Questions tagged [untagged]

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0 votes
1 answer

Using prog1 to swap numbers

I want to understand the following that swaps the values of i and j. (setq i (prog1 j (setq j i))) The documentation says FIRST is evaluated first and is returned by prog1, then BODY is done later. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does (read-event) fail to show prompt?

I am having a problem with the built-in function read-event and I'd like to make sure I am using it in the proper manner before reporting this as a bug. Here is a description of my problem: In the *...
3 votes
1 answer

Automatically uncompress Zstd archives

Emacs has this very nice functionality that it automatically decompresses ".gz" / ".tar.gz" archives upon opening them (e.g. C-x f logs.gz). I'd like to extend this functionality ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I send and receive faxes using Emacs?

How can I send and receive faxes using Emacs?
1 vote
2 answers

How to do live sharing for pair programming in emacs?

I want to do live sharing in emacs as vscode does. Anybody know how can I do that?