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Questions tagged [variables]

for variables in Emacs Lisp, which are symbols with values. The symbol’s name is also called the variable name. Most variable names, by convention, consist of lowercase, ordinary words separated by hyphens.

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How to pass a variable behind a quoted statement? [duplicate]

I have this code: (defun my-test (type) (org-roam-ql-nodes-files '(and (properties "TYPE" (format "%s" type))))) (my-test "wiki") It throws a type error ...
lyndhurst's user avatar
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use-package :bind loads package when passed symbol but not variable

I'm using the built in use-package macro of GNU Emacs 29.4. When I do (use-package magit :bind ("C-x g" . magit)) magit does not get loaded on emacs startup, as expected. But when I use ...
bird-dancer's user avatar
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Variable value changes when accessed (edebug "steps" twice on same variable)

As an aid, let me show you a video:, though it's not needed to follow this question. I'm going to edebug org-id-alist-to-hash (0:13 in video). First I verify that the ...
meedstrom's user avatar
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Variable for file name

How can I tell emacs/e-lisp to check if a user defined variable is a full path to a file or just a folder name? Currently, for one particular mode, user can just define variable for a sqlite database ...
kakk11's user avatar
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How can I get which packages define certain variables?

I'm getting back in to emacs after a few years away, and my old init.el is throwing up warnings like this: ⛔ Warning (comp): init.el:114:7: Warning: assignment to free variable ‘c-basic-offset’ ⛔ ...
Dan's user avatar
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How can I load a specific language server for a particular file extension?

I'm using emacs29 on linux. At present, if I load a file with the extension '.tsx', and then do 'M-x lsp-mode' I get an error: 'Symbol’s value as variable is void: lsp-ada-project-file' I assume that ...
bob.dobbs's user avatar
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Can cape be disabled on a mode basis?

I love using cape in text mode, but I cannot figure out how to stop it from activating in programming modes. Is it possible to either only enable it in certain modes or to disable it in specific modes?...
J. Mini's user avatar
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After refactoring elisp code, is there some help in finding unused code, mostly functions and variables?

Dealing with a one-file elisp package, I wonder if there is a nice way to see unused functions and variables after some major refactoring. I can go through the code and do xref-find-references. But ...
Harald's user avatar
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Using make-symbol, boundp and symbol-value to reference a variable whose name is made from a string

When I run the following three lines with eval-region (defcustom custom-var "some-custom-value" "for testing only") (setq indirectRef (make-symbol "custom-var")) (message ...
Harald's user avatar
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Format isearch-filter-predicate as describe-variable does

If I modify the isearch-filter-predicate variable with add-function and I do: (message "%s" isearch-filter-predicate) I get: "#[128 \304\300"\205\0\304\301"\207 [skip-...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Why does my function not accept a keymap when called as a variable?

I have to remap a lot of keys in existing maps while still remembering the old value of the map. To do that, I wrote some functions that go through lists of keys and lists of keymaps: (defun Daselt/...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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Precomposing all commands in a keymap with a function using a variable in another command

I'm working on a plugin that allows avy to act from a distance and immediately return to its starting position, which mostly works. However, there is a problem in that an action, such as the deletion ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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Ecukes step to set a variable

I have a package that changes its behavior based on several custom variables, and I want to set up scenarios based on those settings. Here is a step I wrote, but it doesn't seem to have any effect: (...
Daniel Doherty's user avatar
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How to set variable values using code that evaluates to their symbol names?

I have to back up and restore a bunch of variables in Emacs and thought I'd be clever about it, put the variable names into a list, then create a function that defines for each item in the list a new ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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How to run a function when a variable is accessed/read in Emacs Lisp?

I'm trying to find a way to run a function whenever a specific variable is accessed or read in Emacs Lisp. I want to know which functions are using this variable, but I don't know them beforehand. I'm ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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Better Static Analysis

What options are there for enhancing static analysis of emacs lisp code? Either via builtin flags or third party packages? I'm mainly referring to unused packages/modules and requires. I'm aware of ...
Nordlöw's user avatar
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Is it possible to save register values and restore them in another session?

I use registers (such as C-x r s 0) as a multi-valued clipboard that can save different contents (copy-to-register). Then I can "paste" the value using C-x r i 0. This is really convenient, ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Making cleveref insertions globally available

I keep all my commonly used latex packages in one custom package, including the referencing package cleveref. However, reftex is configured to only provide insertion of cleveref referencing commands ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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How to watch variables in gdb?

Is there any buffer in emacs' gdb that can print selected variables (e.g. print *display) on each change (step, next, finish etc.)? It would be useful as opposed to typing print variable each time.
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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I'm unsure which option to use for setting a variable: setq, customize-set-variable, or setopt

I'm a bit uncertain about which method to use for setting a variable: setq, customize-set-variable, or setopt. I did some research online, and it seems that opinions on this matter are quite varied. ...
Zoli's user avatar
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cannot use buffer-local variables after defining them

I'm trying to define a buffer-local variable inside a function using setq-local in a function here is the function definition: (defun set-buffer-local-variable () (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-...
ntriisii's user avatar
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How do I set package-vc-selected-packages to use a specific commit?

Emacs 29.1 introduced new functions to install packages directly from source. Configuring it to download from the latest commit works fine, but I can't find how to download from a specific commit ...
Balto's user avatar
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“assignment to free variable” warning after defvar

The compiler will issue a warning message Warning: assignment to free variable -/var if you evaluate the following forms: ;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (defvar -/var) (byte-compile (let (_) ...
shynur's user avatar
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How can I view the history of what variable I've looked up before with describe-variable?

Whenever I call (describe-variable) , there is no history of what variables I've recently viewed. Is there a way to enable it to have some kind of history?;)
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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Why is 'eval-after-load' required here?

(eval-after-load "dired" '(progn (define-key dired-mode-map "c" 'dired-create-empty-file) (define-key dired-mode-map "r" 'dired-do-compress-to))) Why is the ...
user129393192's user avatar
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(wrong-type-argument stringp custom-variable-set) Error when setting variable

I'm having an issue setting custom Emacs variables. When I try to set the variable pressing STATE I run into this error: (wrong-type-argument stringp custom-variable-set) This is the full debugger ...
Enrico Pirani's user avatar
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How can I let-bind a variable to input read with `completing-read`?

How can I store the selected value in a let variable when using completing-read ? (let ( (selc '("Lower-Skeleton" "Upper-Skeleton")) ) (completing-read "Vista: " selc ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Is there a reason for having beginning-of-defun-function/end-of-defun-function global?

I was working on a mode, setq'ed them with my functions and... emacs broke (really) For some reason these variable are global. I made them buffer-local, but is there a good reason for having them ...
Lorenzo Marcantonio's user avatar
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Some functions/commands appear to be missing

I cannot call emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column mentioned here or url-link mentioned here. Neither using M-x nor in code. I use Emacs 28.2. Are these commands provided by a package ? As far as I read, ...
Tristan Riehs's user avatar
2 votes
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Marking as safe all possible lists of strings

Following this answer, I put the following lines in a .dir-locals.el file: ((latex-mode (TeX-engine . default) (mode . latex ) (TeX-master . "main") (ispell-buffer-session-localwords ...
tigerjack's user avatar
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"Symbol's value as variable is void: file-name" when using let

I want to create an Emacs lisp function which composes a path of a diary file which has the format <some directory>/t<timestamp>.org and determines whether or not such file exists. I ...
Franz Drollig's user avatar
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Random warning popping up occasionally when using eshell

I occasionally get this warning while running eshell: Warning (comp): tramp-loaddefs.el.gz:745:2478: Warning: reference to free variable ‘tramp-remote-path’ and was wondering how to fix it. According ...
user129393192's user avatar
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Why does (setopt ...) not give "assignment to free variable" warning, unlike setq and customize-set-variable?

I'm using Emacs 29.0.60 If I open emacs -q, open a Emacs Lisp buffer with FlyMake enabled and type this: ;;; init.el --- summary ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (setq var1 2) (customize-set-variable var2 ...
cidra's user avatar
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Any way to access a lexical let variable outside of the let?

I need to retrieve a local, lexical, runtime variable from a function, but I'm unable to modify the function to return it because it is from an external library. The variable I'm unable to reach is ...
sextrism's user avatar
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How to set a local variable when a certain file is visited

EDIT: Changed "load" to "visit" I want to set a variable when a specific file is visited, for example "package.json". Note I don't want to set a variable when any json ...
Daniel Pérez's user avatar
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expand org variable value in situ

Is there a way to link to an orgmode variable's value? Or at least export it? I can get a link to jump to the variable definition, but not display its value or export. for example the text in ...
stayfrostypeople's user avatar
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gnu-calc: How to declare variables in R (Real)?

I'm figuring out complex algebraic calculation in gnu-calc. Suppose: after many long calculation I got following algebraic expression: -8 * a - 2 * b + 2 * b * i - 40 * i - 8 and I want the imaginary ...
Garid's user avatar
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Using a `defconst' or `defvar' While the Variable Has a Local Binding Sets the Global Binding?

The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, 12.5 Defining Global Variables: If you use a defconst or defvar special form while the variable has a local binding (made with let, or a function argument), it ...
shynur's user avatar
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Is the capture template bound to a variable?

I have the following defvar that declares a variable and gives it a string value. Notice, I used the word "gives" but I was wondering if "bind" would be the proper one to use. (...
Zoli's user avatar
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How to set a variable name with a variable?

I want to do this. (let ((myvar "my/variable") (myval "Some Value")) (setq myvar myval)) The manual method is: (setq "my/variable" "Some Value") Here ...
ritchie's user avatar
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What does defvar do in this code?

I know this may sound silly but what does defvar do in the code below? Does it define a variable that hold a capture template? or we say that the template is bound to the variable capture-template-...
Zoli's user avatar
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org-agenda files variable: I'm not sure that the value is set just on init.el

Pressing C-h v I can see the value of this variable. In my init.el I've commented out this variable assignment: ;;(setq org-agenda-files '( "~/org/*.org")), and restarted Emacs. But if I ...
RenatoP's user avatar
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How to stop set-auto-mode from removing local variable binding? [duplicate]

Why does (set-auto-mode) remove the local variable binding and how I can keep the local binding around? (defvar-local test-var nil) (setq test-var t) (message "%s" test-var) ;; t (set-auto-...
breatheoutbreathein's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you use a variable in the "replacement" part of query-replace-regexp?

I want to do simple replacements in a LaTeX source using something like that: ;; test-1 (query-replace-regexp (regexp-quote FOO) (concat "Foo " ...
Onner Irotsab's user avatar
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Why doesn't stringp evaluate the expression in this case?

I'm relatively new to Elisp and I'm trying to figure out a bug in my code, but I have no idea what to search or read in order to get an idea about it. The bug is in this code: (defvar some-variable &...
user5954246's user avatar
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Can't access a global variable inside a function in elisp?

I am trying to make a simple function that toggles "lsp-ui-doc-show" and "lsp-ui-doc-hide", by calling the same function every time. Thought it was simple enough to use a global ...
Sergiu Elmi's user avatar
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GNU emacs lisp: string match (how to pass emacs-version correctly)

I'm newbie with Emacs and I'm experimenting with Lisp on GNU Emacs-26.1. Can't understand why the following simple piece of Elisp code does not work: (string-match "^GNU Emacs" emacs-...
Mark's user avatar
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How do I update xref-backend-functions?

I'm not sure what kind of variable xref-backend-functions and how to update it. After I open a .c file, I do M-: and do (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'gxref-xref-backend) and it shows me (gxref-...
ackerleytng's user avatar
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Can I somehow hook a variable? [duplicate]

So a function is called when the variable value is changed? add-hook seems to only accept functions.
xeruf's user avatar
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.bashrc environment variables not picked up by Spacemacs?

I've added a few environment variables to my .bashrc file, some of these are paths to customized bin/programs, such as: export MY_ENV_PATH_VAR=/home/user/path/to/bin I've refreshed spacemacs' ....
stigma's user avatar
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