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0 votes
1 answer

set paths in init file taking OS into account

I use the same config file between my windows-linux-mac machines. But I'm having some trouble setting some org folders because of the different definition of paths per OS. For instance setting my ...
1 vote
0 answers

Org-mode export to text: exporting citation to plain text

I am trying to generate text files from org files(originally intended for latex>PDF outputs), for submissions that require plain text. org-file: #+TITLE: Foo #+latex_class: article-no-defaults #+...
1 vote
1 answer

Drawing a horizontal line to a specific column number in ESS

I want to be able to execute a command in ESS to quickly add a horizontal line (using dashes) out to column 80. This will be used for header comments. I'd like to be able to re-execute the command ...
0 votes
2 answers

Automating magit

How can I do this more efficiently, assuming I do this hundreds of times a day - it becomes tedious. # while editing a source code file M-x magit-stage-file M-x magit-commit type in wip C-c to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Magit - remove confirmation when popping stash

Is there a way to remove a confirmation when popping a stash? Documentation say nothing about popping the stash. It says however that when dropping more than one stash, it has the confirmation by ...
2 votes
0 answers

Multiline prompt with ansi-term

Running plain Emacs with emacs -Q then running ansi-term, if I input some long text in the prompt such that the text breaks into the next line (without hitting Return), then I hit C-x 2 to create ...
2 votes
1 answer

Emacs term in character mode still catching my keymap

I have the following code in my init.el (defun my-foo (arg) (interactive "^p") (message "We got hit") ) (defvar my-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "C-r") '...
2 votes
1 answer

Emacs doesn't seem to recognize .emacs.d on the latest Windows Insider Preview

I was able to use Emacs normally on Windows until the latest update to Build 17711.rs_prerelease.180703-1539. Now, whenever I start Emacs, it just shows the default welcome page, even though .emacs.d ...
4 votes
1 answer

quickly clear org babel results buffer

How to quickly remove this bit #+RESULTS: :RESULTS: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it Possible to automate file editing using emacs?

So what i am trying to achieve is the auto-editing of hex files. For example - The user enters a hex address, and the hex value to replace at that address. This change is to be applied to 10 different ...
2 votes
1 answer

mmm-mode and flyspell

I use mmm-mode in order to add python code in LaTeX. So i have something like this in my emacs config: (use-package mmm-mode :ensure t :config (mmm-add-group 'latex-python '((latex-...
3 votes
0 answers

profiler-report seems to be missing data

I'm trying to profile the usually excellent find-things-fast package to figure out why it's slow in my project. I started profiling with profiler-start, executed the command that's slow (ftf-find-...
5 votes
1 answer

Using pipe in a shell command

Say I am in dired and the pointer is on a file called test which contains: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. I type ! to run a shell command ...
4 votes
1 answer

Smarter behaviour for "rename-uniquely"?

I am starting to use "rename-uniquely" for help buffers so I can see multiple function helps at the same time. However, what I get is: *Help* *Help*<2> *Help*<3> etc What I would ...
2 votes
1 answer

PS1 under term and shell doesn't match system

I find under both shells and terms in Emacs my prompt does not appear as I would expect based on my $PS1 appears as... # Shell under Emacs ]0;[email protected]: /home/slackline@samba....
0 votes
0 answers

Org-export scope subtree: ignore multiple trees with a single tag

I use orgmode to export to latex using the subtree export command C-c C-e C-s l l. Suppose I have a .org file like below: * My main project ** Chapter 1 - Done ** Chapter 2 - Partially Done ** ...
3 votes
1 answer

Helm-occur: How edit result?

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Helm I want to find text "test3". So I use helm-occur As result I get 5 candidates. Nice. Now I want to edit text direct in buffer helm-occur. How I can do this?
2 votes
2 answers

magit with tramp is not working with git correctly

I installed magit. I added the following lines to my .emacs: (require 'tramp) (push "/path/to/git/directory/" tramp-remote-path) And when I am in tramp I run M-x magit-version here is the output: ...
2 votes
0 answers

function to do helm-do-ag for a specific project

I want to wrap the helm-do-ag in another function to search in a specific dir. The following is the description of helm-do-ag. helm-do-ag is an interactive Lisp closure in `helm-ag.el'. (helm-do-ag &...
0 votes
1 answer

How to do case-insensitive rgrep for cyrillics?

I tried to use rgrep to search in cyrillic files with UTF-8 encoding (M-x rgrep command with search query бонус), the resulting command name was /usr/bin/find . -type d ( -path */SCCS -o -path */...
3 votes
2 answers

How to show available options with evil-leader? (like spacemacs)

Spacemacs has a nice ability to show available keys when pressing the leader key. How can bound leader keys be displayed with evil-leader ? Or is this only available via a different package?
0 votes
1 answer

Tutorial Exercise - C-x C-s Save -- Write Protected issue in OSX

I'm making my way through the tutorial and have run into an issue when trying to do the exercise on saving a file: Saving file /~TUTORIAL... basic-save-buffer-2: Directory / write-protected Auto-...
5 votes
1 answer

Edit simultaneously many buffers and save all of them after edit

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Helm I open 3 different files: I need: Edit simultaneously all buffers. Add text "customer/" to the node "bodyFileName"in all buffers. After edit save all buffers, Here ...
1 vote
1 answer

Disable `indent-relative`

What's the right way to disable Emacs' default indent-relative behaviour and make sure that TAB always indents by a single level (be it a tab or whitespace character)? There doesn't seem to much ...
2 votes
0 answers

Emacs not covering entire terminal in fullscreen mode

I'm running emacs in my full screen gnome terminal (version 3.28.2) on Ubuntu 18.04.1 using emacs -nw but am struggling to get the frame to fit the entire screen. Here is a picture of my terminal, ...
0 votes
3 answers

Use adaptive wrapping only in one specific major mode

I am using adaptive wrapping (see Correct indentation for wrapped lines) but it applies to all major modes. I would like to only use it for html. What I have tried so far is adding the following to my ...
2 votes
0 answers

helm-grep-do-git-grep - search only in current dir

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Helm If I run command M-x helm-grep-do-git-grep it's search text in current folder and all subfolders. But I need to search text only in current folder. How I can do this?
1 vote
1 answer

Can I convince EPA encrypt for an expired key

Through a series of my own errors my public key is expired and I don't have the master key with me to re-sign it. I use this key to encrypt many files i use on a daily basis, most importantly org ...
1 vote
0 answers

Tramp fails to open remote shell when connecting to android

I'm trying to connect to my Android device via SSH using TRAMP. I've setup my SSHDroid, configured ssh keys and my ~/.ssh/config, so I'm able to connect with just ssh android from terminal. But when ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I get working motion keys with `emacs -nw`?

when I start Emacs without windowing system (-nw), the motion keys are not working. Instead, I get (parts of) the escape sequences, like: ;; This buffer is for text that is not saved, and for Lisp ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Open multiple files in different tabs when starting emacs

I'm using Emacs on Windows. I plan on making a shortcut to Emacs for quick access. However, I have 3 files that should always be opened when I start emacs (ideally in 3 separate tabs), and I want ...
4 votes
1 answer

Fontify org quote blocks with font-locked markup

I have org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks set to t and '(org-block ((t (:foreground "#2E8B57")))) to make quote blocks stand out in a particular color. However, this also means that I cannot get ...
3 votes
1 answer

Emacs 26.1 crash on server-start with stale auth files when server-use-tcp enabled

I've been experiencing a crash since upgrading to Emacs 26.1 and MacOS 10.13.4. It happens when running server-start (which is in my .emacs file), and a stale server auth file exists from a previous ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to prevent Emacs from converting JavaScript symbols to HTML code?

When I insert a portion of JavaScript code within an HTML file, Emacs convert some basic JS symbols to their HTML code. For example when I type >, Emacs convert it automatically to &gt; which ...
3 votes
1 answer

Splitting window vertically (rather than horizontally) when searching in Dired

My Emacs Dired window is wider than it is tall. After marking some files (say %m *.cpp) in Dired and running M-x dired-do-find-regexp <REGEXP> (A), I find myself in split-window-below (ex split-...
0 votes
1 answer

Emacs forces me to write HTML tags instead of PHP code

When I edit a PHP file, and when to type for example <?php I get the cursor moved to the lower buffer suggesting me to write an HTML tag instead: How to circumvent this issue?
5 votes
2 answers

Emacs equivalent to :set list in vim

I'm looking for a way to display hidden characters like newline and tab characters in emacs. I am NOT trying to convert the characters, just display them in the current buffer. In vi(m), I can do ...
14 votes
1 answer

org agenda date prompt mini calendar start week on monday

When I schedule an item in org agenda, I get the calendar prompt with a mini-calendar of three month blocks. The first column is set to 'sunday'. I would like to set the first column to 'monday' as ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there keyboard shortcut for changing DEADLINE warning date?

In org-mode, warning date for a TODO's DEADLINE can be designated by giving the - date. For example, DEADLINE: <2004-02-29 Sun -5d> Is there any keyboard shortcut for changing this warning ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to troubleshoot a key binding prompting for more key presses?

I have a function bound to Ctrl-b, this runs a command immediately, however after some time running emacs, pressing this binding shows text C-b in the message bar, prompting for other keys to be ...
0 votes
1 answer

org-capture Template expansion leading whitespace: bug, feature, workaround

Emacs 26.1 org-mode: 9.1.9 I have an issue with the way org-capture expands a template when it comes to line beginnings: This template (setq org-capture-templates '(("o" "Todo" entry (file+...
6 votes
1 answer

Mimic self-insert-command with insert/insert-char?

Due to various/extensive remappings I insert symbols with Control+key, for example Ctrl+9 inserts a left parenthesis (. This works fine with the remappings and the insert/insert-commands, however, ...
6 votes
1 answer

Toggle text visibility

I would like to temporarily not be able to see what I am writing (counter-intuitive, I know, but sometimes it's helpful to not be able to immediately criticize what you are writing in order to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Tramp: Cannot Save File

I am new to tramp and I am trying to edit a file stored in a remote server. I connect to the file through C-x C-f /ssh:username@host:path_to_file/myfile.m. And on my init.el I have the options: (setq ...
2 votes
1 answer

Kill default buffer (with cursor)

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Helm I open 3 buffers (3 files). Show only 2 buffers. As you can see the current buffer is my_buffer_1 because cursor is in this buffer. I want to kill this current buffer. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Concat in Org Easy Templates [duplicate]

I have a variety of org easy templates. I have a new file template which includes a #+DATE header that I'd like to populate with the current date [at the time the template is called]. The ...
4 votes
1 answer

Format fails to copy text properties from the format-string for adjacent %-sequences

Take a look at this example: (format (concat "%s" (propertize "%s" 'face 'error)) "foo" "bar") "foobar" (format (concat "%s " (propertize "%s" 'face 'error)) "foo" "bar") #("foo bar" 4 7 (face error)...
0 votes
2 answers

Disabling a minor mode in a specific buffer

Running spacemacs 0.200.13 on emacs 25.2.2 on Kubuntu 18.04. I have globally enabled golden-ratio-mode (a minor mode). But I would like to disable it in a particular buffer, *Org Agenda* to be ...
6 votes
2 answers

dired-listing-switches -- time-style format (with a space)

My version of ls supports a time-style format (with a space) as follows: --time-style=+%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S The entire dired-listing-switches looks like this: "-alh --group-directories-first --time-...
4 votes
1 answer

How to make everything except the text transparent?

How to make everything except the text transparent?

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