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Questions tagged [use-package]

use-package is a macro package to isolate Emacs configuration lines in the init file. By isolating related lines, the configuration performs better and is easier to maintain.

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best practice for keybinding using use-package and evil

What is best practice to define keybindings using use-package and evil? How is it possible – for example – to bind "M-j" to (evil-)escape?
Alois Pichler's user avatar
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Defining bindings for python(-ts)-mode fails mysteriously

Setting up bindings for Python Mode (and its Tree Sitter variant) with the following use-package form mysteriously fails: (use-package python :bind (:map python-mode-map ("C-x *&...
bci_'s user avatar
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Packages - not all files loaded

I want to use the package gptel.el (but this is only an example, the error also occurs with a few other packages) after the installation via Melpa (incl. init.el: require ‘gptel) I try to execute e.g. ...
Martin Nomine's user avatar
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Autocompletion doesn't work and other quirks while setting up AUCTeX with use-package

I've been using Emacs + Spacemacs for writing my LaTeX documents (and some programming) for a long while. As a project for this weekend I'm trying to dig deeper into Emacs fundamentals and write my ...
GeometriaDifferenziale's user avatar
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Possible to use-package 'foo defer :config (foo-autoloaded-macro)?

I noticed (use-package polymode :defer t :config (define-hostmode …)) would load polymode on startup instead of deferring, which seems to be because define-hostmode is an autoloaded macro ;;;###...
unhammer's user avatar
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How can I always pretty-print outputs in CIDER REPL and evaluation results?

I'm using CIDER on Emacs for Clojure development. Whenever I execute the command cider-eval-sexp-at-point, I see the output in the Emacs mini-buffer. I can also see it in the *Messages* buffer (since ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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How can I install from GNU ELPA?

I'm trying to install cursor-undo on GNU ELPA, I just get: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Could not find package cursor-undo. Updating recip...") error("Could not find package %...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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Org-sidebar doesn't do what it's supposed to. Should I expect to get it to work?

I'm new to emacs. I installed the package org-sidebar using (package! org-sidebar) and (use-package org-sidebar) in doom emacs. I then open org-sidebar-tree in my buffer. According to the ...
user56834's user avatar
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How to write a condition in a (A . B) dotted pair in use-package key :bind data

For the configuration of vterm I have in my Emacs config a snippet like this: (use-package vterm :config (setq vterm-shell "xonsh") :bind (:map vterm-mode-map (&...
halloleo's user avatar
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Elpaca Configuration Not Cooperating

new user to GNU Emacs (installed Emacs 3 days ago). I had fun learning and configuring my Emacs experience using use-package so far. Everything was working smoothly. I decided to switch to Elpaca as ...
niceiq's user avatar
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how to map/remap `t <` or `t [` in calc?

In calc, t [ jumps to the beginning of the trail. But in a regular buffer, M-< jumps to the beginning. I'd like t < to do what t [ does now. How can I do that in a use-package :bind declaration? ...
Dan Drake's user avatar
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use-package :bind loads package when passed symbol but not variable

I'm using the built in use-package macro of GNU Emacs 29.4. When I do (use-package magit :bind ("C-x g" . magit)) magit does not get loaded on emacs startup, as expected. But when I use ...
bird-dancer's user avatar
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How to translate the fork keyword from straight.el to a melpa recipe?

Given the straight.el snippet below, I'm unable to make sense of the fork keyword in context of the melpa manual. How should I translate this snippet in order to use-package install it, without ...
jjk's user avatar
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Can someone ELI5 elpaca?

I'm struggling to understand the place elpaca holds in the emacs ecosystem, and looking for an overview. Is something elpaca-like a more-or-less necessary compromise in a vanilla-as-possible-yet-still-...
zellyn's user avatar
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On startup `run-hooks: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, emacs` for `emacs` package itself

Due to an misformed Makefile I deleted my ~/.config dir which contained all my Emacs setting under .config/emacs following XDG-sheme. Luckily I had a backup of all my dotfiles so no big problem -- I ...
lukeflo's user avatar
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How to keybind an org-capture template with use-package?

Suppose I bound org-capture with C-c c and a tmp template with t: (setq org-capture-templates `( ("t" "tmp" entry (file ,(concat captures-path ""))...
crocefisso's user avatar
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How to bind a tag addition with a key?

I started using notmuch and I often use the trash tag to have emails sent to Maildir\mail-account-i\Trash through a script. When in search mode, I have to do +trash RET on a mail (or a set of mails) ...
crocefisso's user avatar
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Installing a package with `straight` fails with the error `"use-package: Unrecognized keyword: :straight"`

I have this (defvar bootstrap-version) (setq straight-repository-branch "develop") ; Need this for new org-contrib location (let ((bootstrap-file (expand-file-name "straight/...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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before-save-hook not working with use-package and custom mode

I wrote a little derived mode for the kage shader language, it's derived from go-mode (syntax is the same). I also like to use gofmt, but it's just not loading the hook. Here's the mode: (define-...
Tom's user avatar
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How to switch between distributed and local development versions of a package?

I use the stable version of a package (0.7.0 of gptel) which is distributed on melpa-stable. I installed it via package.el and I configure it via a use-package. I want to be able to switch easily ...
algal's user avatar
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Problem with undo-tree-visualizer keybindings

What I want I use general, use-package and evil. I want to use evil keybindings in undo-tree-visualizer-mode to jump between nodes and branches using "j", "k", "h", "...
c3f0's user avatar
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How to stop emacs from contacting melpa?

I have the following in my config: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" ...
David's user avatar
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What steps should I take to troubleshoot use-package not loading packages

I'm using emacs 29.1 on Windows. I have extracted the emacs folder to a corporate OneDrive. I have a home folder set up with emacs-29.1\share\emacs\site-lisp\site-start.el with (setenv "HOME"...
Marek's user avatar
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Delight install issues

I want use delight in my init.el but I encounter a problem. Emacs can't install it. The init.el file contain this line : (use-package delight). But I get this issue : Error (use-package): Failed to ...
hgdly's user avatar
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How can I get the old GNEVE to work?

I wanted to try GNEVE, the video editor for Emacs, but its code is from 2008;) (use-package gneve :ensure t) Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Loading file /home/b0ef/.emacs.d/straight/build/...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Binding a key in another package's yet undefined map in use-package?

I'm using use-package for my configuration in init.el. How can I bind a key to a map that has not yet been defined? As a specific example, I'm using the following configuration of (use-package latex-...
Henry DeYoung's user avatar
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Use 'mapcar' to build a hooks list; "wrong-type-argument listp lambda"

How can I write a mapping (e.g. a mapcar expression) to build the list for a use-package :hook clause? I'm attempting to build the list in this :hook expression: (use-package eglot :hook ( (...
bignose's user avatar
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Splitting use-package declarations in literate config

Trying to clean up my configuration and make it more readable, but also reduce load time from current time of about 13 seconds down to < 10. Suppose I have a large use-package macro for a package ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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Using (use-package ...) with Emacs 29+

I am using Emacs 29.1, which ships with use-package, and I want to install and load the MELPA bm package through the init file. I am using the following test-init.el init file: (defun my-packages () ...
antonio's user avatar
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How to proper install and configure js2-mode via use-package declaration?

I am trying to install this package called js2-mode. This is part of my effort to follow this tutorial. Package documentation and tutorial are using classic installation via package-install as follows:...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Strange issue with dired-subtree

This is my simple config: (use-package dired-subtree :ensure t :bind (:map dired-mode-map ("<tab>" . dired-subtree-toggle))) The first time the ...
user129393192's user avatar
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use-package with builtin mode, such as display-time-mode

I'm trying to use the use-package method of organizing my Preferences.el file in Aquamacs. When I try to use use-package display-time-mode, I get the following error message. Debugger entered--Lisp ...
Henry DeYoung's user avatar
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Aquamacs hangs when refreshing package contents

I'm trying to use use-package in my Preferences.el file under Aquamacs 3.6. Every time I try to run Aquamacs with the following Preferences.el, Aquamacs hangs, usually indefinitely. (require 'package)...
Henry DeYoung's user avatar
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Override counsel-yank-pop binding with use-package

I would like to use the classic emacs yank-pop instead of counsel mode's counsel-yank-pop which is linked to M-y. I've tried unbinding and rebinding it, but it does not seem to work. I setup counsel ...
oneself's user avatar
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Why is getenv not working to read an environment variable in my macOS machine?

I am using macOS and vanilla Emacs. In my .zshrc file I have the following: export OPENAI_API_KEY=my-key The setting of the environment variable works as expected on the terminal (iTerm2): ➜ echo $...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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What is the difference between using "(use-package" and "(use-package!" with the exclamation mark by the end?

I have seen a new cool Emacs package called gptel. One of the ways to install it is using the use-package approach: (use-package! gptel :config (setq! gptel-api-key "your key")) However, ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Using :init in use-package produces an error-like message

My .emacs file contains (use-package mds :commands mds mds-version :init (mds)) That produces, in Messages, (Shell command failed with code 1 and no output). If :init is replaced with :config that ...
JoeRiel's user avatar
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Profiling org-capture and improving its performance

My org-capture takes about 6 seconds to open up on a reasonably powerful machine, and it becomes over a minute on a cheap laptop. I decided to profile the function and here's what it gave: 2423 ...
Namudon'tdie's user avatar
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chatgpt-shell, could not find package

I'm trying to install chatgpt-shell, so I eval: (use-package chatgpt-shell :ensure t :custom ((chatgpt-shell-openai-key (lambda () (auth-source-pass-get 'secret "openai-key"))...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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How can I disable a package or a group of packages without the require statement?

My entire Emacs configuration is in one file named "init.el". The folding and unfolding is achieved with the outshine package. I would like to share my config with some of my colleagues and ...
Zoli's user avatar
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How to skip confirmation with use-package :ensure?

I am trying to install Emacs vterm. Following its documentation, I added this to my init.el: (use-package vterm :ensure t) I have made sure that the dependencies are installed in my system (...
tinlyx's user avatar
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How do I unbind the SPC key from a pdf-viewer window and use evil leader key instead?

How can I unbind the SPC keybinding from a pdf-view-mode window and use the evil leader key instead? This is what I have currently: (use-package pdf-tools :ensure t :config (pdf-tools-...
HitoriJanai's user avatar
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In Dired, How to disable (or unmap) SPC from executing dired-next-line?

What I want: While in dired, want to disable/unbind <SPC> from dired-next-line Reason: I use j or <C-n> to dired-next-line in dired, I never use <SPC> as to go next line. I use &...
Garid's user avatar
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Error when using helm setup with use-package

My current helm configuration is (use-package helm :bind (("M-x" . helm-M-x) ("C-x b" . helm-mini) ("C-x C-f" . helm-find-files) ("C-x C-...
loewenheim_swolem's user avatar
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Translate use-package syntax

I am not sure how to translate this use-package :commands syntax into a regular elisp init.el file. (use-package languagetool :commands (languagetool-check languagetool-clear-suggestions ...
mislyde_alfabetisk's user avatar
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custom use-package keyword only initializing last form

My package deino is a fork of hydra, which allows me to create temporary keymaps; here it is being used along with my package prime: With following macro: (defmacro prime* (parent first-call key func &...
ShadowRylander's user avatar
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Why can't I install package yaml-mode on my Emacs via use-package declaration?

I am trying to install a package called yaml-mode on my Emacs. Basically, a syntax highlighting for .yaml files. My current syntax highlighters do not have support for yaml files, apparently. Hence, I ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Use-package :bind-keymap with car as a form

As you can see below, trying to make a cons using a backquote and a colon to evaluate a form causes an error. Surely this is a tiny mistake, but Lisp is not my cup of tea. Let's just jump to the code: ...
adentinger's user avatar
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lsp-pyright defer init until a .py file is open

Hey guys i'm improving my startup, Emacs version 28.2. I did a benchmark on init and I noticed that the thing that takes most of the time is lsp-pyright. That initializes lsp-mode. But I don't ...
Nico Stirnemann's user avatar
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Turn on minor mode rainbow-mode using use-package

I would like to turn on rainbow-mode in elisp and/or lisp modes when I am editing init.el using use-package. I've tried the following: (use-package rainbow-mode :demand t :hook ((text-mode . ...
oneself's user avatar
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