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best practice for keybinding using use-package and evil

What is best practice to define keybindings using use-package and evil? How is it possible – for example – to bind "M-j" to (evil-)escape?
Alois Pichler's user avatar
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Problem with undo-tree-visualizer keybindings

What I want I use general, use-package and evil. I want to use evil keybindings in undo-tree-visualizer-mode to jump between nodes and branches using "j", "k", "h", "...
c3f0's user avatar
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How do I unbind the SPC key from a pdf-viewer window and use evil leader key instead?

How can I unbind the SPC keybinding from a pdf-view-mode window and use the evil leader key instead? This is what I have currently: (use-package pdf-tools :ensure t :config (pdf-tools-...
HitoriJanai's user avatar
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In Dired, How to disable (or unmap) SPC from executing dired-next-line?

What I want: While in dired, want to disable/unbind <SPC> from dired-next-line Reason: I use j or <C-n> to dired-next-line in dired, I never use <SPC> as to go next line. I use &...
Garid's user avatar
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Unable to bind SPC as a prefix in general (evil mode)

My setup worked perfectly fine, however I recently reinstalled Emacs and therefore updated all packages as well when starting for the first time. Since then I cant get rid of the warning/error: ...
ghhost's user avatar
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How do I bind keys using general.el alongside evil?

My goal is to bind SPC SPC to counsel-M-x. I've tried using this snippet from this post (use-package general :ensure t :config (general-evil-setup t) (general-define-key :states '(normal visual ...
greyowl's user avatar
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