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Font-lock Yasnippet template from within Org-Babel block

I want to manage my library of snippets from a single org-mode document and tangle these to their respective snippet files, as needed. Now functionally, this works out-of-the box, with the one ...
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yasnippet color

I use yasnippet in orgmode to expand codeblocks of Python and start typing code. My snippet is defined as: # -*- mode: snippet -*- # name: emacs-jupyter code block for python (silent) # key: <spp #...
Guilherme Salome's user avatar
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Jump sequence for placeholders in yasnippet not working in org-property blocks

I use the yasnippet bundle and it works like charm. When I want to include placeholders in a PROPERTIES section of an org-document it is not working. Here's the snipper: #type: snippet # -- :...
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