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magit: How to suppress Tags section in magit-refs of a single repository

I am using a git-repo that has 800+ tags: It takes about 15 seconds for the magit-refs buffer to refresh which is too long for me. I tried (remove-hook 'magit-refs-sections-hook 'magit-insert-tags) ...
Adrian Pronk's user avatar
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Searching for function definitions/calls etc

I recently came across a big project I need to disect. In the past, one of the first things I would do is create a tags table to search for function definitions (using etags) , Now it seemed to me you ...
Thad_The_Man's user avatar
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how to programmatically create list of org-roam nodes with given tag?

I'd like to create (meta) node that contains all references to nodes given org roam tag. For example, Let's say I've tens of org-roam-nodes about python-programming-language (each node has tag python)....
Garid's user avatar
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How to display the list of all #+NAME properties is org-mode document?

It must be something obvious but I cannot find information on this issue. When reftex-mode is enabled, I can type ~C-c )~ and for the following piece of code \begin{equation} 2x=4 \label{Eq:A} \end{...
martinoidar's user avatar
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Filter headlines using tags

Is there a fast method to select an 1-level headlines subtree? I have the following annotations and I want to select only all the headlines with the ":NOTES:" TAG and copy them to the NOTES ...
Paolo's user avatar
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Position of cursor after org-tags-view search

I use org tags as my chief method of storing and retrieving notes. After I invoke org-tags-view I see that the cursor is at the top of the screen rather than on the first hit. Is this poor design or ...
Edman's user avatar
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Org mode tag inheritance in agenda custom commands

I want to create Org Mode agenda views or sparse trees with tag inheritance disabled so that tagged headlines are included but children are not. I do not want to turn off tag inheritance globally. I ...
Snelephant's user avatar
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Filter org-file using tags

I've this org-file: * Headline a :tag1: Text for my Headline a * Headline b :tag2: ...
Paolo's user avatar
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How can I ignore non-existing files in a fixed custom tags-search?

I want to search through a fixed set of files and I use the tags-search command for it: (defvar my-files-form '(list "/path/to/one/file" "/path/to/another/file")) (...
halloleo's user avatar
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How to do a "git fetch --all --tags" in Magit?

I would like to pull changes from an upstream repository. More specifically, I would like to pull all the tags that were introduced. On the terminal, I can do: $ git fetch --all --tags On Magit, ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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emacs org mode: How to select multiple tags from dynamically generated tag list

If I have some tags already assigned to headlines and press C-c C-c Tab then org mode presents me with a dynamic list of all tags that are used in the file, eg: Click on a completion to select it. ...
ironfish's user avatar
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org mode: show TODO headings that are scheduled not for future, filtered by a tag

I really like how I can click on a tag next to a heading in an org mode file that has been added to the agenda, and org mode will generate a org-tags-view, a list of headings with same tag in a new ...
ironfish's user avatar
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4 answers

How to match only the one word tag without the multiple word tag in image-dired?

In image-dired I use M-x image-dired-mark-tagged-files to mark files containing a tag e.g. bar (one word tag). The problem is that foo bar (multiple word tag) is marked as well. What regex do I need ...
jjk's user avatar
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Gather all tagged text in one document a la LogSeq

Is it possible to have a flow in Emacs similar to LogSeq whereby the user can call one tag (e.g., #quotes) and have a buffer filled with all the text that matches such tag? I suppose the closer thing ...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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org-agenda tag selection buffer is too small to view any tags

when using C-c C-q to run org-set-tags-command on an existing headline, i am unable to see the list of tags because the buffer window is so small. all i see is inherited tags and current tags lines. ...
tbny's user avatar
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Progressive filtering with tags

I don't know how to name this functionality that I want. I am sure it exists. So What I want to do is similar to when you apply "tags", output is shown. Then you can choose to apply more ...
A-nak Wannapaschaiyong's user avatar
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xref-find-definitions, find next

In decades past when I used find-tag, I think there was a way to advance to the next tag definition if the first one found is not the one you were looking for. Is there a way to do this now that find-...
wytten's user avatar
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emacs stalling when looking up definitions with lsp-mode and gopls

I'm using lsp-mode as lsp client and gopls as lsp backend in order to lookup function and variable definitions in go projects. On a given large repository (kubernetes) that I recently wiped and cloned ...
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
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unexpected "Visit tags table (default TAGS)" prompt when looking up definitions with lsp-mode and gopls

I'm using company-mode with lsp-mode as lsp client and gopls as lsp backend in order to lookup function and variable definitions in go projects. On some repositories, when I want to lookup a ...
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
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Emacs elisp debugger: How do i make the debugger jump to source when i press s?

The builtin elisp debugger (i.e. the regular one, debug, not edebug) has a default binding of s to command backtrace-goto-source. When I try to use it, it says: Source code location not known You can ...
nate's user avatar
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How do I populate tags for C?

I hover over stdlib: #include <stdlib.h> I type M-. and it asks me: Visit tags table (default TAGS): I don't have one of those. I see a lot of information about TAGS in the emacs ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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Use wildcard in tag search

Hi I would like to use C-c a m To create a todo list that is filtered by tags. If I have a tag like :Makeamilliondollars: I would like to be able search for it using a wildcard. Eg I would like to ...
ironfish's user avatar
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Cycle Through Org Mode Todo Tags Based on Tag

I have one org file,, which I use for keeping all of my todos. I have todos of several categories, like: work memory fitness outreach and so on. Is there a way to order these tags to ...
David J.'s user avatar
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how to go to the first definition with xref-find-definitions, do not show all options?

When I press gd to go to the definition of a class in C++, Emacs splits the screen and shows me two definition options that I need to click on with one of them. I'm used to coc.nvim where I would just ...
Lucas Martins Soares's user avatar
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how best to set the `projectile-regenerate-tags` command

I have a fortran project I'm working on and I cannot figure out the right way to use .dir-locals to set the projectile-tags-command here is my dir-locals.el file: ( (f90-mode (projectile-tags-...
Vince W.'s user avatar
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Adding new keywords delimeters

I am new to the Emacs (Doom Emacs to be precise) scene, and recently I came up with a minor mode that could come in handy for me so I decided to implement it. To achieve the full functionality of my ...
Marcos Álvarez's user avatar
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Xref / xref-find-refernces / Windows 7 does not work

I'm struggling with Xref M-? finding references to symbols (C-code). It doesn't work for (e)tags nor for any symbol even in the buffered file. The Xref window/buffer with results is not opened instead ...
chris-tian's user avatar
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How to use exuberant ctags with python?

I followed instructions here: I've enabled the following: (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook (lambda () (when (derived-mode-p 'c-mode 'c++-mode '...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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Do not require tags when doing org-capture

 I have this org-capture template: ("a" "Appointment or call" entry (file+headline "~/" "Tasks") "* %? %^G \n %^t \n %i") It asks for a tag. Sometimes I insert tags, sometimes I don'...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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What is the shortcut to set filetags?

In org-mode, when I press C-c C-q and I don't have a header anywhere but just have a filetags section defined: #+FILETAGS: then I get the error: org-back-to-heading: Before first headline at ...
Toad's user avatar
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M-. takes over my commands and can't execute OR C-g to escape

I am using Emacs 26.3 and trying out ggtags-company-mode to navigate my code base. I move my cursor to a function I want to jump to the definition of, poll_count, and enter M-. I now have this at ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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How do you get gtags working with Lua?

How do you get gtags working with Lua? I want to be able to have same tags functionality for Lua like with C/C++, i.e. find definitions of functions, function references, symbol references, etc. I ...
user1766555's user avatar
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Org Mode export options: do not export TODO keyword sections

I read in the manual, and here that #+STARTUP: overview #+TASKS: nil * TODO Config tasks :tasklist: ** TODO todo1 SCHEDULED: <2020-02-16 Sun> *...
RichieHH's user avatar
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How to hook a TAG file with Emacs (Git-bash / windows)

I've successfully created a Tag file and could wade through the code using keys like M-,, but every time I need to choose the tag file for searching, so, I am looking for a way to hook the tag file I ...
RaGa__M's user avatar
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How to disable code blocks in an Emacs org-mode init file

My dot emacs config consists of a short init.el file and a very large org file in which I have created dozens of emacs-lisp code-blocks. This works very well for me, especially in terms of ...
Edman's user avatar
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File tags prevent autocomplete of global tags

I amended .emacs as shown below. Then M-x load-file ~/.emacs. What I want to do in is add MEntal tags to each of the two entries, for example Read and Reminder, respectively. Using the column ...
user avatar
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How to generate and display tags in treemacs (for JavaScript)?

I'd like to generate a set of tags and then view them in Treemacs, ideally whenever I open a file that I can generate tags for. The docs for Treemacs' tag view say: Treemacs is able to display ...
MikeTheTall's user avatar
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org-tags-view vs. org-agenda, M

My goal is a shortcut for an oft-used command. The oft-used command: An agenda view of all unfinished tasks matching a given tag: 1. M-x org-agenda 2. Prompts for the type of agenda 3. I enter "M"...
h34thf's user avatar
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Tag search in org mode delivers empty list although searched Tag exists

I have an .org file and some headlines have the tag Contact attached to them yet searching for tags (C-c a m) and entering Contact delivers nothing (see attached screenshot). What do I do wrong? ...
Guebert's user avatar
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Speedbar tag hierarchy in Clojure - organize manually with comments?

If I run speedbar and call (speedbar-add-supported-extension ".clj") in init.el, then I see my Clojure files in the speedbar, and I can expand them to show the function definitions inside, like this: ...
Rob N's user avatar
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How to generate TAGS tables for JavaScript with React?

I'd like to create TAGS tables for JavaScript ES6 code using React like the following: import React from 'react' import { observer } from 'mobx-react' import { Formik, Form, Field } from 'formik' ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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org-mode: Duplicate tag groups when filtering agenda

When filtering org-agenda by tags using org-agenda-filter-by-tag, tag groups specified in org-tag-alist show up multiple times. org-agenda-filter-by-tag uses the variable org-tag-alist-for-agenda, ...
halvorlu's user avatar
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Using advice to run function before tag symbol lookup

I use xref-find-definition to look up the definition of a symbol name. When I call xref-find-definition, I want to Emacs to automatically find and load an appropriately named etags file. For this ...
std_answ's user avatar
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Org Tags mess up on fast completion

In my init.el I have the following lines: (add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags) ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Setting up org-mode tags with groups

Running in emacs -Q I set up this file and added it to my agenda #+TAGS: [ toptag : subtag ] * headline 1 :toptag: * headline 2 :subtag: * headline 3 org-tag-alist now has value (("[") ("toptag") (:...
Hatshepsut's user avatar
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Wrong type argument: commandp cscope

My question is how to let the command SPC-m-c-Cget the function name automatically? I am using [email protected] (spacemacs), on Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit I am using cscope layer, it is great but with one ...
sflee's user avatar
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find-tag: Build a new TAGS file if it does not already exist

I prefer to use the older version of find-tag, instead of the xref library. I wrote a function to build the tag database, but I'm having trouble locating a good place to plug it in. The default ...
lawlist's user avatar
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Org Mode: exporting agenda with inherited tags

The manual says: C-x C-w (org-agenda-write) Write the agenda view to a file. [...] only the body of original headlines are exported, not subtrees or inherited tags. How to export inherited tags ...
aldia's user avatar
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can't load python tags table

generating python tags with for file in $(find -type f -regex ".+\\.\(py\)"); do etags -a $file; done doesn't load at emacs with error path/TAGS is not a valid tags file although other language ...
Error's user avatar
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Add tmsu tags as a helm-source

How can I add tmsu tags as a source for helm-mini? Edit There doesn't seem to be such a source, so I am trying to define it by myself consider something like this: (helm :sources (helm-build-async-...
student's user avatar
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