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10 votes
3 answers

Editing multiple source blocks in one buffer

I've got multiple source blocks which are all tangled to the same file. When I invoke C-c ' inside one block, only this specific block is shown in a new buffer. Is there a possibility to show all ...
beyeran's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to insert a specific number of newlines in org-mode

Inside org-mode, RETURN is bound to (org-return &optional INDENT). This command apparently ignores C-u numeric prefixes and so if you want to enter 10 newlines, you can't just type C-u 1 0 RET and ...
William Everett's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

org - keyboard shortcut to promote text to heading

How to promote a text line to a heading in org-mode? ie: I start writing text and only later wants to structure it: here's a start typing some text. and continue on a 2nd line and even a 3rd line. ...
ygol's user avatar
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1 answer

How to know the first and second level heading above the cursor?

I'm editing a 4.7M pure-text document, the task is simple, every book have chapters, and every chapter have each of its lines enumerated at the begin of the line, what I'm doing it putting the name of ...
shackra's user avatar
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2 answers

how to do action on *next* word?

Is there a function (or some kind of prefix command) that will allow me to do an action to the next word I type, not the word under point or the region? Currently: upcase-word puts the word under ...
incandescentman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

org -- preserve white space on export to odt

i write poetic texts in org mode and i'd like to be able to export them to odt with their horizontal spacing preserved if possible. it's poetry but not of the traditional kind. text is often heavily ...
martian's user avatar
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1 answer

Unrestricted movement of lines Alt-Up/Down

I'm learning Orgmode and moving lines (headers, checkbox items) up and down. These movement are restrited to a tree part of the line (header section, checkbox list): * Here is a list - Item 1 - Item ...
Evgeny's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to wrap yanked text

In org-mode if I am typing the lines will wrap to the next line at around 70 characters. However if I yank text from the OS clipboard into the org-mode buffer, then the text will not wrap but be on ...
calstad's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to have something similar to org-ctrl-c-minus but instead of adding just "-" Emacs would add "- [ ]"?

Suppose I have the following snippet inside an .org file: The Need to Read What You (Want to) Want After selecting the region with the mark command and executing org-ctrl-c-minus, I can convert the ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Programatically update org-mode properties values

I have a handful of org-remark highlight-annotations which, before a bug in the code-base got fixed, consistently got displaced by 40 characters when I left and returned to the buffer. In order for ...
Sati's user avatar
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0 answers

Really slow editing long org-mode blocks

When editing inside a long org-mode block (#+BEGIN_.... - #+END_....) Emacs is really slow (it can take several seconds to write a single character), while editing the rest of the buffer takes normal ...
DPD-'s user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

orgmode: underscore automatically generates math-mode

When I type an underscore _ in org-mode, it automatically generates math mode, i.e. $_{}$ and it puts the cursor between the braces. Is there a way to disable this when in edit mode but not in math ...
bobsacameno's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to delete the content under selected headers, but not the headers (and subheaders) themselves?

Is there a way to delete the content under selected headers, but not the headers (and subheaders) themselves? I.e., ** TOC *** PART 1: VECTORS AND GRAPHICS [[
HappyFace's user avatar
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1 answer

need help with very complex find and replace

I have a very complex (at least to my mind) text replacement task. ideally this would be a function or macro I could run over every org header in a buffer. I want to 1. move over any TODO state to a ...
zeltak's user avatar
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Controlling Placement of Ellipses in Outline Mode: At End of Line or On Separate Line?

I have the following file opened in outline mode: * Heading 1 body ** Sub-heading 1 body *** Child 1 body *** Child 2 body **** Buried Deep body ** Sub-heading 2 body *** Child 1 body When I ...
StackExchanger's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

mirror/auto populate a section of text in another location in the same buffer/other file

Im looking for a way to to mirror/auto populate a section of text in another location in the same buffer and/or other file. for example, i manage my config files in org mode for multiple machines. i ...
zeltak's user avatar
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