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Questions tagged [widget]

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11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to translate between custom choice type and widget items?

I have a custom variable (defcustom myvar .... :type '(choice (const :tag "foo" 1) ...)) and I need to map it to (widget-create ... '(item :tag "foo" :value 1) ...) ...
sds's user avatar
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Choosing files and directories from widgets

I'm looking for the most convenient way to set up a Customize options page to enter a set of directories and then select one of those directories and one file in the selected directory (if possible, ...
Lorenzo Gatti's user avatar
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Customize-like form

I'd like to create a form, like the one displayed by customize, in order to ask to the user some information. The form should let me provide a description, a default value, and eventually display a ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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'editable-field' widget is not playing nice with `widget-value-set'

When I evaluate the following form, (defun magithub-issue-form () (interactive) (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*magithub issue*") (switch-to-buffer-other-window (current-buffer)) ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Emacs link widget gives the error "gui-get-primary-selection: No selection is available"

I am reading the The Emacs Widget Library. The library describes the widget properties in general and not per widget. So I'd like some more insights about the link widget properties and use. :notify ...
antonio's user avatar
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Local map of xwidget-webkit-mode?

In xwidget-webkit-mode, the command M-x local-set-key RET S-<right> windmove-right RET has no effect — the key continues to be bound to xwidget-webkit-pass-command-event. Also, M-x local-unset-...
toomas's user avatar
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Emacs widgets: editing problems with integer widget

If I try to set up a buffer with just one integer widget, I have a very hard time editing the field. The initial value seems stuck there and, if I try to edit it away I get a End of file during ...
Marco Antoniotti's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a emacs shotcut that runs a specific terminal command before opening emacs?

a friend of mine recomended that I use a program called obsidian to make notes,and I quite liked the idea, but i didn't like the program. I have been searching and it seeams to me that org-roam in ...
user38135's user avatar
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About input fields in a buffer

I've been perusing forms.el trying to find out how would one go about having a text input field in a buffer that can be edited, without any luck. I'm completely missing the part where the field is ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Widgets: How to notify on exiting "editable-field"

This is a follow-up on Creating buttons/input fields. I learned that forms (or rather its elements) in Emacs are called widgets and I am now experimenting on how I can get the best result for what I ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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In a buffer with widgets how can I find out what function is called on a (link) widget

In a buffer with widgets how can I find out what functions widgets call? Let's say I position the cursor on a widget, I execute M-x widget-browse-at and know now that the widget is of class "link". ...
halloleo's user avatar
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