Questions tagged [x11]

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4 votes
0 answers

Emacs frame disappearing

I have an odd intermittent problem with Emacs disappearing from view. I haven't quite figured out the trigger for this. It doesn't happen often and I can't reproduce it on purpose. Sometimes it ...
8 votes
4 answers

How can I send Super from my Mac to my Emacs instance?

I run emacs in two ways: One as a Mac OS X executable, built from source, and the other as a Linux executable using the Lucid toolkit, in daemon mode, connected to using a graphical emacscient using ...
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0 answers

How to completely disable drag-and-drop of file in X11 Emacs?

This issue irks me for a long time... I use Emacs under X11 + KDE (plasmashell + kwin_x11), and Emacs GUI window always robs the dragging event when I am dragging a file from file manager into the ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to install emacs29 with X11 support?

After installing emacs 29 with yay emacs29-git now on startx I get: You are trying to run Emacs configured with the "pure-GTK" interface under the X Window System. That configuration is ...
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0 answers

Why can't EXWM manage native macOS applications?

I have been using a Macbook Air M1 for professional reasons and I would like to amplify Emacs in my life. One thing I have been searching for is the introduction of EXWM in my workflow. Unfortunately, ...
18 votes
5 answers

On Linux why should one choose Lucid over Gtk gui for emacs?

I run Ubuntu 16.04. On searching Ubuntu Software app for Emacs I am presented with two guis, Lucid and Gtk. Which one should I choose and why?
4 votes
2 answers

Copy and paste between Emacs in an X terminal and other X applications

I am running Emacs in Gnome-terminal on Ubuntu. The way I know to copy and paste between emacs and other applications is by Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, which I think is by the terminal emulator. A problem ...
0 votes
1 answer

Getting R to Display Graphs in Emacs Window

There are some old threads asking about getting R to display its graphics in an emacs window (e.g. ESS plot directly to an Emacs buffer?) and the ESS manual says, 11.6.2 Using ESS with windowing ...
1 vote
1 answer

When compiling Emacs on RHEL8 should I better bind to GTK3 or GTK2?

I am compiling Emacs 27.1 on a RHEL8 Linux box. This RHEL system is a remote system I log in from my Windows machine using MobaXterm (Personal Edition V12.1) on the Windows machine as X server. On ...
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0 answers

How to use Emacs+ESS to access GNU R within docker including x11 without openssh-server

I'm using Debian Stable (currently Buster) to do my programming in GNU R. As an IDE I'm using both Nvim-R (a vim/neovim-plugin) as well as Emacs+ESS but not Rstudio (although it's a great IDE for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Cedilla (ç) not being mapped correctly only on Emacs, how do I map it correctly? And why is this happening?

I've been using the US International keyboard layout for typing the cedilla character (ç) — and other Portuguese characters; and other bizarro other accidental ones — for a while, and it works on ...
12 votes
2 answers

Is there an X11-free build of Emacs that can run on Wayland (not going through XWayland)

I am running Wayland on Ubuntu 18.04. According to the Wayland FAX, one of it's advantages, compared to X11, is that Wayland allows better isolation between processes: one window cannot access ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to show all split window titles in the X11 window title?

If I split an Emacs frame (one X11 window) into multiple Emacs windows (with C-x 2 and C-x 3) and open different Emacs buffers in different Emacs windows, Emacs frame title (X11 window title) displays ...
2 votes
1 answer

Binding XF86Cut and XF86Copy to Emacs Commands

I have a keyboard with dedicated keys for XF86Cut, XF86Copy, XF86Paste. I want to bind these to Emacs commands. The goal is get the usual behavior for cut-and-paste between Emacs, my terminal, and my ...
1 vote
1 answer

emacs --daemon crashes when parent ssh session dies

I'm using emacs 26.1 (although I don't think this is a new issue with this verison). Note - this is not the GTK bug which results in the daemon crashing if X Connectivity is lost. I am aware of that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Tramp x11 on Mac os (local) , centos (remote)

I understand that I should be able to use X11 to show graphs from a remote R when I use a local emacs to connect to the remote machine with tramp. I have tried a few different things but can not get ...
3 votes
2 answers

Using tramp and ESS-mode, how can I get the R interpreter to execute locally?

I use tramp to edit R files on a remote server. When I evaluate R code within ESS-mode, it starts an R interpreter on the remote machine. However, at the moment ssh -X to the server does not work, so ...
1 vote
1 answer

Run Emacs in GUI mode without X over SSH

With Emacs 26.1 installed on a Linux RedHat flavour without X, I want to run Emacs GUI over an SSH connection with X11 forwarding and Xming server on client. Since there is no X on the machine, Emacs ...
1 vote
1 answer

Emacs 26 build on RHEL6 has blank window frame

I just built Emacs 26.1 (stable) on Centos 6 (RHEL 6.9). When I fire up the executable with src/emacs -Q over X11 it shows an empty window with no minibuffer: I built Emacs without gnutls, but that ...
0 votes
1 answer

Running Emacs through X2Go, the bidirectional clipboard does not work, even though it works for other programs

Being in home-office due to the Corona outbreak, I am using Emacs and other programs through X2Go. I am also running a terminal through GNU Screen in a MinTTY window, because scrolling the terminal ...
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0 answers

X Session Desktop integration

When I run Emacs under an X11 session manager, it provides a RestartCommand="emacs25 --smid=ef85455de14b4e6a8a8c39dae106b554 --chdir=/some/dir". I would like it to open the same files as last time, ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to make fonts show anti-aliased on Linux/X11?

With Linux/X11, certain font's show without anti-aliasing. JetBrains Mono Cascadia Code These two fonts show with anti-aliasing in other programs (st terminal for example). All other fonts show with ...
1 vote
0 answers

emacs: Work out which monitor is the primary one

Is there a way to programatically work out which display is considered the "primary" display for X within emacs? I've managed to get a function working that determines if the machine has more than ...
14 votes
2 answers

Make emacsclient create a frame only if there isn't one already

How can I make emacsclient -a '' -n create a new frame only if there isn't one already? The problem with the -c flag is that it creates a new frame every time. The problem without it is that if there ...
2 votes
1 answer

emacs in --deamon mode dies when X display socket closes. How to prevent this?

My initial quest is Can emacs on Mac using native window system connect to an emacs server on a Linux system but I got off on a tangent that might work ok but I hit a speed bump. As described in the ...
4 votes
0 answers

byte-compile much slower in X (vs. -nw)

Setup Windows 10 host with X server (VcXsrv) Linux guest (Arch) in virtual machine (VMware) Benchmark (defmacro measure-time (&rest body) "Measure the time it takes to evaluate BODY." `(let ...
0 votes
1 answer

xclip fails to set selection when using tramp

I use Emacs in the terminal (emacs -nw) and xclip.el for synchronising the kill ring with the X clipboard. Under normal circumstances this works fine, but when visiting buffers with tramp xclip is not ...
1 vote
1 answer

Tramp and X11 forwarding when changing user (su)

I can connect to a remote server with Tramp C-x C-f /ssh:group@remotehost: and get a plot output window (with ess R). But if I change user C-x C-f /ssh:group@remote|su:user@remote: there's no X11 ...
6 votes
1 answer

Emacs 26.1 RC1 display issues over SSH/X11 with xming/vcxsrv

I can compile Emacs 26.1 RC1 ok, and use it locally on the host fine. However, when attempting to ssh -X to host via PuTTY 0.70 and launch the Emacs gui, emacs is not displaying correctly. See ...
5 votes
1 answer

X11 -- Why is the Emacs logo image missing on the Welcome screen?

I'm working on developing a new Emacs feature for all three Window systems supported by Emacs, and would like a complete working installation of Emacs built --with-x --with-x-toolkit=no. The welcome ...
2 votes
1 answer

Mapping AltGr+t key as a Ctrl+x (How to use AltGr key effectively in Emacs)

I am using international keyboard and extensively use AltGr key. There are many unused keys with AltGr so I would like to map AltGr+t = Crtl+x. I don't want to remap AltGr to Crtl; I just want to use ...
4 votes
3 answers

Hide mouse pointer while typing

Some programs, like many terminal emulators and gVim, hide the mouse pointer as soon as the keyboard is in use. Obviously, this is helpful when the mouse pointer happens to obscure some text behind it....
1 vote
1 answer

Second meta key

On my keyboard layout, pressing some key combinations (like M-c as C is where R is on the American keyboard layout) can be quite tricky. This is why I want Alt Gr or the context menu key to be a meta ...
1 vote
0 answers

small font for programming wanted [closed]

I have a low-res screen (1366x768) and therefore are searching for a small font which is clearly readable. Till now I used this font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-c-50-iso10646-1 I had ...
0 votes
0 answers

Retaining focus while displaying graphics windows

NB: The Emacs world uses the word frame to refer to what in most other contexts is called window, and uses the word window to describe something else. In this post, however, the word window always ...
8 votes
4 answers

Emacs cursor color is different in daemon and non-daemon modes

There's some weird stuff I encounter when running Emacs under KDE. Here's how it looks when I run it normally, via the emacs command: If I run it as a daemon, here's what I see: And if I run ...
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0 answers

mode-line-inactive after system window loses focus

When a system/X11 window (frame) with Emacs loses focus, how can I make its mode line become mode-line-inactive? It stays active, keeping the standard mode-line look/face… Shouldn’t it be the default?...
2 votes
0 answers

Key bindings are not recognized with non-Latin keyboard layouts on Ubuntu

A lot of times I have to change the input language of the keyboard (from English to a different one) causing the problem of the Emacs commands to not be recognized. Normally when you press Ctrl+A you ...
3 votes
3 answers

Emacs slows to a crawl when Chrome is running

Really bizarre issue here; I suspect it's X-related. This may be better suited to the Linux/Unix SE, but I figured there might be more domain-specific expertise here. Often (but not 100% of the time)...
3 votes
3 answers

connect to remote emacs session via ssh

Unfortunately, I forgot to start the emacs-server at work, running on Linux. Is there now any option to connect to my remote graphical X11 emacs session via ssh?
3 votes
0 answers

make-frame-on-display & emacsclient fail w/ exported display while other apps are fine

I am connecting to my office GNU/Linux box from a windows laptop through a putty ssh tunnel. I have also on the laptop the java WeirdX X11 server, that is declared in putty to use the localhost:2 (...
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0 answers

Slime fuzzy completion not working correctly in TTY mode

I have Slime configured with fuzzy completion and it works perfectly when I'm using it in X11 mode (M-TAB, list of completions pops up in a separate buffer, C-n/p allows to choose the right completion,...
11 votes
2 answers

Prevent mouse click in inactive frames from reposistioning point

I want to prevent the "first" click on a frame in an inactive X window from having any effect, other than to make the frame active. Specifically, I don't want it to reposition point. The problem is ...
4 votes
1 answer

Get emacsclient to reuse exising X-window, iff any [duplicate]

I'm trying to set my desktop environment to use emacsclient to open text files. I would like only one emacs x-window to be opened. Yet I don't know which command can be used to have an x-window ...
2 votes
1 answer

X11 GUI low quality display when using server

Why is Emacs X11's display such bad quality, and how do I fix it? When I use Emacs Cocoa locally, I get a good visuals. But when I use the X11 forwarding on my department's server, the quality is ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I tell emacs to ignore the XF86AudioFoo keys?

Using 24.5.1 on OpenBSD 5.9. OpenBSD's sndiod listens for XF86AudioLowerVolume and the rest, but if emacs is running in graphical mode with either GTK2 or GTK3 (I haven't tried lucid/AWT, but I will ...
7 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between `-Q` and `-q --no-init-file --nosplash`

I have started seeing some strange X related behaviour in emacs. I have not been able to pin it down. It goes away when I run emacs -Q, but is still present when running emacs -q --no-init-file --...
1 vote
0 answers

Toolbar icons unable to load when running Emacs through xhost from FreeBSD to Ubuntu

I'm connected to a FreeBSD Computer using ssh [ip] -X, and emacs launches just fine, but this happens and all the icons are little pieces of paper with red X's: > emacs (emacs:22812): GdkPixbuf-...
2 votes
1 answer

How to add killed region to X Window primary selection

I use Emacs in a terminal window on Linux, using the --no-window-system option. Prior to version 24, if I clicked the middle mouse button in another application window, it would paste the last-killed ...
4 votes
2 answers

What's the best API to use to interrogate the size of the underlying window system?

I'm currently working on using the crouton xiwi X windows target to run an Emacs session on a Chromebook. I've done this by starting Emacs as the last entry in .xinitrc making it effectively the ...