a default user and password, I've tried to set wild-card in .authinfo.gpg but it still requests password when I try to login. There are no problems when it set ...
Hellseher's user avatar
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Tramp fails to open remote shell when connecting to android

I'm trying to connect to my Android device via SSH using TRAMP. I've setup my SSHDroid, configured ssh keys and my ~/.ssh/config, so I'm able to connect with just ssh android from terminal. But when ...
tlegutko's user avatar
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lines are mixed up when running emacs remotely

When I ssh onto a remote server, and then open emacs on that server, and attempt to edit, I often experience many issues with the display. For example, when I move my cursor around the file using C-...
shimao's user avatar
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Toolbar icons unable to load when running Emacs through xhost from FreeBSD to Ubuntu

I'm connected to a FreeBSD Computer using ssh [ip] -X, and emacs launches just fine, but this happens and all the icons are little pieces of paper with red X's: > emacs (emacs:22812): GdkPixbuf-...
Aido's user avatar
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Tramp scp access without interactive ssh shell

I use a commercial backup server to which I can copy and access files with scp, rsync and some other ways. I can also do ssh USER@SERVER COMMAND for some commands, like ls, quota, rm etc., but I am ...
pst's user avatar
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Use Flycheck over Tramp

I have a running docker containing simple C source file makefile and compile_commands file generated by bear. What I want to do is to make Flycheck-clangcheck lint my C code on the fly. However when I ...
tvishy's user avatar
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reopen-with-sudo command that works through tramp?

I have tried to define this command: (defun etc-reopen-with-sudo () (interactive) (let* ((vec (tramp-dissect-file-name (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))) (method (tramp-file-name-method ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
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How to use connection-local-set-profiles to set inferior-ess-r-program when on using ESS over TRAMP?

This is a similar question to this other that remains unanswered. I am doing some work in the R language with the ess package on emacs on a remote computer to which I connect via tramp/ssh. The remote ...
aramirezreyes's user avatar
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"Tramp failed to connect" to any ssh server (gpg as an ssh agent)

Is anyone able to use Tramp with a gpg smart card or a gpg agent that manages ssh socket (so acts as an ssh agent)? For me it fails with file-error "Tramp failed to connect. If this happens ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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C-c C-, not working in SSH terminal but it is bound

The function org-insert-structure-template is bound to C-c C-,. I can confirm that when search that function via M-x and seeing the shortcut behind the function name. But I use Emacs (from Debian 11) ...
buhtz's user avatar
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Tramp problem during writing files through plink containing over 2900 characters using emacs on windows

I get a weird bug and I am struggling to fix it. The problem occur only when writing files over 2900 characters through ssh with tramp. The file is correctly sent in remote machine, but tramp-perl-...
samd854587's user avatar
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How to use TRAMP over tor?

I am not able to use TRAMP mode over tor. When I try to use something like M-x ssh://blabloblu.onion it just doesn't work. tramp-signal-hook-function: Tramp failed to connect. If this happens ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Howto detect whether ssh server is online from elisp

When using magit-gerrit for git gerrit reviews and magit-gerrit-ssh-creds is set then magit-gerrit assumes that there is a gerrit server and tries to connect to it using ssh subprocess. The problem is ...
Konrad Eisele's user avatar
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Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal. ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory

CentOS 7, Emacs 27.1 Here content of file ssh [email protected] So when in vterm mode I use this: ./ then I success connect to the remote machine (ip = by ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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emacs tramp/CyberArk detailed walkthrough

Edit: Solved... I'm using emacs 26.2, tramp 2.5.0, on OSX High Sierra 10.13.6... The server login requires: A normal password A passcode from a phone call The user has to specify a reason for the ...
Theodore Vadpey's user avatar
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xterm-mouse-mode inserting cursor information on drag

I'm running into a problem with emacs used via ssh. The problem occurs when I: Log in remotely using SSH on Konsole Run emacs -Q Invoke mouse mode with M-x xterm-mouse-mode When I click-and-drag on ...
Declan Thompson's user avatar
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Cannot connect to WSL using Tramp (all localhost)

this is my %USERPROFILE%\.ssh\config Host wsl User daniele Port 2222 HostName localhost If I open a cmd and run ssh wsl everything works like a charm. But when I try: C-x C-f /ssh[x]:daniele@...
Daniele's user avatar
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Tramp su seems to not work

I would like to upgrade my current workflow so I can use Emacs to edit a file on a remote machine. Here is what I have to do now: ssh remote # password1 required sudo su -l otheruser # password2 ...
Alex Shroyer's user avatar
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Why is Spacemacs in ssh so different from local terminal and how to make it the same?

My Spacemacs share the same configuration on local macOS and remote Linux, but they look quite different. The only OS related settings that I found in my configuration is that I enabled OSX layer on ...
an0's user avatar
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Why eshell lists my host environment variables when I am connected to other machine via ssh?

I am connected to another machine using tramp and my eshell does send all the commands to remote machine but when I do echo $PATH it prints me my local PATH. Why?
yujaiyu's user avatar
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Copying Text from Terminal Emacs over SSH?

I have emacs running on machine A. I then connect to emacs via a terminal (over SSH) from machine B. Question: From Machine B, how do I copy text to Machine B's clipboard to paste it, i.e., into a ...
George's user avatar
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Run command on remote host after org-publish

I try to setup a basic, easy website workflow. Right now I can simply press C-e P x project-name, export and upload my Org, image, and whatnot files as HTML. As I don't want to upload that directly ...
NaCl's user avatar
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